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  • Aug 13, 2009, 06:46 AM
    miscellaneous problems in derivatives of trigonometric functions
    please help me solve the problems below. As always, I end up with incorrect answers in some items of my reviewer. Here it is: find dy/dx

    1.) y= xsinx + (1-1/2 x^2)cosx
    Ans: 1/2 x^2 sinx
    my ans: -sinx + 1/2 x^2 sinx

    2.) y = 1-u/1+u ; u = cos2x
    ans: 2tanxsec^2 x
    my ans: (4sin2x)/(1+cos2x)^2

    3.) x = cosu + usinu ;
    y = sinu - ucosu
    ans: tanu
    my ans: (cosu + usinu)/(-sinu + ucosu)

    4.) y = tan(x+y)
    ans: -csc^2(x+y) = -(1 + y^-2)
    my ans: sec^2(x+y)(1 + dy/dx)

    hope you can help me! Thanks in advance. :)
  • Aug 13, 2009, 07:26 AM

    I'll do the first one:

    Break it separately;

    Now, add both, you should be able to get the answer. :)

    Just tell me if you're ready for the others.
  • Aug 13, 2009, 07:39 AM

    Ah.. ok! Now I know what's wrong with my answer in number 1.. My derivative of xsinx is xcosx.. it should be xcosx + sinx..

    I got it! Let's proceed to the next number.. :)
  • Aug 13, 2009, 07:49 AM
    I already got the correct answer in number 2! :D
  • Aug 13, 2009, 07:50 AM
    Oh no.. I mean I got the correct answer in number 3 and not in number 2. :)
  • Aug 13, 2009, 08:04 AM

    Ok, y = 1-u/1+u ; u = cos2x

    That's good. Now, the proof. Expand the denominator;

    You see that the answer include angles in x, not 2x? Well convert all the double angles to single ones.

    To summarise;

    See it? :)

    Sigh, my mouse stopped working... :(
  • Aug 13, 2009, 08:24 AM

    Ok! I got it.. I need to expand that to get the correct answer..

    After few minutes, your mouse will start to work again. Be positive. :D

    OK sir.. next number 4.. :)
  • Aug 13, 2009, 08:31 AM

    Ok, for the last one then you did it right, just need to simplify.

    Group the dy/dx:

    Factorise dy/dx;

    The cos^2(x+y) goes out;

    Which is:

    I think that's OK to end here. Furthermore, I've never done trigo differentiation that far... I mean, using implicit diff with trigo. Thanks for posting those questions. However, I don't know how to get the -(1 + y^-2).

    And by the way, I'm 17, so I felt like embarrassed to be called 'sir', lol :o
  • Aug 13, 2009, 08:45 AM

    haha.. okey! Thanks for the help! :D

    I know there's a person here who knows that -(1+y^-2). :)
  • Aug 13, 2009, 08:47 AM
    haha.. okey! Thanks for the help!
    Forget about that 'sir' thing.. :D

    I know there's a person here who knows that -(1+y^-2). :)
  • Aug 13, 2009, 08:47 AM

    Oh, I just figured it out! Oh my God!!

    Yay! LOL! :p
  • Aug 13, 2009, 09:06 AM

    great! :D
    hmmm.. I just want to know how
    -1/tan^2(x+y) - 1 become -1/y^2 - 1... :)
  • Aug 13, 2009, 09:07 AM

    Did you see earlier what y stands for?


    Originally Posted by thinay
    y = tan(x+y)

  • Aug 13, 2009, 09:12 AM

    Oh.. I see.. tan^2(x+y) is same as (tan(x+y))^2.. So, when you break it down that will become (tan(x+y))(tan(x+y)). Since y=tan(x+y)... that will be (y)(y)=y^2..

    I get it.. :D
  • Aug 13, 2009, 09:20 AM

    wait... wait... last one.. I hope you can help me in this one.. :D

    in here, not just finding the dy/dx.. but also the d^2y/dx^2..

    here it goes..
    y= sqrt of ((1-cos4x)/(1+cos4x))
    the answer in the 2nd derivative will be: 8sec^2 2x |tan2x|

    This one, its really giving me a headache.. :(
  • Aug 13, 2009, 09:36 AM

    OMG!! I don't know where the modulus came...


    Oh my... did you get that?
  • Aug 13, 2009, 09:41 AM


    Now, can you find the second derivative?
  • Aug 13, 2009, 09:43 AM

    Actually not.. its solution is very long.. and I get confused because of that.. I will go back to the very start and review my solution.. In the end, I end up with nothing.. Still confused on how to get its derivative.. :))
  • Aug 13, 2009, 09:45 AM
    Oh.. I see.. I'll be the one to get the second derivative.. thanks for the help.. Again and again.. :D
  • Aug 13, 2009, 09:47 AM

    A simple 'rate this answer' to my post would be the least you can do! :) I'm trying to collect 'good ratings' ;) :p

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