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  • May 26, 2007, 08:24 PM
    Happiness Spell
    Is there a spell for happiness, a spell for forgetting someone? Do they work?
  • May 26, 2007, 08:32 PM
    Well I personally don't believe in spells and stuff. I know what it feels like when you want to forget someone but you have to realise that you gain happiness in all that you do not actually let someone put this thing on you and you become all happy. When the going gets tough, you can't neglect it because that is life. Life is unfair, hard and sometimes tragic. But when all those things happen, look on the bright side and think well everything will definitely be all right and so will I. if you believe that a spell will make you happy, then think again because remember, life is a journey for you to find out and explore. When the going gets tough, don't hide from it but be bold and face it.

    This is what I think and I think you should see the way I am talking about. Maybe you do believe in spells and I am not saying you can't but I am just telling you why I don't believe in them and how I think that life is a journey and that I should find out everything by my own and how god has planned it for me and not let a spell or a psychic tell me about my life
  • May 27, 2007, 08:42 AM
    Have you tried checking out Spells and Magic. spells, hexes, occult knowledge, black and white magic.
  • May 27, 2007, 01:33 PM
    New friends, new activities and move on with your life. We have pain and sorrow and suffering in our life often for reasons, to teach us and to remind us of things that happen.
  • May 27, 2007, 02:56 PM
    You have to be careful what kind of spells you do. Do you even know anything about the magickal arts? If not, this is not for you. I've been into it and practiced it for awhile. However just as I told the chick who wanted to make a love spell, you can't make someone love you just like you can't force yourself to forget something important that may have built your charater up. What I'd love to know is why so many young teenagers are interested in magick? If you just want to get something out of it then I suggest forget about it. It's too dangerous and if you don't know how to properly cast spells you could screw up and hurt yourself. Yes, it may be a simple and small spell, but those can be the worst. It sounds like you want an easy way out, so I'm against you doing anthing. I will pray to the goddess to bind your spells that may backfire so you can't harm yourself or others.
  • May 28, 2007, 08:39 AM

    Originally Posted by rockerchick_682
    Is there a spell for happiness, a spell for forgetting someone? do they work?

    I personally don't think there is a spell for that, that you can make but there is a way to get over someone. If a person truly did love you or care about you, then why would they make you feel the way you are! You don't need anyone in your life that makes you feel less of a person. . We all deserve so much more
  • May 28, 2007, 08:43 AM
    This "spell" crap is just power of suggestion, if you believe it will work on you, it will. Your mind will make it work.
  • Jun 8, 2007, 08:44 AM

    Originally Posted by rockerchick_682
    Is there a spell for happiness, a spell for forgetting someone? do they work?

    You can try this site
    Happiness Spell

    This is a happiness spell and they have a few others.. Remember to always trust in the Goddess.

    Blessed Be
  • Jun 8, 2007, 08:49 AM
    yα it's cαlled go out with friends, sociαlize.. oh I αlso heαrd of this medicαl condition cαlled αmnesiα or short/long term memory-- but thαts silly why would somebody wαnt thαt?--- LEARN FROM YOUR EXPERIENCE(S) AND MOVE ON whαt αre you gonnα do when something else hαppens go looking for αnother αbrα-cαdαbrα
  • Jun 9, 2007, 06:44 AM
    UGH! Red dot!!
  • Jun 9, 2007, 07:13 AM

    Originally Posted by saraispiel19
    UGH! red dot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lol um red dot... AH! I get it shoot me! Nah I was just joking I actually think that spell is bullsh!t and it's a frame of mind. But I posted this a while ago, but I'm moving on with my life and I've forgotten about him. So it's all good. I agree, I've learned a lot from this relationship, but I still wish it hadn't happened, good and bad
  • Jun 9, 2007, 07:18 AM
    Thαnkgod you've reαlized thαt.. Yeα everybody hαs those nαsty relαtionships-- I know I hαve mine but insteαd I lαugh αbout it now.. give it α couple yeαrs --- hα hα ::thinking αbout it::
  • Feb 18, 2008, 11:24 AM
    I think stable happiness comes from within, think positive thoughts, maybe you could use visualizations, meditation or affirmations. Improve your self-esteem, by using affirmations, regularly until they become a habitual thought. Maybe you can stick positive affirmations on mirrors. Focus on success, and your strengths, and qualities, love and accept yourself just as you are. As for a spell for happiness, I found a confidence spell. I also found some hypnotherapy audio-materials they seem to help. But regarding spells you should be careful with magick, you might envoke forces that could harm you. Maybe you could consult a qualified practitioner, if you really think you need as much as a spell, but my advice is do research before hand.

    As for forgetting about a person, I wanted to forget about someone a lot, I started to but then this person contacted me or something else happened. But I forgave that person even though they really hurt me. Even though the person has seem to attempt to tease me, it doesn't hurt anymore. I let the pain out and inside of keeping it all inside. However I found an anger release spell and that seemed to work. So I am happier now. Also if you forget about a person your memories would be broken, and that might make you muddled. I think you could let go and forgive and move on.
  • Feb 18, 2008, 02:11 PM
    Lol... sorry. That was dumb

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