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  • Feb 25, 2006, 05:37 AM
    Skeptical Psychic Believer?
    :confused: I have always been very skeptical about psychics. Are they for real?
  • Feb 25, 2006, 05:49 AM
    Most are not, as a Christian we ar wared about such activities. We also are told about various powers in the bible.

    If the person has a fee and will always get a reading, you can figure they are a con. In any case, the future is ours to choose not to be known and any future can be changed as we make those choises.
  • Feb 25, 2006, 05:49 AM
    Welcome to this site, and thank you for posting a question here.
    I am sure you will get many answers.
    I am not a Psychic, just an ordinary 64 years old man.
    I have many college degrees, educated, and look at all aspects of most anything. I cannot discredit some who have insight into things others don't have. I have seen others try to discredit the most popular and famous of the Psychics, but they have not succeeded, in my opinion.
    The TV show, Montel, has one on his show, every Wednesday, who is one of the most famous. She works with the Gov't on some things, and does give good insights about many, many different aspects of the supernatural.
    So, I do not "disbelieve" some of them.
  • Feb 25, 2006, 06:29 AM
    Yes, There are real psychics out there. There are many cons as well though. I would say anybody that is willing to help out others and share with others without a fee, without getting paid are doing Gods work. I personally have had my own experiances. Knowing things before it happens, having dreams come true. I would share these experiances with family and friends and whoever the dreams would effect. All warnings, or all situations would come to pass.

  • Feb 25, 2006, 11:06 AM
    We haven't seen any here.
  • Feb 28, 2006, 07:15 PM
    Why... I KNEW you were going to say that!

    Do you suppose..
  • Mar 28, 2006, 11:54 PM
    Being a psychic by chance and not by trade, I can say yes. Some people are born with or develop deeper senses than some. There are many ways people can be psychic. I for one have lucid dreams and intuitive feelings that are seldom wrong. I can't call upon these events to happen, they just are. Like smelling, seeing, hearing etc. Imagine being in a room with a dozen people and feeling what they think. It is honestly a trip! It can be very upsetting and it has been at times. It sounds like mad bees. The hardest part of being what is called an empath is having someone tell you something and knowing their emotions are not telling the same story. Or knowing something and not telling someone how to be safer because you know they must have the experience. To know doesnt mean to share.
    I know a talented woman who speaks to animals and while she charges for her service, she is the best psychic I know. Charging doesnt always mean a con, only 95% of the time it does.
    I think everyone has the power within to nurture these stronger senses. The question is do they care to? One must know themselves before they even begin to know anyone else. It is knowing humanity in truth that allows the freedom to know beyond words.

  • Apr 2, 2006, 11:33 PM
    I agree a lot with what Hypatia says. I think we are all psychic to a degree, but as with any ability anyone can improve with practice. It's the way its presented which makes people believe its existence or not. If you say that you knew that a certain thing was going to happen intuitively, instinctively or with a gut feeling, then no-one is likely to laugh at you. But if you tell them you knew psychically then you can guarantee you will get some strange looks.

    I have attempted in the past given psychic readings for others and surprised, not least, myself that I have some talents in this area. :eek: I would like the opportunity to practice some more if anyone has a question for me.
  • Apr 3, 2006, 12:09 AM
    We have to differentiate between "psychic ability" (that is being sensitive to other's thoughts or emotions) and fortune telling.

    The human brain does produce minuscule electrical signals (which an EEG can show) and it could be argued that another brain COULD pick up those signals, unfortunately there is no scientific proof of this being possible.

    Even so, let's presume that a "psychic" can receive such signals, this would be a "live transmission", so to speak. The psychic would "tune in" to what the person was thinking and might possibly also be able to access their memories.
    None of which would suggest that the psychic could forecast the future or possible events in the life of the subject.
    Since we live in the "now" and all of us have any number of possible futures (live to 105, die tomorrow in a car crash, become a millionaire, die a pauper, etc, etc) it seems unlikely that any accurate forecast could be made.
  • Apr 3, 2006, 01:00 AM
    Well, like Hypatia was saying earlier, there are different kinds of psychic ability, one of which is being able to see into the future. You can call it fortune telling, but I think that term makes people instantly conjure up an image of a gypsy sitting over a crystal ball at a fairground. No wonder people don't take the ability seriously!

    And by its very nature, it is very difficult to scientifically prove that psychic ability exists. People have before now accurately predicted events in the future so doesn't that hint that the ability exists, even though its one of life's greatest mysteries how it is possible.

    I do believe the future is mapped out for us, but also that we have free will. The free will is in how you respond and react to events as they happen. Each life experience is a learning opportunity. We can CHOOSE to wallow in self-pity when things don't go the way we would have planned or we can CHOOSE to find a deeper meaning behind it and move on.

    I myself would never claim to be able to predict the future though, even though I have had very symbollic dreams about future events. For instance I have had a dream recently about my father trying to fix a light bulb that is going out. I know this and a former dream are trying to prepare me for the fact that he will probably die fairly soon. Can you call this a prediction, after all my father is very old and not in the best of health? But I think it is a way of my mind trying to prepare me for the inevitable.

    But a friend of mine had a dream several years ago about her horse being unwell and she told it to her mother. That very day the events unfolded exactly identical to the very last detail of her dream. How can anyone explain that away?
  • Apr 3, 2006, 01:42 AM
    I take your point. The problem with predictive dreams is that with over 6 billion people in the world, someone, somewhere is going to dream about the sinking of the Titanic, the assassination of JFK, 9/11, etc etc..
    Most cases that are reported are anecdotal, if you trip over the dog and get a bloody nose and your friend says "Ohmigod, I dreamt you would do that!" is that predictive or just a coincidence?

    Frankly I see no evidence that the future is mapped or planned, too many unexpected and unexplainable events insert themselves into our lives.
    Could all the young, healthy people who worked in the Twin Towers have expected to die by a plane crashing into them? Of course not. Cancer or auto accident maybe, but terrorist attack?
    I believe life is random, people live or die, are happy or sad, live to old age or commit suicide as a teen, it's chance, pure and simple, that's why I think prediction (even when right) is no more than a lucky guess.
  • Apr 3, 2006, 01:48 AM
    Sounds like you have had some bad luck recently in your life and you are trying to make sense of it. Just a hunch, a lucky guess?
  • Apr 19, 2006, 11:11 AM
    To better understand these things I suggest a great book called The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. Also a good developing tool is A Course In Miracles book. They both have opened my eyes greatly.

  • Apr 19, 2006, 11:25 AM
    Cece23, I guess your comment was directed at me?
    No, my luck has been real good, I have a wonderful girl in my life and lots of leisure.
    I've studied and researched the paranormal and have found no evidence (other than anecdotal) of any psychic abilities in humans (or animals come to that!) that can't be explained as pure coincidence or synchronicity.
  • May 1, 2006, 02:56 PM
    There is no mistaking it, I see things, things that are accurate too often to be random. I see while awake, while asleep, about myself, about others, in past, present and future. I can't direct it in any manner and I don't for a single minute consider it psychic because like a few people posting here, I am scientific in my approach.

    I do think Hypatia is on to something about developing a latent skil however. Oddly enough I have noticed that it often can seems particularly more developed in wounded people, as if pain opens the portal. Its just wounded people are often not very articulate or focused on this aspect.

    I have ptsd and consider some of the extreme hypervigilence produced as a result to be a part of this - I am simply paying closer attention to stuff (it wears me out too). So if I have seen the dog appear from the hedge and catch the ball every time its thrown over and over again and most of you weren't paying enough attention to have even seen it, it is psychic of me to say to you. "hey watch this dog catch this ball?"

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