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  • Jan 8, 2009, 08:32 AM
    Warts that will not go away?
    I have warts on m thumb and finger. Every time I try the over the counter medication not only do they not go away but I will have another one come up. I have try over the counter medication and tried freezing them off at a doctors office. Does any one know any tricks or anything else I can try besides surgery?
  • Jan 8, 2009, 08:36 AM

    It's going to sound weird, but it works!

    Buy regular asprin, crush a few tablets, put the crushed asprin directly on the wart, cover with a strip of tape, and leave on until the seal is broken. Repeat.

    My brother had one on his big toe and did this. Something in the asprin pulled the wart out and it has never returned!

    My Mom found this in an old home remedies book.

    Not sure what everyone else will say about this, but it worked for him!

    The key to this is the tape seal. If the wart is exposed to air, it will not work.
  • Apr 2, 2011, 10:42 PM
    Well you can put duck tayp on if for 2weeks but, it might smell!! But the wart will dry up and fall off

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