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  • Mar 14, 2009, 07:27 PM
    My 3 yr old and bed time

    i have a 3 year old, and i have been trying to get her to sleep in her own room without me. We just moved into a new house and she has never had her on room. So someone told me when she gets out of bed not to say anything to her and put her back in bed. It seems like its never ending. i'm up and down all night long because i can't get her to stay in bed all night. She comes in my room crying and begging to sleep with me. I have to get up and put her back in bed, but it seems like she has a harder time in the middle of the night then she does going to bed. Is there a easier way to keep her in her bed all night?
  • Mar 14, 2009, 07:33 PM

    Does she have any favorite story books or stuffed animals that are there for her in bed?

    How long have you been trying for?

    When we did it the first night took, 4 hours of going back and forth. He got so exhausted he fell asleep in bed.

    It takes time, but just reassure her that you love her. Give her a back rub, sing a song or a prayer... read a bedtime story and let her have some things on her bed...
  • Mar 14, 2009, 07:36 PM

    I think it will just take time and LOTS of repetition. If she's scared from a bad dream comfort her but otherwise, continue to put her back in her own bed. Since you said she's never had her own room, it may take a while for her to get used to being alone. Put a night light in the room if she doesn't already have one and leave the door open if there's not a lot of traffic outside her room. This way, she won't feel SO alone.
  • Mar 14, 2009, 07:41 PM

    She loves her Elmo book. I read it to her every night. And she has stuffed animals. But when I go to walk out she throws them across the room and runs out of her room. I have been doing this for about a week now. I do feel helpless when she does this. And on top of it all I'm pregnant, and feel so tired that I just want to give in and sleep with her or let her sleep with me.
  • Mar 14, 2009, 07:52 PM
    Well when I was younger we moved a few times and I would never sleep in my room so my mam sat with me in while I fell asleep singing and rubbin my hair you can try that just stay with her while she falls asleep and sing her a really confortin song den when she fall asleep put a teddy or something beside her that has your perfume on it.And do this until she's comfortable in her new surroundings xx:o
  • Mar 15, 2009, 02:59 AM

    When I went through this with my daughter I would sit with her for a couple minutes and then tell her I had to leave for something (go get a drink, go to the bathroom, whatever) and that I would come back and check on her in a couple minutes. It worked really well. I would shorten the amount of time I sat with her (started at 5 minutes and then decreased it gradually) and stayed away for longer. The key to this is make sure you always return if you tell her you are going to.
  • Mar 15, 2009, 04:21 PM

    Have you tried reading her a bedtime story before sleep, clearly explain to her we will have 2 story before bed them we sleep, or something along those lines, also you could try a sticker or reward chart, decorate one with your child and explain to her she will receive a sticker each morning if she is a 'big girl' and sleeps in her own bed, this turns bedtime into a fun game.
    Another way could be to give her something, such as a teddy, clothes, etc to cuddle that smell of you, or simply rocking her to sleep of playing with her hair etc, and do this each time she wakes.

    Hope you get some ideas, good luck.

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