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  • Oct 21, 2016, 12:46 PM
    You Read it Here First
    Why is this NOT True?

    "IF Hillary Wins
    America Loses"

    It should be on Signs all across the Country.
  • Oct 21, 2016, 01:16 PM
    Because it Trump wins, America as we know it will be destroyed.

    As bad as Hillary is, and she is not as bad as Trump or the conservative media contend she is, she is still a dedicated public servant with the good of the people on her mind.
  • Oct 21, 2016, 01:17 PM
    The ONLY way for America to Win is for them BOTH to lose !!!.
    Sorry, but that's how it's seen over here...
    You think our politicos stretch the truth.....
  • Oct 21, 2016, 01:33 PM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem View Post
    Because it Trump wins, America as we know it will be destroyed.

    As bad as Hillary is, and she is not as bad as Trump or the conservative media contend she is, she is still a dedicated public servant with the good of the people on her mind.

    You Jest.
  • Oct 21, 2016, 01:55 PM
    Trump is committing seppuku now by going after Michelle Obama.
  • Oct 21, 2016, 02:43 PM
    Because it's one of those empty buzz phrases I'm sick of?

    I mean like really, doesn't every campaign pretty much predict utter doom if the other candidate wins?

    Sick sick sick of it. If we don't shorten future campaign periods to 11 months, I'm moving to Mars to be the first to be on the compost heap in the biodome.
  • Oct 21, 2016, 04:13 PM
    The Hildebeast Made Nixon look like a Saint before Bills first six months in office. In the last 8 years she's committed more crimes than 90% of the people in the prison system.

    As much as I hated Julian Assange and Wikileaks... what they have done in the last several years was a great service to America by pointing out to everyone open minded enough to listen that a select few knew for years but were called conspiracy theorists.

    I know more than a few native New Yorkers... as in born and raised in and around NYC. They have unique personality traits... particularly anyone who has made a success of themselves around there that is. Not just surviving. Trump embodies those traits.

    He might not have been my first choice, but I can't help but like and respect someone who has the balls to speak their mind... particularly when its about a career politician who has never really earned an honest living. Particularity a crooked one who has been outed time and time again like Hillary.
  • Oct 21, 2016, 05:48 PM
    First I am a born and bred New Yorker. I was born in Manhattan and grew up in Manhattan and Brooklyn. I've lived in the greater NY area all my life. Trump does NOT embody the traits of real New Yorkers. He is egotistical and egomaniacal. He lives in a fantasy world of his own making.

    Sure he speaks his mind, unfortunately that mind is out of touch with reality. Its one thing to have the courage to speak one's mind. It is another thing to just utter things that don't make sense, that are outright falsehoods and worse.

    Sure there are good points to having a president who is an outsider, not a career politician. But Trump is not the person for that. He does not have the temperament to function as this country's chief executive. A Trump presidency will make the US the laughing stock of the world. He will not be able to get any of his policies through because Congress will not work with him. And most of his policies will set the US and the economy back 20years or more.

    As for Hillary's alleged criminal acts, she has never even been indicted for anything. Yes she has made a number of bad decisions but I don't see anything truly criminal. The fraud of Trump University, the illegal solicitation of funds for Trump Foundation, the several unethical dealing with suppliers and contractors are more criminal in my view. Given a choice between someone who has made a career of public service and someone who has made a career of self aggrandizement, I'm going to pick the public servant. I am totally and completely convinced that a Trump presidency will be a real disaster for this country. I am not convinced that a Clinton presidency will move this country forward, but it won't be disaster Trump WILL be.

    Oh and about WikiLeaks, There is more than ample evidence that those leaks are being orchestrated by the Russian government. that the Russian government wants so badly to have Trump as president is almost reason enough to vote for Hillary.
  • Oct 21, 2016, 07:16 PM
    First one that came to mind... FileGate... 9 months Hillary was in contempt of congress, and perjury in front of congress. Both a Jail-able offence on their own, ones anyone else and others HAVE gone to jail for. Scooter Libby went to jail for doing EXACTLY what Hillary got away with during FIlegate, . only she lied....he recalled something wrong.

    The cases of files were in the White House residence the entire time... Nobody else snuck them in.. it would have been impossible. Nobody and nothing comes in and out of their without being inspected and logged by a number of Secret service agents 24X7.

    And with Wikileaks... sorry, but Obama and the Democrat party are the ones with the most to lose and the most indignant about being caught on many things. They are the LEAST credible people to be pointing fingers at anyone. They rigged the Primary to make sure Hildebeast got in, and thats also been proven. I believe nothing they have to say about anything. Its already proven they will stop at nothing ti rig the election. Wikileaks has proven prominent DNC staff stating as much.

    As many times as Bush was accused of wagging the dog by the Democrat, this bunch of Democrats is actually doing it.

    I don't give a free pass to any of the people that passed classified data to them because they were upset....They took the job..they do the job..if they can't they should quit the job...but they need to respect the conditions of the job..or suffer the consequences from not doing that. I admire wikileaks on one hand for outting the hypocricy proving what many of us have said for years, but also vilify them for the rest on the other hand. I actually do still have much more disdain for them than respect. Just not as much as before.

    Half of my coworkers are in Manhattan and North Jersey, I've known dozens over the last 20+ years who spent their entire lives that that do have those traits...and these are all people in their 40's, 50's, and 60's. I didn't imply they all do, I know they don't...but all the ones I personally know who have done well for themselves do. Transplants tend to mellow when they are out of that environment, and that I've seen from some ex-New Yorkers.

    Not meaning that in a negative way...its not that much different than other TYPE A personalities...its just a bit more identifiable. Humility and humbleness are not common among type A people. Type A aggressiveness is rewarded most often...the type B person who may be good at what they do...will be taken advantage of and not get ahead nearly as fast.

    That applies more in NYC than most other areas. They have a very good reason to say, if you can make it in NYC, you can make it anywhere.
  • Oct 22, 2016, 02:07 AM
    Ben got it right on this one.
    That's why I'm pushing third party, hopeless as it seems.

    A saying is floating around the web that Trump is an example of everything wrong with American Culture while Clinton is an example of everything wrong with American Government.

    Edit: To answer the OP, rumor has it that Putin has threatened to launch if Hillary wins. Another rumor has BLM threatening civil war if Trump gets it. I can probably survive BLM.
  • Oct 22, 2016, 02:18 AM
    Again, she hasn't been indicted for anything. If others went to jail for what you believe Hillary did and she didn't, then maybe there wasn't enough evidence to indict.

    With WikiLeaks I've seen several of these alleged e-mails that have been proven to be phonies.

    I believe nothing they have to say about anything.
    While I can understand why you feel that way, It shows that you have a bias that will ignore things that are facts.

    What I have seen throughout this election is twofold. First people are not supporting a candidate, they are against the other candidate. And second this makes them blind to the other candidate's shortcomings. People support Trump because they dislike Hillary and vice versa.

    I realize Hillary has problems and I don't know if she will be a good president or not. That's why we need to pay more attention to the down ballot races. We need to send to Congress people who we believe will reign in whoever we choose for president.

    But I am firmly convinced that Trump represents a danger to this country. Just look at the latest storm. At the first debate he promised to accept the election. Then, as is numbers slipped, he started whining about election fraud with no proof whatsoever. I am reminded of Joe McCarthy holding up a piece of paper claiming to have the names of communists in government. This is a man who claims he can unite the country, yet all he does is increase division. His refusal to say he will accept the outcome if he loses is just another example that he doesn't have the temperament to be president.

    Again, I grew up in New York City. And the song is right; "If you can make it there..." But that doesn't mean that Trump displays those characteristics. Instead he displays the worst part of the characteristics of New Yorkers. The arrogance, the sense of entitlement, etc. And may I remind you that Hillary did make it there.


    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    Ben got it right on this one.
    That's why I'm pushing third party, hopeless as it seems.

    That's not the best answer. The best answer is to concentrate on down ballot elections. Elect a congress that supports your principles and will keep the president in check.
  • Oct 22, 2016, 02:33 AM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem View Post
    That's not the best answer. The best answer is to concentrate on down ballot elections. Elect a congress that supports your principles and will keep the president in check.

    That has not worked so well. The Tax Protest upswell of 2010 had little effect. The record setting takeover of down ballot offices by the republicans since then still hasn't gotten the GDP over 2% growth.

    As far as making a laughingstock of America overseas, I give you the respect shown the current administration by the Philippines.
  • Oct 22, 2016, 05:19 AM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem View Post
    Again, she hasn't been indicted for anything. If others went to jail for what you believe Hillary did and she didn't, then maybe there wasn't enough evidence to indict.

    With WikiLeaks I've seen several of these alleged e-mails that have been proven to be phonies.

    While I can understand why you feel that way, It shows that you have a bias that will ignore things that are facts.

    What I have seen throughout this election is twofold. First people are not supporting a candidate, they are against the other candidate. And second this makes them blind to the other candidate's shortcomings. People support Trump because they dislike Hillary and vice versa.

    I realize Hillary has problems and I don't know if she will be a good president or not. That's why we need to pay more attention to the down ballot races. We need to send to Congress people who we believe will reign in whoever we choose for president.

    But I am firmly convinced that Trump represents a danger to this country. Just look at the latest storm. At the first debate he promised to accept the election. Then, as is numbers slipped, he started whining about election fraud with no proof whatsoever. I am reminded of Joe McCarthy holding up a piece of paper claiming to have the names of communists in government. This is a man who claims he can unite the country, yet all he does is increase division. His refusal to say he will accept the outcome if he loses is just another example that he doesn't have the temperament to be president.

    Again, I grew up in New York City. And the song is right; "If you can make it there..." But that doesn't mean that Trump displays those characteristics. Instead he displays the worst part of the characteristics of New Yorkers. The arrogance, the sense of entitlement, etc. And may I remind you that Hillary did make it there.

    That's not the best answer. The best answer is to concentrate on down ballot elections. Elect a congress that supports your principles and will keep the president in check.

    Has nothing to do with bias... I've caught them in numerous lies over the last several decades that I knew for a fact were lies... WIKILEAKS just proved I was right. It takes a real bias to take a proven liars word for anything blindly because you have to ignore all the times they have been caught previously.

    The Boy that cried wolf story applies... also for the record, I don't blindly believe the media either for the same reasons, and the RNC doesn't get a pass either... 30+ years in and around the government opens ones eyes to the degree of lies politicians and the media will stoop to in order to push whatever their agenda is.

    You can't get elected dogcatcher without lies... and the higher up the political ladder you go, the worse it gets.

    I hold honesty in high regard.. even if I may not agree with them... but when I catch one in a lie, or worse multiple lies... then I suspect everything they say.

    I believe the best place to start... is voter ID. Every country in the world requires a person to present a government issued ID before they can cast a vote. That assures those voting at least are alive and are there legally. And this crap like happened in Illinois and other places... where "uncounted" ballot stuffed boxes were "found" in political party officials vehicles? How obvious a fraud is that... those should never be handled by ANY group with a vested interest in the outcome. Anyone caught committing vote fraud should be forever stripped of their right to vote and be added to a national list of people who have lost that right...

    And incidentally.. the RNC has proven themselves to not be much better or different in how they were treating Trump...

    And the Media? Well look no further than the Washington comPost... who has been working overtime defending every action Hilary has ever made... ( this email thing violated a number of FEDERAL laws put in place AFTER Nixons administration. Yet to this day they act like Nixon was so horrible and all he did was erase 10 minutes of tape, and in retrospect and comparison a very minor coverup.)

    No I'm not giving anyone a free ride here...plenty of blame to go around. Its become endemic in politics and the Media.
  • Oct 22, 2016, 05:57 AM
    All I am going to say further in this discussion is the Democrat Party are a bunch of cowards who are afraid of a fair election. If they wanted fair elections, they would be all for "Voter ID". Now the people on the other hand should be for "Term Limits". They should also send those term limited politicians home, find a job, and not be sucking on the "teat" of the government for the rest of their lives. We have seen what has happened to this country when the politicians have been allowed to run "rough shod" over us. It is time for an outsider to take a shot at it and just maybe we may start to get this country back on the right track. Of course it is up to the stupid voters too many of which are sucking on the political teat to want any change. Bottom line, I will not be around to see this country go down. But, I do feel sorry for my family and all of the future generations yet to come. I am voting for Donald Trump I care less what you people here, think of him. Yes, and the Blacks had better wake up and smell the coffee, instead of standing around with a nickel in one hand and a wish in the other.
  • Oct 22, 2016, 05:58 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Trump is committing seppuku now by going after Michelle Obama.

    What is seppuku
  • Oct 22, 2016, 06:07 AM
    Hello c,

    I'm not a Hillary fan, but she's gonna get my vote because of the 3 or 4 Supreme Court seats she's gonna fill.. Presidents, bad or good, only impact the country for a decade or so.. The Supreme Court that she'll pick will impact the nation for a century...

    Let me be specific. If Trump wins, his Supreme Court will, outlaw abortion, outlaw gay marriage, reinstate the ban on gays in the military, put the final nail in the Voting Rights Act, and insert more and more Christianity into our NON Christian system..

    Hillary's Supreme Court, on the other hand, will SAVE a woman's right to choose, overturn Heller, overturn Citizens United, and STRENGTHEN the Voting Rights Act..

    Those are just the highlights, but they're BIG highlights.

  • Oct 22, 2016, 06:09 AM

    Originally Posted by tickle View Post
    What is seppuku

    I get it
  • Oct 22, 2016, 06:14 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello c,

    I'm not a Hillary fan, but she's gonna get my vote because of the 3 or 4 Supreme Court seats she's gonna fill.. Presidents, bad or good, only impact the country for a decade or so.. The Supreme Court that she'll pick will impact the nation for a century...

    Let me be specific. If Trump wins, his Supreme Court will, outlaw abortion, outlaw gay marriage, reinstate the ban on gays in the military, put the final nail in the Voting Rights Act, and insert more and more Christianity into our NON Christian system..

    Hillary's Supreme Court, on the other hand, will SAVE a woman's right to choose, overturn Heller, overturn Citizens United, and STRENGTHEN the Voting Rights Act..

    Those are just the highlights, but they're BIG highlights.


    Awww, man are you serious? You honestly believe all that is what is going to happen?
  • Oct 22, 2016, 06:28 AM

    Originally Posted by catonsville View Post
    Awww, man are you serious? You honestly believe all that is what is going to happen?

    Hello again, c:

    Sure. You don't???

  • Oct 22, 2016, 06:37 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again, c:

    Sure. You don't???


    Yo Con, you want Heller overturned I get it. LOL

    Now as far as abortion is concerned, I don't care about it unless I have to pay for it. It is a damn shame that it is being used as a contraception and letting the country pay for their play.

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