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  • Jul 5, 2011, 07:02 PM
    Need Assistance
    All my life I have given to others in need. Now I am in a one time position where I need financial assistance. I have exhausted all my resources in finding financial help in the sum of $5000. I am willing to pay this back so it can be given to someone else in need. I am an honest, care giving person who works full time at the same position for the past 17 years. Can anyone tell me where I can find an honest person to offer me a personal loan with out being scamed and without having to pay a fee? I need this loan as soon as possible.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 07:34 PM

    Your best bet is to find someone in your area to lend you money. Start with churches and local business owners. Perhaps you can work out a barter of some sort.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 07:39 PM

    Thank you Ms. Wondergirl for your response. I am from a small town and have already asked. They do not have the funding.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 07:44 PM

    Originally Posted by Pretty1girl View Post
    Thank you Ms. Wondergirl for your response. I am from a small town and have already asked. They do not have the funding.

    I doubt very much any stranger floating along on the Internet will lend you $5,000. It will have to come from a friend or family member or someone you would have some real-life contact with.

    Go to the reference desk at your local library and ask this question. They may know something you don't know about finding a source.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 07:49 PM

    I will be honest, borrow money to get yourself out of debt is not at all the best thing to do, you already it appears owe someone or some group of people 5000 dollars.

    What you need to do is work out a budget and a plan to pay for things.

    I would suggest talking with some firm like CCC to work out a payment plan for you perhaps
  • Jul 5, 2011, 08:30 PM

    Thank you for your honesty Fr_Chuck. I do owe this debt. I have been on a plan for years and always have been responsible with my debts. I am hoping that in this day and age there are people out there that care. I do not like to think of us all as strangers in this world. I am in this debt of $5000 because I felt that seeing my son (who is a Ranger in the Army) before he went off to serve our country on the front line in Afghanistan was more important. Call me irresponsible for putting off a debt I should have paid you may. Yes, I am in a situation now but god forbid anything happens to him, I know he knows I love him and support him 110%.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 09:00 PM

    I'm very sorry, but to be brutally honest, you won't find anyone here who will give you this kind of money.

    I would like to thank your son for his service. I, myself, have two sons who are in the armed forces and have been to Iraq and back, so I know the pain you are going through.
  • Jul 5, 2011, 09:15 PM

    Thank you J_9, I knew it was a longshot but I had to ask. Thank you for your support and thank your sons as well. My heart is with them. My son has served in Iraq also.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 07:17 AM
    One More Try
    I recently asked for assistance but manage to get help with most of what I needed. I am now only needing assistance in the sum of $400. Would anyone be willing to help me? I have to try one more time.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 07:20 AM

    I'm sorry, but this is not a charity site.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 07:26 AM
    I could use $4,000 myself.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 07:28 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    I could use $4,000 myself.

    He11, I'll go for $300.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 07:35 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    He11, I'll go for $300.

    Same amount - I was using Canadian currency. :)
  • Jul 17, 2011, 07:38 AM
    I don't find this funny at all and am shocked that there are people out there that would make a joke about it. Ok, if this is not a charity site, I understand. I am just trying all my resources and was told to try here. For you jokers who think it's a joke, laugh on, I just hope someday you are not caught in the same position. Everything eventually comes around full circle and to think my son is a Ranger in the Army fighting for YOUR freedom. How sad is that?
  • Jul 17, 2011, 08:24 AM

    I have merged your posts

    And to further it, if one does not have the money, they do not travel, and how did you spend 5000 dollars going to see your son. And while I would love to travel to see my son, or travel to do this or that, it is not going to happen, since I can't afford.

    You made what many will consider a unwise choice, you spent money you did not have.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 08:39 AM

    Originally Posted by Pretty1girl View Post
    For you jokers who think its a joke, laugh on, I just hope someday you are not caught in the same position

    I likely won't, I don't spend money I don't have or can't afford to repay. I also save for a 'rainy day'. Also while some may agree that your son is doing something noble I'm not in the US so he isn't fighting for me - this internet board is accessible by anyone, not just Americans.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 08:54 AM

    None of us are making a joke of it. The problem here is that most people here have had to deal with their own financial woes. Economics being tough and families to support. We all could use extra money. Every single one of us. I would assume we all have bills to pay , etc... but to ask for money over the internet is presumptious of you. First it was 5000 and then 400. Your posts do not make much sense. That is the truth. If you search there may be many programs in your area or close to your area that will help you out but as FrChuck has said borrowing money to pay off other money is not realistic and does not help you out at all.

    Good luck with everything.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 09:09 AM
    Maybe your not in the US "Need Karma", regardless there are soldiers out on the front line as we speak like my son putting their life on the line. Whether you support them or not you have to live with yourself. Call me irresponsible for making a decision to travel from one end of the US to the other to see him before he fights for OUR country, then be it. I never said I could not repay this. But at least I know my son knows I support him and would walk through fire to tell him I love him even with an incurable illness that I have. FR_Chuck, thank you for your response, I agree it was not a wise choice to spend those funds and I am being honest about it. But when you guys become a mother then you will know exactly what us mothers will do for our children. God forbid anything happens to my son, at least he knows I love him. So uncaring remarks "Need Karma" are not necessary whether you are in the US or not. I have no respect for you. But thank you again FR_Chuck for your response.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 09:12 AM
    I'm a father with two children - I fully understand what one would do for their kids. Sorry, don't need your respect, you sound preachy and judgmental.
  • Jul 17, 2011, 09:14 AM

    You can disagree with Needkarma all you want.

    You trying to use your son for sympathy to get us to give you money does not work either. That is great he is fighting for your country, but that does not mean that we should fall on our knees and send you the money.

    Our country, Canada has its own army and soldiers and we have had our own casualities. It is part of war, but I would not be using that as a reason to look for money to pay off somebody else's loan.

    Have my own family, and would do anything for them. Although asking for money over the internet is not one of them. So join your community, get involved in your churches and check out government resources if your in a jam.

    Take care.

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