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  • May 1, 2023, 06:19 AM
    Trump to DeSantis ....wait your turn
    Trump has the 1st tv ad of his 2024 campaign airing . It is not an attack of the Dems or Clueless Joe. It is an attack ad against Ron DeSantis.

    Medium Buying on Twitter: "The Trump campaign is up on TV with this 60-second spot. Airing nationally This is the first TV ad spending of the 2024 cycle from @TeamTrump

    Nothing in the ad suggests any Trump accomplishments or his vision for the future..... except that he takes credit for DeSantis rise and suggest it is not DeSantis' time.

    Imagine if a Repub in 2016 told Trump to wait his turn.

    As one commenter of Twitter wrote

    Talk about weak, lol, it just keeps getting more bizzare. I'd love to know who is advising him on these decisions, because whoever it is could easily work for the Lincoln Project.
    Talk about weak, lol, it just keeps getting more bizzare. I'd love to know who is advising him on these decisions, because whoever it is could easily work for the Lincoln Project.

    The Lincoln project is a group of RINO Repubs.

    2016 the big issue was immigration .It's still important But so is taking on woke America . DeSantis has taken up that challenge.
    Disney challeged DeSantis over anti-woke laws in Fla. He countered by challenging their unique special governing district . Trump says Disney is destroying DeSantis. Yeah that's it . That is why Disney is suing him for damages.

    DeSantis is a voice against Bud Lite's promotion of transformer Mulvaney . Trump has not taken a position ....most likely because he has a Huuuge stock position in Anheuser-Bush.

    Trump kept quiet on the Bud Light boycott. It turns out he owns Anheuser-Busch stock (

    To Trump's base DeSantis would be an acceptable replacement . When Trump attacks him at rallies he gets a luke warm reply at best .

    That is the big difference from 2016. The base did not like Jeb Bush or trust Marco Rubio. They love DeSantis and Trump should keep that in mind.
  • May 2, 2023, 05:56 AM

    That is the big difference from 2016. The base did not like Jeb Bush or trust Marco Rubio. They love DeSantis and Trump should keep that in mind.
    That's an interesting comment. I wonder if Trump, once the campaign starts in earnest, is going to appear to be the tired, old, "yesterday's news" candidate when he has to be considered next to DeSantis and his many accomplishments. Unlike Jeb B, DeSantis seems to have a willingness to carry the conservative flag into the smoke of battle. I think he will become an attractive candidate once the train gets moving.
  • May 26, 2023, 02:55 AM
    Trump is going scorched earth on DeSantis . That includes attacks that puts Trump also in the cross hairs .

    As an example , DeSantis said he would fire FBI Director Chris Wray ;a Trump appointee . When Trump appointed Wray DeSantis praised the move. Trump was quick to point that out . But DeSantis was reacting to the Trump hiring . Trump at the time called Wray "a man of impeccable credentials."

    Trump taps Christopher Wray to head FBI - POLITICO

    This flip flop on Wray is one of many Trump (I only hire the best ) has turned on . Mike Pence, Bill Barr, Mike Mulvaney are all former appointments that Trump has driven the bus over.

    DeSantis is painting himself as a more competent version of make America first . Trump is playing into his hand .
  • May 26, 2023, 04:36 AM
    DeSantis does have a track record to run on that's a really good one. Taxes are lower than in many large dem states, and yet there is a large budget surplus.
  • May 26, 2023, 04:41 PM
    Don't make me move to that state! DeSatan is the governor.
  • May 26, 2023, 05:21 PM

    DeSatan is the governor.
    So much for loving your neighbor. I don't think hateful statements fit in there.

    Why is it that liberals so desperately want to get everyone to follow their advice except for...them?
  • May 26, 2023, 06:26 PM
    He isn't my neighbor, thank God. He's Nick who is led astray by Officer DeVille (Devil) at the end of this movie.
  • May 26, 2023, 06:43 PM

    DeSantis is painting himself as a more competent version of make America first . Trump is playing into his hand .
    I've been impressed so far with DeSantis. His state is doing really well and he doesn't seem to have Trump's chief fault of having an uncontrolled mouth.
  • May 26, 2023, 07:31 PM
    Nope, he can't speak coherently.
  • May 27, 2023, 01:13 AM
    The Politico link demonstrates technical glitches in his campaign launch . It has nothing to do with his ability to communicate coherently.

    If you need examples of that then watch Clueless. Not only can he not speak off the cuff; he has problems with prepared text and cue cards .
  • May 27, 2023, 05:44 AM

    If you need examples of that then watch Clueless. Not only can he not speak off the cuff; he has problems with prepared text and cue cards.
    No one has more difficulty with coherent speech than Biden, with the likely exception of Fetterman. DeSantis is actually a good communicator.
  • May 27, 2023, 06:23 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    No one has more difficulty with coherent speech than Biden, with the likely exception of Fetterman. DeSantis is actually a good communicator.

    Um, there's also another old guy you need to listen to and evaluate. Time for some much younger WOMEN to consider running in 2024.
  • May 27, 2023, 06:40 AM

    he has problems with prepared text and cue cards.
    The evidence is overwhelming. If he has to speak without assistance, it becomes difficult in a hurry.
  • May 27, 2023, 07:21 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    The evidence is overwhelming. If he has to speak without assistance, it becomes difficult in a hurry.

    Trump for sure! And Don Jr. needs help too. The ol' apple don't fall far from the tree!
  • May 27, 2023, 09:12 AM
    Another great Letter to the Editor in this morning's Chicago Tribune:

    DeSantis more dangerous than Trump

    Ron DeSantis has finally announced a run for the presidency. It’s a crowded field already with Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, the billionaire guy Vivek Ramaswamy, maybe Mike Pence and who knows who else. I fear a repeat of 2016 when so many candidates ran; Trump won not because he was the overwhelming favorite but because the others split the vote so much he squeaked through.

    As for DeSantis, he’s not just a mini-Trump but maybe even more dangerous. We know Trump’s predilections and his constant out of control rantings, but DeSantis, not so much. His crusade in Florida is, at best, Don Quixote charging the windmill. He’s playing to such a small audience that any hope of winning the general election is just a pipe dream. Don’t the Republicans realize they are headed for a disastrous 2024 election if either Trump or DeSantis is the candidate? No normal voter would even consider them.

    Then there’s the alternative, President Joe Biden. I’m not a big fan but I’d rather endure another four years of Biden than the crazies.
  • May 27, 2023, 12:02 PM
    I'm really starting to like this guy. When asked if he was in favor of a flat tax, this was his response.


    "So, the answer's yes. I think the IRS is a corrupt organization and I think it's not a friend to the average citizen or taxpayer," DeSantis responded. "We need something totally different."
    "I've supported all of the single rate proposals, I think they would be a huge improvement over the current system and I would be welcoming to take this tax system, chunk it out the window and do something that's more favorable to the average folks."
    DeSantis, who has repeatedly taken aim at the IRS for its unfair practices and crackdown on the middle class, said last August that an effort from the Biden administration to expand the IRS with 87,000 new agents was an indication of disrespect.
    "Of all the things that have come out of Washington that have been outrageous, this has got to be pretty close to the top," DeSantis said at the time. "I think it was basically just the middle finger to the American public, that this is what they think of you."
  • May 27, 2023, 01:33 PM

    DeSantis more dangerous than Trump
    yeah I bet the Dems think he is . That is why Clueless is doing everything he can to arrange a rematch .
  • May 27, 2023, 01:37 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    yeah I bet the Dems think he is . That is why Clueless is doing everything he can to arrange a rematch .

    He IS quite good-looking though. Hmm....
  • May 28, 2023, 01:31 PM
    In this morning's Chicago Tribune -- Letter to the Editor

    Irony in DeSantis campaign launch

    Am I the only person who finds it incredibly ironic that the man who fought the federal government during a pandemic to keep his state open, dismissed the use of masks, blocked businesses from requiring proof of vaccination for patrons or workers, saw over 87,000 Floridians die, announced his bid for the presidency on Twitter? Instead of meeting with his supporters in person, he rolled out his campaign virtually. I’m surprised he didn’t have a Zoom meeting. And, despite his comments to the contrary, it was not a particularly successful event. That does not bode well for the rest of his campaign.
  • May 28, 2023, 01:47 PM
    He reached a national audience and had a record fund raising day . Not bad for a failed launch .

    The Twitter event was shaky that is undeniable . He bounced back nicely in follow up interviews .
    DeSantis: I Will Restore Normalcy, Integrity & Sanity To Society And Our Institutions | Video | RealClearPolitics

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