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  • Sep 20, 2013, 09:45 PM
    The dance
    Even though I'm not allowed to date yet my parents let me go to school dances and stuff like that, but the cutest guy in my 5th period class asked me out to the Halloween dance, here's the thing I don't really like dancing, but I really want to go, I went to elementary with him and he was my crush in fourth. Should I go?
  • Oct 1, 2013, 12:36 PM
    I am assuming that since you have posted your question on a "Middle School" board, that you're very young. You also mentioned you are not allowed to date.

    Now, as for the dance, you know you don't HAVE to dance in order to attend a dance, right? I used to just sit around and talk to my friends at dances all the time. Nothing wrong or awkward about that.

    You should also question what YOU want, deep down. If you really want to go, then go. Again, you don't have to dance. However, if this guy is your crush, then think deeper. Do you want to go simply to impress him? Or do you want to go for yourself and him and to have a good time?

    Simply put: Do it for yourself too. You're clearly allowed, by your parents, so go and have a good time and enjoy the dance.

    Best of luck.
  • Oct 1, 2013, 05:35 PM
    If he asks you to dance with him, just try the best you can. Tell him first that you have never danced or that you aren't good at it.

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