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  • Oct 31, 2007, 05:57 PM
    21 year old son cut off contact with me
    My 21 year old son is a senior in college with an upcoming wedding and graduate school. He excels academically and is a good kid. I asked him recently to check on his sister (they are at the same college) who had hurt her ankle the night before (I could not reach her that morning). He used to be very close with his sister until he became about 18. I know that he is very stressed, but he became angry with me for asking him to check on her. I had also expressed some concerns to him about what people were writing about her on my space; I was able to check on their (my kids') my spaces because they had given me the passcodes. Perhaps this was wrong, but I truly was concerned about my daughter and also liked to just see their photos since they rarely come home.

    In a nutshell, my son accused me of using his my space to check on his sister. I denied it - a friend had actually told me that he had seen negative information there. My son was very irate, making very hurtful comments, and I told him that I had to hang up the phone. Later he blocked me from his buddy list but restored me when his sister asked him to.

    I did not want the relationship to deteriorate so I sent him via e-mail information on graduate scholarships to keep the doors open. I love him dearly. He still will not return phone calls, emails, etc. I understand his anger but I do not want him to cut off contact forever and then for our relationship to die. I am worried that I will not hear from him and that the wedding will be very awkward (it is in 7 months).

    What do I do? It is so painful every day. I know that I have to have my own life, but that does not ease the grief and worry.
  • Oct 31, 2007, 06:17 PM
    This will pass, believe me it will. You have to be patient.
  • Oct 31, 2007, 06:36 PM
    If this is all it is about I don't think you have anything to worry about.

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