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  • Feb 28, 2017, 06:05 PM
    What are some of the best ways to make money without working?
    I’m interested in hearing all ways to make money that don’t involve typical labor. Please don’t include troll comments about how people are lazy and are supposed to work and please don’t suggest affiliate links to survey sites.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 06:26 PM
  • Feb 28, 2017, 06:36 PM
    Steal, embezzle, fortune tell, play the lottery, marry an heiress, Nuclear transmutation of Lead to Gold. What's so hard about working?
  • Feb 28, 2017, 06:39 PM

    That isn't very helpful. I am not in a position to inherit money.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 06:46 PM

    It isn't that working is hard, just that it is usually boring, and inconvenient. Also, please provide a serious answer instead of mocking the question.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 06:52 PM

    Originally Posted by Kescarte_DJ View Post

    It isn't that working is hard, just that it is usually boring, and inconvenient. Also, please provide a serious answer instead of mocking the question.

    Curious. Why do you consider that mocking? I think 'ma' was quite serious. Your question however invites the type of answers you don't want.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 06:58 PM

    Originally Posted by Kescarte_DJ View Post

    That isn't very helpful. I am not in a position to inherit money.

    There is no easy way. If there was everyone would do it. My answer may have been facetious, but it was to make a point. Everyone who has made significant money has done it either by hard work or inheriting.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 07:06 PM
    How old are you? What type of work have you done? What are your expectations?

    Most ways to make money are boring and inconvenient. If you are looking for excitement and everything to be your way, then you aren't going to find anything.

    Maybe you need to learn how to make the most of any opportunities you are given. Positive personal outlook on life and experiences goes a long way toward making any job more tolerable.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 07:24 PM
    Work is not boring, if you are doing something you enjoy or like. It is not finding a high paying job. It is finding one you enjoy.

    There is not free money.

    One way is of course buy houses and rent them out. And as noted, lottery.

    I do secret shopping, but that can be boring of course. And you can't make a living off it.

    Make money as a notary, again not a lot of money but you stamp some papers.

    Writing blogs, and so on.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 07:56 PM

    "ma" only listed things that were either very dangerous or probably not possible (such as turning lead to gold) and then proceeded to ask "what's so hard about working?"

    That sort of implies he was not taking the question seriously.

    While I agree, the subject matter of the question tends to invite some fairly ridiculous answers, that does not mean that the question itself is illegitimate or impossible.


    If you are not going to answer the question seriously, then please don't answer at all. The two things I don't need in answer to this question are troll comments about how people are lazy and are supposed to work and affiliate links to survey sites.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 08:09 PM

    17. Manual labor, contract negotiating, market research studies, various other temporary positions. I'm not sure what you mean by "expectations".

    I'm not looking for everything to go my way, I'm just looking for a few ways to make money without effort on my part.

    That's true, several things can make a job more tolerable. But I don't want a job because I don't want to end up like everyone else. On an inconvenient schedule where I have to spend a half of my waking hours five days a week doing something I don't particularly enjoy. And for what? To make enough to scrape by? Why would anyone do this if they didn't have to?

    That's the whole purpose of this question, to find a legitimate alternative (I've actually come across several thus far, this question is a duplicate that I've asked across many Q&A type sites).

    Those who don't think it can be done are simply mistaken. And they certainly don't belong here answering this question, as they serve only as a barrier to those who are looking for alternatives to the same old ideas we as people have been spoon-fed since infancy.

    @ FR_Chuckle:

    It's true, work is not always boring. I have several types of "work" I do that I enjoy very much, but it isn't very profitable, at least not right now.

    The idea is not to receive "free money", it is to receive money for the least amount of investment necessary.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 09:19 PM
    You want to make money without putting in effort? That is not reality. I work 3 shift a week, I'm off 4 days every week and live VERY comfortably, but few are cut out to do what I do.

    If if you don't want a job, prepare to live in a van down by the river. Or you could marry into wealth, but a wealthy family wouldn't want a slacker. You would be considered a "gold digger."

    It appears you are of the entitled mindset. You want it all, but you want it handed to you instead of working for it.
  • Feb 28, 2017, 09:54 PM
    Let's see. When you are 64 or so, that's when I retired, you'll say---- Gee, I don't have any money. Well you can move to the new country of California and live on the street, get free food and tattoo removal. Damn, I bet you wanted the progressive guy as president, everything would be free and no one would have to work! Let's just say that I loved all the things I did, invested as much as I could in long term growth mutual funds and can't believe how rich my children will be someday. Hmmm, I think I'll buy a new car today. You need to get new glasses, your rose colored ones have given you a distorted sense of reality.
    BUT WAIT, you could hire yourself out as a paid protestor, you know, pipelines, coal mines, NOT MY PRESIDENT!! Trolling is fun, never did it before but an opportunity like this only happens once in a lifetime.
    I sure wasn't born with a Silver spoon, fed from infancy of course, but sure as h%$l have had a great ride. Now excuse me while I go for a ride in my turbo Carerra.
  • Mar 1, 2017, 04:03 AM

    Originally Posted by Kescarte_DJ View Post

    If you are not going to answer the question seriously, then please don't answer at all. The two things I don't need in answer to this question are troll comments about how people are lazy and are supposed to work and affiliate links to survey sites.

    First, YOU do NOT dictate who can answer your posts or how. When you post here you open yourself up to any responses
    As long as they don't violate the rules of this site.

    Second, My answers WERE serious. You seem to think there is some magic formula that can make you money without effort. Well there isn't. Bill Gates worked hard to build up Microsoft. Mark Zuckerberg worked hard to build up Facebook.
  • Mar 1, 2017, 06:03 AM
    If you aren't willing to work hard to get what you want from life, then you will never achieve what you want. I think your best plan is to educate yourself, and start exploring all your options and opportunities, so you can make a good decision about your own path forward. LOL, I hope you have as much fun as I did but please don't waste your time looking for happiness to come to you. Go and get it! Try a few things by exploring and experimenting and trying stuff.

    The journey to what you want doesn't have to be boring, unless you are boring! Get my drift?
  • Mar 1, 2017, 09:03 AM
    Your dictatorial and humorless responses to the responses you have been getting say a lot about you, and it doesn't bode well for your future. The first word that comes to mind is 'imperious.'

    Having said that, I will tell you how I did what you want for most of my 70 years: I worked here and there, as little as possible, at many jobs (37 in fact, the shortest being 3 days), plus self employment later on. I learned how to live very frugally. I saved every little penny and put it into first 1/4 of a house when I was 34, and then my own condo, then my own house, and another, and finally the one I own now. I began to collect Social Security, while selling on ebay and taking small jobs here and there. It's a small amount, because I had so little 'on the books' income.

    Then I inherited from my dad, who lived into his 90s (and I would have traded every penny for him to live longer). I still don't spend much, LOL.

    What jobs I had is not important. Being frugal is. If you can't enjoy life without all the expensive stuff, there's no point in my talking further. Few young people today can possibly imagine what it took, or would be willing to live that life.

    SOME WRITE APPS AND GET RICH FAST. But you already know that and would have tried that by now instead of asking.
  • Mar 1, 2017, 09:26 AM

    Originally Posted by Kescarte_DJ View Post
    I’m interested in hearing all ways to make money that don’t involve typical labor. Please don’t include troll comments about how people are lazy and are supposed to work and please don’t suggest affiliate links to survey sites.

    There is no way to make money without some work, except for inheriting but even then it requires a little.

    The problem here is that it seems like you've not decided what your true vocation should be. Good work doesn't seem like work.

    If you want to make money, then find something you WANT to do and do it. Get paid for it. Best way to make money.

    There is no REALLY easy way to make money. IF there was, money would have no meaning.
  • Mar 1, 2017, 09:56 AM
    People I know who make a good living without typical work:
    Investments, online markets
    Investments, real property (real estate)
  • Mar 1, 2017, 05:22 PM
    Joypulv- Imperious--OOH, I love that word, seems quite fitting.
  • Mar 2, 2017, 02:19 AM
    Making money without getting bored excludes just about every career. Even prostitutes get bored. Making money without being inconvenienced excludes most jobs. Even politicians have to travel all night and eat fundraising dinners.

    All I can think of is brokering on the internet, whether stocks, antiques, or collectables is up to you.

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