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  • Nov 13, 2010, 09:35 PM
    Adult Dog Pooping in the House
    We have had 2 6 year old female Pikapoo dogs for 2 years now. They were not house trained when we got them, but after working with them we finally got them crate trained. They sleep in our bedroom on the floor on pillows and they like cuddling with my clothes. This week I have woken up to poop on the carpet two nights in a row. My husband had not been hitting them with the newspaper when they did it. We started caging both of them at night since we did not know who was doing it although we have our suspicions. I woke up the morning after we started to cage them and found poop in the cage. The next morning the same thing happened in their cage, but this time they tried covering the poop with their blankets. This time my husband spanked both of them and put them in the garage in their cage without their blankets because they were covered in poop. This morning, I let them out when I woke up and left them out for a while and brought them back inside and Spaz pooped in the house maybe an hour later. Later in the day we put them outside again and caged them because we left the house. My dad let them out 2 times when he came home and the dogs still pooped in 3 different places in the house while my dad was home. I am pregnant and my husband is at his wits end. He is to the point where he wants to give them aways. Please help!
  • Nov 14, 2010, 08:56 AM

    Hitting your dogs is not going to help you. I know sometimes people loose their tempers and give their dogs a smack on he bum, but it sounds as if you guys are using swatting and hitting as a regular means of discipline. This will only cause your dog to fear you. Chances of accidents happening are going to greatly increase when your dog is living in fear.

    Your dogs can sense the change in environment with you being pregnant, and they probably aren't quite sure what to make of things. When I was pregnant with my daughter, my oldest dog would whine constantly, he urinated in my bed room almost nightly. When I thought about it, I was acting differently, not spending as much time as I usually did with my fur baby. With the stress of money, getting a nursery prepared, the changing hormones in your body, your dog is alert to the changes happening.

    Of course their always can be the chance of a medical issue causing this. How old are your dogs? Both neutered? Up to date with worm medications? When your dog's behavior changes drastically in a short period, it's always best to have things checked out by your vet. In your case I am betting on behavioral issues rather than medical. But I am not a vet, and I can not diagnose your pooch.

    Your dogs are going to have accidents, especially when the baby comes along. You may have to go back to the basics with your pups, every time they eat or drink, take them out side. Praise like mad when they do their business outside.

    If at all possible, an extra walk or some extra attention thrown in during the day, will remind your pups that they aren't forgotten in the excitement of preparing for you new baby!

    But most importantly, never raise your hand to a dog, you wouldn't hit your child for having an accident, so don't hit your dogs either! Remember they aren't doing it out of spite, rather than confusion and nervousness.
  • Nov 14, 2010, 12:25 PM
    Comment on Aurora_Bell's post
    Thank you for your respons. We had them neutered shortly after we got them about 2 years ago. They both get their medications monthly. What do we do when they have accidents in the house? Do we just pick it up and ignore their behavior?
  • Nov 15, 2010, 03:22 AM

    I'd put them each in his own crate. The crates can be side by side so that they know they're not alone. If they are separate, you will soon know who the pooper is.

    Dogs do remember what they did, so you don't have to catch them in the act. Gently lead them to the spot and let your tone of voice show your displeasure.

    No matter how irritating an accident can be it's never helpful to yell or frighten the dog. Also, rubbing the dog's nose in it makes no sense to the dog who can smell it 500 yards away and enjoys the smell of poop besides.

    Even spending 10 minutes more a day giving each dog your undivided attention can make a huge difference. A dog who is secure, knowing that it is loved will try harder, if it keeps displeasure from your tone of voice.
  • Nov 15, 2010, 05:55 AM

    I don't exactly agree with simoneaugie's post above, it's not that dogs have a short memory, it's that they have no concept of time, so they may poop on the rug and an hour later you find it, but to them it could be years for all they know. Also when you are disciplining them after the deed has been done, they understand that it's the poop on the floor that's making you un-happy, but not the act of doing it.

    Un fortunately, the only thing you can do when you find a mess like that is say in an un happy voice "ohh bad boy". Your dog knows you are dis-pleased with his behavior, no need to further punish. As Simoneague pointed out.

    Simon also makes a good point about rubbing their noses in the mess. They can smell it, so they have no idea why you are rubbing their noses in the poop. I know you are frustrated now with this behavior, but they are confused too, give it some time, try to be a bit more diligent in taking them out, they will return to your normal loving fur babies before you know it.

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