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  • May 5, 2008, 10:49 AM
    2 Attachment(s)
    vintage Brother sewing machine
    I have a vintage Brother machine that my husband restored for me and it is in a carrying case that originally had flowery gotty fabric covering a solid wooden case. The machine is electric and doesn't look to be converted. It's a mint green color with a white stripe down the center of the top. It has a silver sticker with an imprint of "apr59" stamped on it. (located on electric box part) so I assume this is the manufacturing date? I am not interested in value, I just have an interest in collecting vintage machines, and since my husband found this and restored the wood case for me, and made an effort in the reviving of this machine, it has given it sentimental value. I just don't know how to find info on it. Can someone help me? Pics attached
  • May 5, 2008, 02:05 PM
    It sure does look like the 1950's because of the colors! On the following link is discussed the restoration of one of those. Restoring vintage brother sewing machines: tips and advice

    I haven't found anything yet about it historically. You look for information like that by putting, for example, the words Antique Brother Sewing Machine into a Google search.
  • May 5, 2008, 04:00 PM
    Thanks. That was helpful... I have tried googling that phrase and many others, but I can't seem to find info on this particular one. I'm trying to figure out a model # or something to easily id the machine... thanks again!
    If anyone else can help, please let me in on your wisdom! Thanks!
  • May 5, 2008, 09:28 PM
    Have you looked everywhere on the machine for numbers and letters of any kind? From the looks of it, it seems like you might have to partially dismantle it in order to find all the numbers/letters that there might be available to find.

    Perhaps there might be some identifying marks underneath the table portion of the green part?
  • Jul 4, 2008, 05:20 AM
    Did you find any tags in the original base of the machine. Mine came with some papers that had lots of Japanese characters and in the center was the model number, looking like a set of random numbers. I have some pics of my machine if you interested in comparing.
  • Jul 4, 2008, 11:15 AM
    I have looked everywhere on the machine. The only info on it, is the word "deluxe" under control panel. Then a metal sticker on the motor reads "APR59" and that is IT. I mean I've looked everywhere! I even got in touch with BROTHER and they had me send them a picture to identify it. They responded a few weeks later saying they had nothing in their data base even close to this machine! I don't get it!
  • Apr 13, 2009, 04:13 PM
    3 Attachment(s)

    I also have a 1950 Brother Sewing Machine. I do know my mom bought it in 1950, the year before I was born. She made most all of my clothes for me on that machine!

    I have Googled Antique Brother Sewing Machine, but, only came up with CURRENT Brother dealers who sell ONLY Brother Sewing Machines.

    I'm not sure if this is considered Antique yet? You may want to check with the people on ANTIQUE ROAD SHOW... they sometimes answer questions.

    Good luck!

    I am going to TRY an upload some of my pictures of my machine so you can look at it.

  • Apr 13, 2009, 07:50 PM
    Oh wow! Yours looks exactly like the one I saw on Ebay awhile back. That makes 2 that I've seen that come close, but not exact. Its frustrating when nobody knows. Its not really considered vintage until its 100 years old. At least that's what the sewing machine "experts" tell me. But I will contact the roadshow anyway. The worst they can say is "NO" thanks SOSOSO much for showing me your beauty! :D
  • Apr 13, 2009, 08:49 PM
    Glad to be of some help. Keep in touch and let me know if YOU find out anything more!
    Take Care,
  • Apr 21, 2009, 09:47 PM

    I have one that looks just like the one posted by LouNLA9115 too! Mine says streamliner on the very top though. Does yours?
  • Apr 22, 2009, 05:40 AM
    On the TOP of the yellow part of my machine it says, PRECISION SEWING MACHINE only. On the inner side of the sewing machine near the DROP FEED setting it reads:

    HA3B5 MODEL 60

    Does yours?
  • Apr 24, 2009, 07:44 AM
    Mine says Streamliner across the top arm, and I am pretty sure it says the same numbers as yours, I will get it out of storage and let you know. I think it is so weird how you can't find any information on this thing just because it was manufactured in another country...
  • Jul 23, 2009, 08:40 PM
    I juat got an old brother sewing machine from my Grandmother, supposedly around 1953. It has quite a few more buttons than the ones pictured above. I ave been searching for manuals for it, or some sort of original things for it but have come up empty handed so far. It says Brother Select-O-Matic and it's model HZ3-B1
  • Aug 26, 2009, 10:00 AM

    Originally Posted by phne View Post
    I juat got an old brother sewing machine from my Grandmother, supposedly around 1953. It has quite a few more buttons than the ones pictured above. I ave been searching for manuals for it, or some sort of original things for it but have come up empty handed so far. It says Brother Select-O-Matic and it's model HZ3-B1

    I am cleaning out my basement and have come across a manual for HZ3-B1 and some of the attachments in the original tins.
  • Aug 26, 2009, 10:43 AM

    Originally Posted by kranky41 View Post
    I am cleaning out my basement and have come across a manual for HZ3-B1 and some of the attachments in the original tins.

    Is there anyway that I could get them from you? If so please email me at [email protected]
  • Nov 6, 2009, 02:58 PM
    I have a very similar machine but its thicker at the trunk where the needle was in the tacky carry trunk that fell apart on me.mystery on the year on mine as well,mine has more of a light blue color than green,will send pics soon, any idea how to set it up?mine seems to be in working order except something I am doing wrong with the threading .I love this machine!
  • Mar 5, 2010, 01:33 PM
    I was searching for information about MY vintage brother sewing machine and found a site that sells owners manuals (right after reading this!). I think that yours is Item Number: bo-296, let me know if that helps!
  • Mar 5, 2010, 01:37 PM

    I was searching for info on MY brother vintage machine (with FULL cabinet) stumbled onto this, the NEXT site that I found was about instruction manuals. I think you have Item Number: bo-296, try looking it up and see if it is a match!
  • Jun 6, 2010, 04:37 PM

    Originally Posted by LouNLA9115 View Post
    On the TOP of the yellow part of my machine it says, PRECISION SEWING MACHINE only. On the inner side of the sewing machine near the DROP FEED setting it reads:

    HA3B5 MODEL 60

    Does yours?

    Hi, mine does. It is Teal and the motor date is stamped "APR58"
    HA3B5 MODEL 60
    Like most on this forum I can't find anything about it. I desperately need a manual for this machine, and would take anything... photocopied, scanned... please help. Thanks [email protected]
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