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  • Feb 22, 2005, 11:47 PM
    Nasty headache with other issues
    Anyway, I get severe migrains almost every month it seems... Ill be out for a few days, where I can't do anything. Anyway, after the migrain attack Im usually fine and can get back to normal business... but after my recent migrain attack I have had a severe lingering headache that's almost a migrain itself. I get lightheadedness dizzyness I have a hard time sleeping or getting to sleep and when I do sleep it makes my problem worse. It seems Im always tired can't concentrate or focus and sometimes Ill just randomly lose all balance.

    Also, along with the lingering headache I have a sinus issue and I don't know what from. I have blocked nasal passages thick discharge and sometimes with blood. Usually Ill have a runny nose with occasional sneezing. And Im always getting mucus/phlem in the mouth and back of the throat especially after sleeping. This has been going on for 4-5 days now, even with the use of over the counter drugs nothing has really helped. Its rare I have any issues after a migrain attack, but this problem is really bothering me and affecting my daily life. Im concerned but I don't know what to do. Any ideas? I haven't been to a doctor in years, because I flat out can't afford it... so can somebody perhaps give me an answer besides "call your doctor"? Im not sure how to even go about finding a doctor to call.
  • Feb 23, 2005, 07:22 AM
    Hey, are you f or m?
    Sounds like a sinus infection to me.
    Try doing a steam treatment with your head under a towel over a pot of steaming (not too hot!! ) water. You can add Vicks, horseradish (very good) or other herbs. Do this frequently.
    Of course, look up on-line to get more info on what helps. Antibiotics would surely help but you say no doctors. (I don't like doctors either but sometimes am reduced to going)
    Good luck,
  • Feb 25, 2005, 12:06 AM
    Male, and thanks for the reply... things are starting to get better, but still a pain. Ill try what you said there. I did notice ofter a long steam shower things were better, so I guess Ill just start steaming my face more often...

    Im still wondering about the headache though, is that also caused by the sinus infection? And its not so much I hate doctors, I really can't afford them. I make like 6-7K a year... dont even ask about my teeth. :(
  • Feb 25, 2005, 06:43 AM
    One of the best non-prescription medicines for mucas or phlem is Mucinex.
    Also, Bidex is non-prescription, about 1/3 the cost of Mucinex, and works just as well. It allows the mucas to be concentrated into one "wad", and is much easier to spit up.

    If you really get bad-off with migraines and have to go to a doctor, a very good prescription medication is Maxalt.

    Also, it's a good idea to use a nasal saline solution for the nose. Ocean Spray is a popular brand name, but any other will work fine... about $1 per bottle.
    Best of luck,
  • Feb 25, 2005, 06:48 AM
    Re: headache
    Oh! Yes, sinus infections give you horrible headaches!
    Now, bad teeth will also give you bad headaches AND you get sinus
    Infections FROM bad teeth. The cavities in the teeth allow bacteria and germs to spread into the sinus cavity. (I have suffered from bad teeth all my life and have had these problems.) Advil, 800 mg. works wonders, better than most any other pain killer and it is antiinflammatory. I'm sorry, I know how you feel. Your only alternative is to take care of those teeth and that will end your other problems. Take care! Patty
  • Feb 28, 2005, 12:24 AM
    Well thanks all for the replies... definately feeling better...

    And Ive been "treated" for the migrains, absolutely not a thing they can do... they don't even know why I get them, its almost like clockwork (although certain things like MSG can trigger them as well :( ). Been getting them all my life. That's kind of why the lingering headache and stuff worried me, because its never happened before like this and I was afraid I was getting worse. Thank goodnes I wasn't :)
  • Mar 2, 2005, 04:09 PM
    Have you considered food allergy as the problem. Especially since you already recognize that MSG can trigger them. I suffered with "sinus headaches" for years. Even with a doctors treatment. Then accidentally discovered I had a food allergy. (wheat) Try eliminating all common allergines: wheat, dairy, peanuts, caffeine, soy, chocolate, message, for several months. If the headaches go away or lessen, you can reintroduce them one at a time to see what effect it has. This will take awhile. But it is the best, and cheapest way to eliminate that as a trigger for your headaches.
  • Mar 5, 2005, 11:31 PM

    Originally Posted by walt17
    Have you considered food allergy as the problem. Especially since you already recognize that MSG can trigger them. I suffered with "sinus headaches" for years. Even with a doctors treatment. Then accidentally discovered I had a food allergy. (wheat) Try eliminating all common allergines: wheat, dairy, peanuts, caffeine, soy, chocolate, msg, for several months. If the headaches go away or lessen, you can reintroduce them one at a time to see what effect it has. This will take awhile. But it is the best, and cheapest way to eliminate that as a trigger for your headaches.

    Ya, I already know which foods can trigger them, but even by avoiding all of them I still get the migrains. I can get them from stress and from allergies, but even without those I still get them. And no tv/flashing lights/high action doesn't trigger them... interesting enough. Though reading for long periods can give me a headache :confused: And Ive had a few CAT/MRI scans... no tumors or anything abnormal...
  • Mar 6, 2005, 05:35 AM
    It sounds like you are doing everything you can without medical assistance. Since you can not afford a doctor, have you looked for free clinics in your area? You can do an internet search for "free clinics" and "your state". That should give you a starting point to find one. They may charge a nominal fee ($1 to $5).

    Good luck.
  • May 7, 2005, 12:11 AM
    Powerful, yet Natural for Migraines and Sinusitis
    I shared Original Limu with a friend of mine who has had to make a decision every day for as long as she can remember whether to go around groggy all day by taking an antihistamine or simply living with the sinus headache all day. Overnight her life was changed and has stayed that way with her taking this proprietray extract that was 15 years in development from the seaweed Limu Moui harvested in the pristine pure waters of the Tongan Islands where the natives attribute their long and healthy lives to eating the seaweed.

    There is a woman I see regularly who was going blind from a migraine condition. Within 20 minutes of drinking Original Limu, she was starting to be able to read what was on the TV in front of her during her introduction to Original Limu! Others with migraine conditions have reported outstanding results.

    Go to the Hypertension thread for more information. Also let me help you at the website, or at [email protected] or 979-297-1919. Be blessed.

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