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  • Apr 1, 2007, 12:05 AM
    Probation issue resulting in county jail?
    I am in Ohio however my case is in KY. Per an earlier post

    I was charged with 2 felony counts of welfare fraud for failure to report changes in income. I assumed that I could make payments back to the state and avoid criminal charges. Yeah right. So I pled guilty, was sentenced to 3 yr (2) running concurrently, placed on probation and moved to Ohio. The primary requirements were to make $150 monthly payments, remain employed full time, and of course see probation officer. Well, it all sounds easy enough. Unfortunately I have severe depression, anxiety, PTSD and am a single mother of 5. Needless to say... no payments have been made, kept job for first 6 mo then was hospitalized, have since applied for Social Security and am fighting with them. Have always talked with PO but initial state has filed a revocation hearing as I have not paid. Received the notice today (Friday afternoon) and must be in court in KY on Monday.
    It sounds like the consensus is that I should expect punishment in the form of jail time. SOOOOOOOOO... my question is... what should I expect in county jail. I am a 37 yr old woman who has never even been arrested. NO drugs or other criminal activities. God... I'm pretty stressed. I don't even know if this court appearance on Mon. is to set another date for the hearing or the hearing itself. And how likely is it that she (the judge) will put me in jail? What things can I expect while in jail? Can I have books? Wear my own clothes? And what about my meds (for depression, etc)? All info is appreciated. Thanks again, Cathy
  • Apr 1, 2007, 08:08 AM
    First of course while unfair and sexist women get sentenced to jail a lot less than men do, their offense has to be a lot worst normally to get jail time. ( that is why there are so few women prisons) But a lot will depend first if you get jail time or prison time, And after that which one, in some jails or prisons you wear regular clothes but most have a some uniform of some sort you will wear. Most allow you to have a limted amount of books, the ones I worked at allowed 3 books at a time, it can vary in others.
    Normally you will just sit and sit and sit, As for as meds, one of two things, in jail for short sentence, you would provide the meds to the medical staff who issues your medication to you. But normally you will have to be reviewed by intake people, and id they believe you need it, they will issue it to you.
  • Apr 1, 2007, 08:27 AM
    Hello again, 1:

    Relax. I'm really a glass half full kind of guy - ceptin when I'm dealing with the criminal justice system. In my experience, it's best to think the worst, and hope for the best. That way, you can't be disappointed.

    Yes, I said earlier that you should tell the judge about your problems. And, I mean that too. However, don't do it as though your problems are an EXCUSE. Because, in fact, they're not. At best, they're REASONS.

    What will save your butt, is if you tell the judge how you've OVERCOME those REASONS. As evidence of that, you have $2,500 towards your fines. Plus, you should tell him what your plans are to continue on the straight and narrow.

    You can do that in writing to the judge, and that's not a bad idea. Send a copy to the Probation Officer. You can learn your lines by heart if you want. The bottom line is, YOU need to turn this thing around. Only YOU can.

    If you do the above, I don't think any judge will put you in jail.

  • May 22, 2012, 11:19 PM
    As an Exxon I have a question this is my first time affense I didn't report to my p.o. in over 6 months now, or pay my fines or to the court. So when I go to court what could the judge do? Although my charge was a misdemeanor for shoplifting accessory was with someone that was streaming but I was clean! Can I bring payment in full for my p.o. and court fines or jail??
  • May 22, 2012, 11:20 PM
    I mean excon

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