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  • Jan 5, 2006, 05:32 PM
    Theft by a minor, HELP
    Im 17 and about a year ago I was working at Sheetz, the convience store. I was having money problems at the time and car problems. Another employee asked me if I wanted to make some extra money. I was excited and said yes. A couple days later he explained it to me how it worked. Basically when a customer came to buy something you rang it up, then voided it off. Making it seem as if there was no sale at all. Then you gave the customer the product and stuck the money in the register. Later on the other employee would come buy something and I would give him all the "extra" money that I had gotten with his change. This went on for about a month I suppose and I ended up with around 400 dollars. They caught him and he told on everyone else. I told them exactly what happened and how and everything and I asked if there would be any legal action taken. They said no. Now a year later I get a call from a state trooper or something saying that action was taken and Im being charged with theft and that I might be put on probation. This is my first charge of this type. What can I expect to happen from this?? Thanks so much

  • Jan 5, 2006, 06:02 PM
    You do not indicate where you live. If you live in Canada, don't worry about it.

    You might get some probation and in 1 yr, your record will be wipped clean.

    You might have to do some community service as well.
  • Jan 5, 2006, 08:50 PM
    First offence. If here in the US, they will most likely do it in the family court system. Most likely you will have to repay any money you took, have to pay a fine, and be put on probation. You should still have an attorney for these hearings.

    They can do a lot more but normally not. Most of the details of the court action is sealed when you turn 21.

    But on any criminal court actions, always, always get an attorney
  • Jan 8, 2006, 08:23 PM
    Im in Pa. Im expecting restitutions, a fine, and some type of probation. Nothing intense on the probation end.. just be good or they will make it more severe. Why would they wait so long to bring up charges. And Im not exactly rich, what should I do about a attorney? I live in Pennsylvania. Is there anything I should say or do to make the severity of the charges and punishments less?


  • Jan 8, 2006, 08:29 PM
    That is a good question, since normally they would not.

    Perhaps they got a new district attorney who is looking to make a name for thierself.

    Perhaps the store owner complained that nothing was being done.

    It could be that the juvenile court was dealing with one of the other boys and used this crime against them and then had to go back on everyone involved.

    It is not normal, since everyone was aware of it,
  • Jan 19, 2006, 10:07 AM
    Ok they are charging me with Pa/CC 3922(a)(1) M-1 which after I looked it up is theft by deception. Should I expect probation from this, like a curfew and such? The amount stolen was $390. I go to a meeting with the probation office to discuss possible penalties on the 30 of jan. Thanks,


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