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  • Dec 11, 2007, 10:33 AM
    !family issues!
    I lives with my b.f and his family for almost 3 years now that I am pregnant they decided to kick me out but my b.f is with me 100% he has this sister who is 22 and I'm only 17 she has been stealing my clothes underware and bra's... and also the mother I have been giving her money weekly is there anyway I can take them both to court!! :confused:
  • Dec 11, 2007, 10:38 AM
    Hello mustang:

    No. You have to pay something for living there. Plus you probably have no proof about the underwear and you probably don't have receipts to show the court how much you paid for them.

    So nope, Young Lady. You can't sue those people. They're not very nice, but for your boyfriend sake, you should TRY to get along with them. It should be a lot easier if you're not living with them.

  • Dec 11, 2007, 10:38 AM
    The Judge would most likely say that the family has been more than good to you so you have to eat the lose. By the time you pay the fee to sue and the aggravation it might not even be worth the trouble. Not only that if you take them to court it would more than likely case more hard feelings and tension between them and you.
    Can your boyfriend try and reason with them and try and get his sister to give you back some of your clothes. Or could you grab what is yours when it is in the laundry or would that cause problems?
    excon is right too!
  • Dec 11, 2007, 10:48 AM
    Yah actually I do and I didn't need to pay her the only reason I was paying her was because her husband went to jail and I have saved every recipt!!
  • Dec 11, 2007, 11:23 AM
    Is it your goal to totally alienate yourself and BF from his family? Suing them will accomplish that. How much do you think a court will give you for used underwear, anyway? The value of clothes once worn is only what you would pay at a thrift store. (I know because I have filed claims for UPS for the last 20 years and that's the way it works.)

    Don't worry about the underwear - the important thing now is establishing a home for that child you are carrying.
  • Dec 11, 2007, 11:29 AM
    No no I'm not saying I want to wear it I want my stuff back but she won't give it to me!! I'm talking about mainly my clothes and if anything have her pay to get me new underwear and stuff!

    Yes I understand but I need someway to get that family back they kicked me out with no money wuts so ever and no where to go!! I need to get them back I need help on that!!

    No no there is no way because she called the cops on her son so he wants nuthing to do with her and also she is putting a restraining order on me so that way I can't get my stuff!!

    There is no way I would ever get along with them because of them calling the cops and sending me out on my with my unborn child!! So no there's no way!!
  • Dec 11, 2007, 11:37 AM
    Why can't your BF get your stuff? Does she have a restraining order against him, too?
  • Dec 11, 2007, 11:46 AM
    You were living in the home and paying something to the household. Therefore you could have been considered a tenant and they couldn't just throw you out. But since you have apparently already left, there is little you can do about that part. As for your clothes, you said the cops came and forced you out. That is rather unusual and indicates there is more to your story that you aren't telling us. If a restraining order was issued there had to be a hearing, didn't you appear and testify?

    If you are only 17 where are your parents? You are still legally a minor.

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