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  • Dec 20, 2015, 01:28 AM
    My sons having troubles...
    My son is 3 and a half yrs old. He's having a hard time talking. He's babbling and is not forming sentences. He also is just flat out refusing to be potty trained! I do have a speech therapist that goes out to his daycare twice a week and I have seen some improvement. Has anyone ever experienced this with any of their children? And if so is there anything I can do to help my little guy along? Thanks.
  • Dec 20, 2015, 03:53 AM
    If there is nothing medially wrong. (assume you have checked all of that) Some children are just slower to progress.
  • Dec 20, 2015, 01:48 PM
    My son had speech difficulties, and had a speech therapist up until 4th grade. He also didn't potty train until he was almost 4 (that's not a huge concern, many kids nowadays potty train later, mainly thanks to things like pullups that are just fancy diapers and do not help teach them. IMO)

    Ask the speech therapist if there are any exercises you can do with him at home. Play sound games with the alphabet, (A says... B says... ) make it a game, have him repeat what you say.

    If he's still having issues by the time he goes to kindergarten, that's when I'd be concerned. But at 3 it's normal. Each child develops at his or her own pace.

    As for potty training. If you're using pull ups, stop. If he's ready to potty train, which only you will know, then put him in underwear. Yes, it's not as easy as pull ups, if he pees or poos it's not fun to clean up. But feeling his pants wet, or lumpy will urge him to use the bathroom instead of messing in his pants.

    Above all, make potty training fun. Do not every get upset if he has an accident, or refuses to potty. Trust me, no child has gone to school without being potty trained. It will happen. :)

    Good luck.
  • Dec 20, 2015, 04:14 PM
    I teach Kindergarten and have had at least 4-5 students each year that aren't fully potty trained. Also, if you are in the US, I'd recommend testing at your local public school district. Are you paying for the speech therapist? After a child turns 3, if there are speech delays, the public school district should assess and provide any services your child qualifies for.

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