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  • Dec 13, 2016, 03:37 PM
    Is my liver in danger from suicide attempt?
    I suffer from depression, sometimes when I get too upset or stressed or anything it gets worse and I have suicidal thoughts. This is not "attention seeking" or I'm not lying either. I get therapy for it.


    When I had suicidal thoughts for about a week I took 6 co-codamol 30mg-500mg (I think it was) on Saturday but ended up vomitting, got very tired and kept falling asleep, boiling all day and night with a bit of a headache. Then couple days after I took 4 co-codamol with 2 different ones ibrofen (cant remember the name) but I felt fine.
    2/3 days ago I took 8 paracetamols (500mg) one days and the next day the thoughts have gone worse so I took 16 paracetamols.

    Am I on risk with having any damage? I have pains on my left side (they keep coming for about 2 minutes and go) , stomach pains and toilet trouble. Is it the tablets damaging my body? Am I on risk?

    Please no hate or judgements I cant handle my depression at times:(
  • Dec 13, 2016, 03:55 PM
    I looked up the medications and these medications can cause liver damage. Unfortunately there's really no way to know, online, if that's what's happening with you. It could just be that you're feeling discomfort because your body is still ridding itself of all the medications, and it's struggling right now. It could be that your liver is damaged, it could be a number of things, none of which can be diagnosed online.

    If you're worried then you really should see a doctor. That's really the only way to know for sure.

    Good luck to you.
  • Dec 13, 2016, 04:01 PM
    You could be at risk if you continue taking this amount of acetaminophen. Acetaminophen won't kill you immediately, the damage caused to the liver will be slow and painful. You need to ask your doctor to give you a liver function test.
  • Dec 13, 2016, 04:32 PM
    Large doses of paracetamol can damage your liver, if you have to take pain killers get something like codiene but don't take large doses unsupervised. The thing is no pain killers are safe in large doses and you should be under the care of a doctor for the depression and the pain
  • Dec 13, 2016, 05:57 PM
    You need to get more help. What you are doing is not working if you are doing all of this.

    Yes it can cause liver damage and/or other problems.

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