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  • Apr 18, 2009, 02:16 PM
    The Summerland and Wiccan afterlife
    *I'd rather only Wiccans and Pagans answer please. Don't tell me to open a bible or pray to God for forgiveness and all that jazz*

    I've been a practicing Wiccan for nearly 7 years now (of the Celtic tradition). When my High Priestess was training me, I was taught about the Wiccan afterlife. Apparently, in the Celtic tradition, the afterlife differs slightly from other Wiccan traditions. When you die (in the Celtic tradition) your soul descends to the Shadowland first. There it rests to have its "karmic slate" cleaned off (that way you can enter the Summerland with a clean slate). Once your soul has finished resting, it then ventures to the Great Gates, guarded by the Goddess in her Crone form. She asks a question: if you want to pass on to eternity in the Summerland or to return to the world through reincarnation. If you choose the Summerland, She opens the Gates and you go through and come out in a realm that resembles Earth almost exactly, with the exception of technology. It's kind of like when you see pictures of places like Hawaii or the Bahamas or some other tropical destination, it just shows the beauty of nature. That's basically how the Summerland looks.

    I'm wondering if there are any other Wiccans in other traditions that are taught this? Every Wiccan I know is either of the Celtic tradition or is eclectic but believes in the Celtic ways, so asking them would solve nothing. I just want to compare the beliefs on this subject from different traditions.
  • Apr 18, 2009, 08:57 PM

    Jamm I won't tell you about any bible or to pray cause I have my own set of beleifs.

    Personally I don't belong to any religion and I follow the spiritual teachings of kaballah

    But can you tell me what a viccan is?
  • Apr 19, 2009, 07:19 AM

    Originally Posted by lighterrr View Post
    jamm i wont tell you about any bible or to pray cause i have my own set of beleifs.

    personally i dont belong to any religion and i follow the spiritual teachings of kaballah

    but can you tell me what a viccan is?

    Surely. A Wiccan is a follower of the Wiccan religion. Someone who believes in a Goddess and a God and honors/worships them through the various rituals, rites, the 13 Esbats and 8 Sabbats of the year. A Wiccan is someone who reveres and honors the Earth and the Moon as the representation of our Goddess and honors the animals and the Sun as our God. Someone who utilizes the natural energies of our world to create magic and use it to better our lives, and the lives of others around us. That is my best description of a Wiccan. :) I hope that helps
  • Apr 19, 2009, 08:35 AM

    Thxx jamm going to do so more research on it through the net
  • Apr 19, 2009, 10:24 AM

    You're quite welcome. A word of caution though, don't believe everything you read on the web about Wicca. I would highly suggest going out and buying a book or two on the religion rather than relying on the web. I suggest books by Scott Cunningham, Raymond Buckland, Ann Moura, Raven Grimassi amongst others.
  • Apr 19, 2009, 10:27 AM

    k, ty, ill still do some preliminary research on the net I took a research course in university which educated me on finding reliable information on the net from websites that are credible and not run by quacks
  • Apr 19, 2009, 12:18 PM

    Very well then. I would start with Ann Moura's Garden -- Official Website and The Celtic Connection they are good starting points.
  • Apr 19, 2009, 01:22 PM

    Originally Posted by jammixmaster View Post
    Very well then. I would start with Ann Moura's Garden -- Official Website and The Celtic Connection they are good starting points.

    Ty jamm I will do that
  • Apr 19, 2009, 01:39 PM

    Yes, you're welcome. Good luck to you on your search.
  • Feb 24, 2010, 06:20 PM
    Well, I'm a Kemetic Trad Pagan, so I guess I'd be able to enlighten you some.

    Considering other Kemetics are few and far between, I've been a solitary for most of my seven practicing years. Kemetics have something similar when they die to what you do.

    They basically do something like this (Pulled form a site, because it explains it better than I can):

    "When the soul dies, the idea is that it travels through the underworld (assisted by various Gods).
    The soul is then purified, by going through the 42 negative confessions. An example of one is "Hail Fiery One, coming forth backwards, I do not speak lies." It begins with a prayer to one of the 42 Gods (one for each of the nomes of ancient Egypt), the ending is designed to remove the "sin" from you.. We're not expected to be perfect, who can say they've never lied? It was supose to remove lesser guilts from your heart, so that it would not overly weigh against you in the following judgement. However, its often thought by current Kemetics that you actually have to be sorry for the acts. Say, a repeat rapist who feels no remorse even in death, he probably won't get away with just saying he didn't. His heart will still speak badly about him, in judgement..

    Which is the next step. Going before Wesir (Osirs), lord of the west. This is where the heart is weighed against the feather of Ma'at. If one is in balance with Ma'at, on they go to the afterlife. If not.. well.. Ammit destroies them, they cease to exist. No eternal punishment.. just.. nothing. Some actually view this as just a harsh purification of the soul, which is then reincarnated. In either case, this is something which rarely happens. You have to be a super crappy person.. I mean, really super crappy, on purpose, for this to happen.

    The whole death to jugement thing was thought to take 40 days, as Wesir did, as the star Sirius does (it goes below the horizon for 40 days before being born again). The afterlife was thought to be pretty much like this world. Only, better. No disease, no hunger, no war. Various other posibilities would be to ride upon Ra's sun boat, party durrying the day, slay demons at night. Being taken in by the Goddess Nut, or even reincarnation after time in the afterlife. There are a lot things to choose from."

    Taken from :;wap2

    But that's what we believe. :)
  • May 23, 2010, 07:50 PM

    jammixmaster. What does the goddess ask to get in to the Summerland?
  • Jul 23, 2010, 07:49 AM
    I'm Wiccan and I believe that once you finish your present life on earth you return to the Summerland and think about whether you have lived your life well and learned any lessons you set out to learn. You reflect upon your life to perfect your soul then return to Earth in a different form to learn another lesson.
  • Sep 27, 2010, 05:37 PM
    Comment on Heatherjones's post
    I put it in my original post. She basically asks if you want to remain in the Afterlife (Summerland) or move on to reincarnation.
  • Sep 27, 2010, 05:39 PM
    Comment on Rainy_Day's post
    Thank you for your input. Blessed Be.
  • Feb 10, 2011, 01:16 PM
    Ive only practiced this for three years but yes I was taught about The Summerland
    I was actually up there once or twice through medatation its absalutly beautiful up there
    The wiccan religion is amazing I love it ! <3
  • Jan 15, 2012, 12:58 AM
    I am a solitary witch and have been for many years. What I believe is very similar if not the same as you do. I believe you are given the choice if you are ready to go to summerlands or reincarnation. If the Goddess feels that you are not quite ready for whatever reason, you are reincarnated-not for a "do over", but to honor what The Goddess and God gave to you
  • May 22, 2013, 06:13 PM
    I was just searching around for a summerland forum. I'm not attached to any religion, but am very curious about the afterlife. I've read and listened to many testimonials of NDEs and OBEs.

    So. I dream a lot about flying. Usually I find myself in an unpleasant situation, and then become somewhat lucid, knowing I'm dreaming, and fly away.

    Couple weeks ago I had a much different dream, and one that left me wondering if it was a brief OBE and quick glimpse of the Summerland. After an odd encounter with my late brother, the back wall of our home became a glass wall, and on the other side was grass. At this point I became lucid, and simply walked through the glass, and saw a lovely looking natural setting off in the distance. I decided to fly over there, and then did. For a -very- brief moment I flew over the most beautiful idyllic scene I've ever seen. Somewhat rural looking, and very very very real feeling. Vivid colors, indescribable. Unlike any dream I've ever had.

    The little flight may have lasted 5 seconds before I woke up suddenly. I was -really- not happy about having woke up!

    Anyway, I haven't told anyone about this, and was looking for a Summerland forum. This is an older thread, but thought I'd take a chance...

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