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  • May 28, 2016, 08:06 PM
    Using Roundup to kill selected weeds.
    I am trying to kill selected lawn weeds (Quack grass and bindweed) using an eye dropper to put one drop on one leaf. Should I use undiluted Roundup?
  • May 29, 2016, 02:34 AM
    From what I've read, you are in for a long season bent over with that eyedropper. Both of those weeds are purported to come back again and again until the roots die. Having a little experience with Roundup in the course of my work, I should think undiluted would be too fast acting, although the practice of applying one drop to one leaf of each plant may allow it to work. If the one drop method is to work, undiluted might be your best bet. If you're going to put a drop on EACH leaf, regular strength would be better.
  • May 29, 2016, 04:04 AM
    I hate Roundup and hate Monsanto. I think Roundup (especially the commercial one) is responsible for a lot of the increase in certain ailments.

    Healthy grass does a good job of blocking weeds. Mowing keeps them from going to seed.
    I use vinegar. You can by horticultural vinegar that is less dilute than that sold in groceries.
    I prefer hitting the lowest center of the weed, over the roots. Killing a leaf means little to a weed!

    At times I've been tempted to squirt a little bit of charcoal lighter fluid on a weed and lighting it. I am going to do that with a shrub I cut way back but it just keeps sprouting. I did put some charcoal over it and light that, and let it slowly burn down, but it didn't stop the sprouts at all.
  • May 29, 2016, 04:07 AM
    I agree with joy. Using an eye dropper and round up on selected weeds is just pure silliness to me. Sorry, I couldn't put that any other way. I am a gardener and would like to dispose of these weeks forever, but it isn't going to happen.
  • May 29, 2016, 08:10 AM
    Round up is a broad spectrujobm plant killer,it kills everything, and the wrong tool for this job. You want something like a weed and feed.
  • May 29, 2016, 10:29 AM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Round up is a broad spectrujobm plant killer,it kills everything, and the wrong tool for this job. You want something like a weed and feed.

    Thanks for the answer Smoothy but because Quack grass is a grass 2-4d (weed and feed) does not set it back at all. Bindweed (actually morning glory) is broad leafed and 2-4d will set it back but because of its deep and vast root system it is difficult to kill. The problem with using Roundup is that grass is so sensitive to it that any broad application will kill all the grass. I am thinking that by applying one drop to a Quack grass leaf I might kill that Quack grass plant and do minimal damage to the lawn. You can apply quite a few individual drops in 15 minutes.
  • May 29, 2016, 12:08 PM
    Problem I see with broad spectrum products.. is the risk you run of having spots that may not allow seet to germinate or existing grass to grow into for 30 days or more. Might be worth the horticultural vinigar.. less downside Isee.
  • May 29, 2016, 01:40 PM
    Heck, I can't get that vinegar locally and so grocery vinegar works fine. Gallon is $2.
  • May 29, 2016, 01:47 PM
    I don't have many around my lawn, back or front, but when I do, I go around with my trusty knife and cut the little b###ers out ! I absolutely hate anything that kills weeds, soaks into the grass, and kills other stuff too.

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