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  • Jun 30, 2007, 09:50 PM
    Love changing
    My girlfriend and I are fighting, we have been together for 5 months, we both love each other, but she recently said that she doesn't love me the same way she used to, I still do but there seems to be something missing things kind of seem forced at times. Also she says she sometimes has more fun with her friends than with me, and its like I can't make her laugh and have a good time like I used to. I love spending time with her but we seem to fight a lot but we always make it through OK. I truly love her and I believe that she loves me, please if anyone has any advice I am very grateful for anyone's opinion.
  • Jul 1, 2007, 01:03 AM

    Originally Posted by mettlica
    my girlfriend and i are fighting, we have been together for 5 months, we both love each other, but she recently said that she doesnt love me the same way she used to, i still do but there seems to be something missing things kind of seem forced at times. also she says she sometimes has more fun with her friends than with me, and its like i can't make her laugh and have a good time like i used to. i love spending time with her but we seem to fight alot but we always make it through ok. i truly love her and i believe that she loves me, please if anyone has any advice i am very grateful for anyones opinion.

    First off, I was wondering your and her age, she might be too immature for a relationship right now. I'm 26 years old and I have been with my husband for 8 years. We ran into problems and trouble last year and decided to seek out a therapist. I'm not saying to run to a shrink, but he gave me and my hubby a wonderful book to read. It's called 'The 5 Love Languages' I'm not sure of the authors name, but it saved our marriage. I hope all things go well w/ you and your girlfriend. Just remember, you derserve someone that wants to spend their every waking moment w/ you.
  • Jul 8, 2007, 11:25 PM
    She moved on so quick
    My girlfriend recently broke up, I got the classic, lets just be friends but she actually means it, that is what she wants. We broke up basically because I want a serious relationship and she doesn't, we have had fights and taken breaks about this in the past but this time it is the real deal, we are not going to get back together anytime soon. I care for her more than myself and I truly do love her and she said that she loves me but was not in love with me. Anyway, she told me today that the day after we broke up she was talking to someone about it all and he asked her out, she said yes but now she says she regrets it and I think she wants me back. I have known for a while that this guy liked her (he tried to break us up a while back by telling her that I threatened him, which never happened) but she is very upset by all this and doesn't know what to do and quite frankly neither do I, I love her more than myself and would do anything for her. I love her and part of me really wants to be with her but another part tells me to just let it go and move on so I don't get hurt again, please any advice would be greatly appreciated
  • Jul 8, 2007, 11:28 PM
    Hey my friend I've been there many times.. and I think the 2nd half of you is so right.. let her go man move on.. if she is like that dude.. that's a bad thing. Even more so her.. saying lets just be friends then bang.. gives another guy a try.. didn't like him now wants to get back with you?? Come on.. and even if you do get back together can you ever take her seriously? I know its easy with her and its fun and all that.. but in the end I think it will just hurt.. more. We can love someone.. even someone we know we shouldn't be with...

    She isn't right for you.. you sound like you want a strong relationship.. she seems to just want to have fun..

    Do what's right man.. :) find a real women
  • Jul 9, 2007, 03:35 AM
    IF she doesn't like this new guy then I guess you two could get back together. Maybe by comparing the two of you see how better you are and actually try a serious relationship out.
  • Jul 9, 2007, 05:06 AM
    You guys seem too young to handle anything serious. And her being asked out by the new guy may not be seen as serious to her like she knows you are. So it can be casual and have fun. Maybe letting her go and you moving on because you seem too young will show her that you are the dude for her and she shouldn't be afraid to get serious. But she isn't there and forcing someone will never work. Time apart is what you both need so give it to her and stop worrying about her getting asked out(and FYI that is not moving on) that is just living. You two aren't together and a woman feels good even if she turns him down if a man asks them out. It shows they still have it and you wouldn't want a girl that no man wanted and vice versa so relax have fun and stop stressing about things you can't control.
  • Jul 9, 2007, 05:59 AM
    In all honesty I think its best you have time away from her so you can move on. It doesn't matter what she needs or wants now as she has chosen. She made her bed so let her lie in it! Let her rot in her own confusion as you don't need that to be in a happy life.

    There is no saying you won't be friends again but first you need time apart to work on yourselves, your need and your wants. There is no time limit on any of this but once you can happily see them with another guy and be happy for them then you can safely say your probably over it. Go No contact for now and explain if you want that is what your doing as you need to get used to being on your own. Go join the gym and do new things for now.
  • Jul 9, 2007, 06:41 AM
    He asked her out, and she contemplated leaving you, she decided to give it a test run and didn't like what she saw. Now if you approve of that and let her come running back she will deem it acceptable to take a test run anytime someone pursues her. Do you want that to be an acceptable aspect of your relationship? I think not. She made the decision and if you value yourself you will let her pay the piper at a minimum of a good while.

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