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  • Aug 2, 2009, 08:33 AM
    Need to find a free car for my kids and myself
    Hi my name is susan wooldridge and I need help my so called husband abounded me and the kids and left us with no job no money and no car I need help finding a free car and some help I have already been aprovied fro tanf for the kids and free day care and food stamps but for tanf I have been put into the view program where I have to put in 12 apps a week in order to get a job and back on my feet but it is hard to do so with out a car my family is just to busy to help me do what all needs to be done they have only been able to helpme by letting me stay with them till I'm able to get my own place and that's going to be hard enough with my cridt being ruined by my ex. So I need help finding a free car some how so I can go get a job and back on my feet so I can support my two kids and take care of them and get back out on my own :mad::confused::(
  • Aug 2, 2009, 08:42 AM

    Are you saying you have to be in the View program 12 weeks to receive foodstamps or to receive a car?

    I could never work after my husband left me because nobody would give me a 'free car'.
    At that time welfare said I had to have a job that I could not get to by bus or that required a car to do the job before I could qualify for a car.
    Have you filed for child support?
    Do you have your home or are you needing to find a place to move to?
  • Aug 2, 2009, 11:32 AM
    I need to find a car and a place to live for the view program I need to put in 12 job apps. A week to find a job but I can't do that with out a car and I don't have one I can't find help for that and yes I filed for child support cause they require you to do that for tanf
  • Aug 2, 2009, 11:32 AM
    I need to find a car and a place to live for the view program I need to put in 12 job apps. A week to find a job but I can't do that with out a car and I don't have one I can't find help for that and yes I filed for child support cause they require you to do that for tanf
  • Aug 2, 2009, 11:37 AM

    Reposting the same thing doesn't get you more answers.
    It would be more helpful if you explained your situation more.
    Are you going for child support?
    Are there any jobs you can apply for that you don't need a car?
    What all is welfare willing to help you with right now?
    Do you have any money saved that you could look for a cheap car for a few hundred dollars?
  • Aug 2, 2009, 02:27 PM

    Do the applications have to be done in person? I don't know what View is, but it seems a little silly to require it be in person, but programs like that don't always make sense.

    I don't know if you have a very good resume, but you can mail one, fax it (there's places where you can fax stuff for a small fee), or attach it to email.

    My last job hunt was mostly online. The newspaper had their ads online and I mostly sent stuff through email. "Cold calls" generally resulted in faxing something. And for some companies you can apply online. I mean like if you wanted to apply at McDonalds, I bet they have some place on their web site where you can do an application.

    And you can always pull out the phone book and call places that aren't on a bus line, and ask them the best way to get something to them without a car to get there. They might even be able to email you an application that you can send back.

    Recently we went through some issues with possible budget cuts to the local libraries, and one of the huge arguments against the cuts was all the people in there doing their job hunting. It's been a while since I was out job hunting (thankfully!), but that's telling me a lot of people are doing this online these days.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 02:31 PM

    Yeah going to, businesses websites like Wal Mart and Best Buy and so forth is acceptable to welfare.
    You should print the ones you send out so you have proof you did them. They will contact the places you claim you filled out for but having copies is a good back up.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 02:41 PM

    I was in a JOBS program through P.A. years ago and you are not allowed to do any on line job seeking.This is in New York.
    I would try placing an ad on Craigs list,(it is free)there are often free things on there.
    You may have to keep reposting as the ads accumulate quickly and you get pushed back several pages in a short time.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 02:45 PM

    They allowed me to do the online applications but I think they said so many each week had to be in person. Even if she has to do 12 in person checking online sites would be helpful possibly.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 02:46 PM

    The dream of getting a free car is proubably not going to happen,with the hard times anyone with a extra car knows someone that needs'r going to have to get creative for transportation car sharing with a friend.go to craigs for car pools etc. you could even post a I need help add there along with the thousands of others.
    p.s. its not all your ex-husbands fault accept your side of it and move on,not a very successful way of getting help
  • Aug 2, 2009, 02:53 PM


    p.s. its not all your ex-husbands fault accept your side of it and move on,not a very successful way of getting help
    How do you know that? That is quite an assumption on your part.
    He abandoned his kids and his wife and messed up her credit.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 02:55 PM

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing. It is very much his fault and should be a good part of his responsibility.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:01 PM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    yeah I was thinking the same thing. It is very much his fault and should be a good part of his responsibility.

    He made those kids and he has a responsibility to them.You divorce your spouse ,not your children!
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:06 PM

    I knew that was coming so I will explain
    Most likely the help she is going to get or needs will come from a male in some way,and harping on the husband abandoned me to get help that's needed just isn't the best route to take it brings up questions
    Well what did you do?
    Why did he do it?
    I mean it can come up,like in this example if it was mentioned later in her reply I wouldn't say that,but for that to be the main subject not good in my eyes.this is better
    Single mom raising kids needs help etc etc
    Why go into the bashing husband thing its not healthy and its not going to get you anywhere.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:08 PM

    I'm focusing on the get help,move on
    Now if she's here to bash the hubby so be it
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:13 PM

    You're right she doesn't need to bash the ex but he should be doing his part. I know I never got a dime out of my ex and my kids suffered because of it. He was a mechanic and he wouldn't even fix something simple on any of the clunkers I ended up buying with the few hundred dollars I eventually would be able to save up.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:14 PM

    Originally Posted by zippit View Post
    i knew that was coming so i will explain
    most likely the help she is going to get or needs will come from a male in some way,and harping on the husband abandoned me to get help thats needed just isnt the best route to take it brings up questions
    well what did you do?
    why did he do it?
    i mean it can come up,like in this example if it was mentioned later in her reply i wouldnt say that,but for that to be the main subject not good in my eyes.this is better
    single mom raising kids needs help ect ect
    why go into the bashing husband thing its not healthy and its not going to get you anywhere.

    It could have been said out of frustration.I know I would be plenty frustrated.

    Maybe people would think she was just a bad parent if she said I need help for my kids.
    Then the responses would likely go in the direction of *well you made your bed ,now you have to lie in it*.OR *where is the father,why isn't he helping*?

    You can't put someone down for the way they post a question.

    I don't know why you assume that any help she gets will be from a male.That is just plain chauvinistic thinking.

    I think bringing up the husband has everything to do with this because if he had not left her and the children,she would not be in the boat she is.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:25 PM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post
    You can't put someone down for the way they post a question.


    Your right I was trying to steer her in the right direction.certainly didn't mean to "put her down" I can see how it could read that way.Its tough out there especially for single parents regardless of how you got there.I can't imagine 12 job apps a week I mean unemployment is what 3-4.I think and I'm only saying from my experiences people tend to help out/or at least feel better about helping,strong,motivated upbeat people asking for help with a smile on your face is almost impossible but it works.Now is no time for past hang-ups.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:27 PM

    Yeah I know too many welfare moms that do use their kids for pity and have an entitlement attitude so it is better the way OP asked from her point that SHE needs help to get back on her feet. I tried not to fall into that trap of wanting to have people feel bad for me but sometimes you get so down with trying so hard just to survive.
  • Aug 2, 2009, 03:34 PM

    Originally Posted by artlady View Post

    I don't know why you assume that any help she gets will be from a male.That is just plain chauvinistic thinking.


    I was just talking odds. That a male would be involved if it was help from someone secular
    Not chauvinistic just what's most likely

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