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  • Sep 22, 2011, 05:32 AM
    I dreamed of my deceased brother
    I dreamed that my deceased brother came to me and he put his hands out hugging me we were verry close he died 5 years ago! Before I would I have dreams of him but just looking at eacother never got to hug him and we never spoke in the dreams but I want to ask if this dreamed meant anything about my husband because my husband was one of my brother close friend and my brother had got us together well the night before this dream I had broke it of with my husband and any way after hugging my brother in the dream I woke up feeling so lonely and thinking of my husband and missing my husband can some one tell me anything about this dream!
  • Sep 22, 2011, 07:09 AM
    You just told us about the dream. That is all dreams are - whatever they mean to the person having them. So yes I would say it means that you miss your husband, and that the loss of your brother reminds you not only of how you met your husband but also that loss is loss, whether by death or by breakup.

    This doesn't mean that it makes sense to go running back to something that wasn't working right, unless you and he can sit down and have a real talk, or sign up for counseling.
  • Sep 22, 2011, 08:16 AM
    If you want to make it mean something ( most don't) he could be telling you he loves you and was sorry it did not work out.
  • Sep 22, 2011, 08:41 AM
    My Mom passed when I was 14. When I dream about her, I like to believe she's come to visit me and say "hello". It makes me feel happy, and loved.

    Perhaps you can choose to view your brother's visit the same way?
  • Sep 23, 2011, 04:04 AM
    Dreams are virtual emotions of our brain, you said that your brother helped you in your marriage.. according to this there are two reasons for the dream:
    Firstly, when you broke up with your husband you felt very lonely and you might have started thinking that if your bro is with you he would help you out of this. Dreams create more impact when your passion towards the "thing" is high.
    Secondly you miss your husband and you regret your action towards that so you are looking for a person who get you out of this and he is none other than your brother.
  • May 19, 2012, 01:35 PM
    I had a dream about my deceased brother him and his wife were having a party I began talking to his wife and she started telling me what my brother was going through after we finished talking I walked up stairs to talk with him we talked and came up with a solution then the dream bought us into another place we were now at our mother home and me and my mother began to aruging about something and my brother began to cry telling me he sorry for me he wish I didn't have to go through this thing he told me to leave that I had done all I can do for her

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