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  • Mar 16, 2007, 03:01 PM
    What does I LOVE YOU. But not enough to be in a relationship w/ you mean?
    Well I got this from her... my girlfriend for two years who wanted a break and wanted to be single... I'm giving her her space now... but its hard... she told me this is how she feels she says she cares for me a lot... and tells me that she loves me still right now but not enough to be dating as of right now she's playing games my turn to play the same cards... but is this a sighn for me getting her back?
  • Mar 16, 2007, 03:04 PM
    This sounds like a polite brush off to me.
  • Mar 16, 2007, 03:16 PM
    Stunning man,

    I know you responded to my other post earlier, but I have heard the same thing from my ex. She told me that she wanted space, and needed time to be alone for a while. She says she isn't looking for anyone else, and just wants time to be by herself and figure out what she wants. She tells me that she doesn't feel the same as she used to for me, though she really values me as a friend, and doesn't want to hurt me. She cares for me, but not as much as she used to, or at least not the same way...

    Sound familiar to you?

    To tell you the truth, I had the same feelings run through my head over and over... She says she misses me, she feels like she made a mistake etc etc... My opinion, don't get your hopes up. I told myself in my head, I knew she was just confused, though my heart didn't listen to my head. It is obvious now that just by hearing those words she got into my head...

    Do yourself a favor buddy, and don't spend another minute thinking about it. If something happens, it will happen in the future. At this point, just know it is hard for her as well, and if she wants space, let her have it. That is the only real way she will know what she wants...

    Good luck
  • Mar 16, 2007, 03:23 PM

    Originally Posted by sypher373
    Stunning man,

    I know you responded to my other post earlier, but I have heard the same thing from my ex. She told me that she wanted space, and needed time to be alone for a while. She says she isnt looking for anyone else, and just wants time to be by herself and figure out what she wants. She tells me that she doesn't feel the same as she used to for me, though she really values me as a friend, and doesn't want to hurt me. She cares for me, but not as much as she used to, or at least not the same way....

    Sound familiar to you?

    Good luck

    Man yes it does sound familiar I'm in the same damn boat as you bro errr... hahaha ah man yes your right I guess it makes it easier some times I'm not the only one going down... haha... we could just make a pack... and pull it off together bro... as of today ill let it slip my mind... I did my part.. in getting her job I did a great job actualli... its her turn to make a move..
  • Mar 16, 2007, 03:33 PM

    Originally Posted by Stunning07
    tells me that she loves me still right now but not enough to be dating

    What a lame excuse! Stunning, I'm sorry but this girl does not have the spine to tell you that she wants to move on to other people. Please don't play her games. See her for the coward she is and let her go do her own thing. Move on and find someone who can communicate better!
  • Mar 16, 2007, 04:31 PM
    She's probably just stringing you along for someone to fall back on if she doesn't find what it is she's looking for... don't be anybodys net! Live it up! :)
  • Mar 16, 2007, 05:26 PM
    This female is trying to let you down easy, and you young guys always take it like she is confused, and will take you back. Then you get po'd that she says she still loves you but not enough Who's confused here, her or you. Accept the fact its over and move on period. Take it from an old guy who has seen the downside of many a boot. Get a life you enjoy without her and to tell the truth being mad at her is a perfect waste of time.
  • Mar 16, 2007, 06:00 PM
    Well if it's any comfort to you, my son just went through the same thing.. he got handed that same line.. well he asked me what he should do I said you be polite as they do have to work together but DO NOT by any means acknowledge her first.. it worked she got upset because he refused to play that game.. he is moving on and when she seen that all of a sudden she was trying to contact him constantly.. I am proud to say he told her that he decided that they should just be sociable, casual friends and nothing more.
    As I told him, I will tell you life is way to short and why wait on a maybe person when there is someone else out there wanting you.
  • Mar 28, 2007, 10:29 PM
    Unbelieveable!! My ex told me I just want to have a break cause I need to find myself and be my own person. I have to know that I can be on my own and not have to depend on you!! What a load of crap a month before she was telling me she loved me! If she really wants to be with you she would not be taking the break. I told myself the same , its hard I kept tellinmg myself she needs the time to work herself out cause she's confused but then when I thought about it if I had a girl I wanted to be with I would stay with her I would only tell her that I'm confused if I didn't really want her so I could let her go slowly...
    Sorry for the negative but reallyy mate they say that and its hard to take but a lot of it is just lies and hard to understand cause you trust they are telling the truth... good luck one positive is I didn't contact my ex for a week and she messaged me so you never know they may come back...
  • Mar 28, 2007, 10:31 PM
    where did i go wrong
    It means she is weak and selfish... you don't need her, move on

    I got the whole "i love you, but im not IN love with you" speel...
  • Mar 29, 2007, 04:21 AM
    This thread has been updated here,
  • Mar 29, 2007, 12:35 PM
    Means she's just not that into you
  • Mar 29, 2007, 05:42 PM
    I thought you got her back with no contact
  • Mar 29, 2007, 06:45 PM

    Originally Posted by mckenzie134
    I thought you got her back with no contact

    This post is from before that time.
  • Mar 29, 2007, 08:15 PM

    Originally Posted by Stunning07
    well i got this from her.... my gf for two years who wanted a break and wanted to be single.... im giving her her space now... but its hard... she told me this is how she feels she says she cares for me alot... and tells me that she loves me still right now but not enough to be dating as of right now shes playing games my turn to play the same cards... but is this a sighn for me getting her back?

    Move one.

    This girl sounds very manipulative.
  • Mar 29, 2007, 08:25 PM
    Before you answer this post go to this one for an update
    Confusing I know, but you may want the rest of the story.
  • Feb 7, 2011, 07:20 PM
    I have also experienced this same scenario. When a girl, that you are madly in love with, drops this bomb on you, you heart kind of stops for a moment and then the three taunting children of unhappiness, misery, and despair show-up and your like ***! Those words play over and over in your head like your iPod on replay and each time you see her lips in slow motion as she says those awful things. What I have come to realize is that some women get caught up in the moment of a relationship they are with for the time being, but then when the fun for them has ceased, unfortunately for you, then that's when the real fun begins err should I say tragedy begins... Shakespeare always wrote about this stuff... love, loss, and then tragedy... a lot of kicking, screaming and crying toward the end. That is how it ended for me... it's been four years and I still think about her... what a ***** and yet I still love her. However, my one saving grace everyday is this... I ask myself was she thinking about me when she was about to break my heart? Answer: No! Could she be thinking about me right now? Answer: Hell No! So I try not to think about her. And so I try to do the same no matter what everyday is a new day and women are a dime a dozen. Be a man... go out enjoy life and follow the rule of the three Fs. Find them, Eff as many of them as you can, and Forget about it. Make the chicks chase you... eventually you will run into one who will truly love you and want to be with you.

    Words of Wisdom

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