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  • Mar 21, 2018, 04:24 PM
    Teachers! I need help for an assignment. Can you fill out my Questionnaire?
    I need middle school teachers or high school teachers to answer the following questions regarding reading assessment and data analysis process for an assignment, please! Edit: My assignment is to analyze and compare answers from different teachers from outside of my state in a paper based on their responses to these questions.

    What tools do you use to gather data about student literacy progress and identify struggling readers?

    What are some examples of formative assessments that you utilize? Summative? Screening tools? Authentic assessments? State mandated standardized tests?

    Once students in need of reading remediation are identified, what are next steps?

    Does your school, grade, team, or department hold data or progress monitoring meetings in reference to remedial readers? If so, how often?

    How do teachers at your school site use reading assessment data to plan and organize instruction?

    How do teachers at your school site track student literacy assessment information or data? How do you relay this information to students? Parents?

    What accommodations do you provide for students who may not perform well on traditional literacy assessments?
  • Mar 21, 2018, 04:26 PM
    While we are willing to HELP you with your homework, we aren’t going to do it for you.
  • Mar 21, 2018, 08:18 PM
    Sounds like you are supposed to interview teachers for this assignment. How will you learn from the answers? What will you do the information?
  • Mar 22, 2018, 02:41 PM
    I am not asking you to do my homework for me. I am looking for inputs from teachers outside of my state so I can get different points of views on the topics of reading assessment and data analysis process. My actual homework is to analyze and compare the answers in a paper.
  • Mar 22, 2018, 06:04 PM
    Can you please tell us what state you are from so we can help you.
  • Mar 22, 2018, 08:57 PM
  • Mar 23, 2018, 06:21 AM
    A heck of a lot of questions for your school to expect you to get teachers from other schools to answer! I'd be annoyed at the assignment and say so.
  • Mar 23, 2018, 07:27 AM
    This is under high school forum, so is this a high school assignment, or college? If I may suggest a more targeted approach than a public forum that may or may not have a number of teachers that can respond? Far as I know there is only one teacher here, active in a school system.

    A Google search for specific contact information for school systems outside your state may cast a wider net for the information you need a lot faster though I suspect you have asked this on many public forums. Others have when I Googled your general question.

    A quick search of your specific questions also yielded much information on localities that have dealt with the very issues in your questions often with specific references to good source info for fact and research gathering. I don't know if interviews are specifically required for your assignment, but there is certainly a lot of referenced data from around the country.

    Hope that helps.

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