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  • Feb 24, 2007, 12:28 PM
    Drunk sex?
    All right, I don't know why I'm thinking about this now but oh well.
    A couple months back at the end of September me and my friend went to this boys house to drink. Anyway I can recall everything that happened that night, maybe not all the words but basically everything. One thing led to another and I ended up doing stuff with the boy, like a hand job or something. I never do things like that so I ran right out and told my friend. Up until now I wasn't worried about it because I knew I never had sex with him, I haven't had sex at all yet. But now all the sudden I am trying to 2nd guess myself and ask myself questions. And I'm kind of a hypocondriac so ha, if you can recall everything from that night in detail you would be able to tell if you had sex? If you can remember something like a hand job, you would remember having sex, especially if you never had it before, right?:confused:

    I've had my friends tell me experiences they've dealt with drinking and sex and they all remember, maybe not the details but they knew it happened. And one girl said if its questionable then it didn't happen. I just don't know why I'm worrying about it now because when it happened I wasn't worried at all, because I just knew.. And when I think about it now I remember, but its like I'm trying to make myself think something else. But if I had sex, I should be able to remember?
  • Feb 24, 2007, 12:43 PM
    Mind games, especially when played alone, are a terrible thing to experience. I understand and can tell you that while I have experienced black out drinking, it never was so blacked out I would forget something like sex. More like how did I get home, or where did I park the car... the more mundane of life's details. Now for some people maybe sex is a mundane detail LOL but I don't hear you treating it that way. I would rest assured that it was a good logical approach to tell yourself that if you remember one sexual activity you are likely to remember any others. Besided, the only other way to really be sure is to ask the boy and hope he tells you the truth. Have you considered that? Or because there was a hint of concern on a physical level from you, maybe make an appointment for a check up soon?

    PS - Please for your sake be careful with drinking too, okay?
    Drinking is one thing-- getting drunk carries much higher risks and this was just one of them.
  • Apr 15, 2007, 10:26 PM
    You probably did not have sex because if it was your first time you would have known you would have definitely still been feeling it in the morning , when you have sex for the first time you will remember it will probably hurt a little so you will know don't be afraid though nothing bad, but you will know.. cheers

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