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  • Nov 5, 2008, 12:57 AM
    High Max
    President Obama!
    I really do hope that he can deliver, he is one of the few politicians I have ever had any faith in. Let's give this man a chance before we crucify him. McCain gave a very graceful and heartfelt speech of concession, and I respect him. Discuss your thoughts!
  • Nov 5, 2008, 04:53 AM

    One of the few you had faith in? In my short time, he's the ONLY one I have faith in. I hope he can deliver.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 05:25 AM
    Well done USA.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 12:29 PM

    Well done to Barack Obama and congratulations to the American's who voted for him!

    I really think the whole 'first black US President' thing has been slightly overused though. Why make a big deal out of it when it doesn't matter in the first place? Anyway, I like his persona and as the two posts above say, I really hope he can deliver not just for America but for the world.

    I also hope we (the British) follow America's lead and elect a prime minister who is not dull, boring and characterless.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 12:43 PM

    So sad that a man that the people have elected as president of the United States, refuses to say the pledge of Allegiance. Has associated himself with known terrorists, has refused to release any personal information, went to church under a pastor that preached hatred and bigotry, has as his platform socialism through and through, will increase welfare payments to millions of people who do not pay taxes, will spend this country into a depression that we will unlikely get out of for many many years, will run from our enemies at the drop of a hat, has NO experience in either foreign or domestic policy. I could go on and on, but choose instead to finish with this. Look at the stock market. Down 355 points so far. America will under Obama become the next third world country in the very near future.
    The most capable candidate of them all was Palin. She has managed government, she has been commander in chief of the Alaska National Guard which is the first line of missile defense from the North. She has managed and made good decisions for the people of her state. Cannot say the same for Biden/obama or McCain.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 12:58 PM
    sGt HarDKorE

    Im so glad obama has become president. From November 1st to November 4, I put in at least 16 hours of volunteer service a day, and on one day I put in 19 hours! Im glad it was for a good cause.

    And fyi 450donn, as you pointed out, the stock market IS down 355 points UNDER BUSH. We are already facing depression. Thanks for reminding us why we voted democrat
  • Nov 5, 2008, 01:01 PM

    450Donn have you planned an exit strategy yet? Or are you going to tough it out?
  • Nov 5, 2008, 01:02 PM

    Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    The most capable candidate of them all was Palin.

    That puts you in a very very small minority.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 01:11 PM

    Originally Posted by sGt HarDKorE View Post

    and fyi 450donn, as you pointed out, the stock market IS down 355 points UNDER BUSH. We are already facing depression. Thanks for reminding us why we voted democrat

    But the market is down after the news of the election turn out. And who has run congress for the last two years. Run away gas prices, housing market in free fall all under the watchful eye of nancy pelosi, harry reed and barnie frank. Thanks democrats for totally destroying this country. It really astounds me that people would vote for a person that has associated himself with known terrorists, gangsters, people that insite race hatred, is a devout socalist and promotes murder. Then there was lewis faracon calling obama the messiah! Not to mention the jack booted youths in camo fatigues chanting obama,obama in the streets. Things like that remind me of 1937 Natzi Germany. All I can say is GOD help us!
  • Nov 5, 2008, 01:20 PM


    Nazi Germany, America turning into a third world country, and last but not least.. PALIN was the MOST qualified!!

    I think your outlook and comparisons are outrageous and even comical.

    Good for you America, I sincerily hope that your new president can begin repairing what your last president destroyed.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 01:27 PM

    I am confused why is it wrong that we are excited about a politician. Growing up the older people would say get involved with something you believe in, something that will make a difference. So Finally, someone comes along that my generation (and others) believe in so we get involved. Then the same people who told us to get involved and make a difference are now calling us brain washed, obamabots or whatever childish names people came up with.

    So my question is were we supposed to get involved with something WE believe in or were we only suppose to get involved if it was OK with the rest of the people. You old people need to make up your mind!! Do you want us to go back to being slackers or do you want us to stay involved?
  • Nov 5, 2008, 01:39 PM

    Originally Posted by spitvenom View Post
    I am confused why is it wrong that we are excited about a politician. Growing up the older people would say get involved with something you believe in, something that will make a difference. So Finally, someone comes along that my generation (and others) believe in so we get involved. Then the same people who told us to get involved and make a difference are now calling us brain washed, obamabots or whatever childish names people came up with.

    So my question is were we supposed to get involved with something WE believe in or were we only suppose to get involved if it was ok with the rest of the people. You old people need to make up your mind!!!! Do you want us to go back to being slackers or do you want us to stay involved?

    I am all for getting involved. But that involvement comes at a hefty price. You need to be informed first and foremost about the issues. Read and understand not just believe what you are being told is the truth. You must do research on the issues and how your candidate stands on the issues. If you agree with their stand then by all means vote for them. If they do not agree with your values, then it is up to you to find candates that do adhere to your core beliefs.
    Personally as a Christian I cannot in good faith give any democrat my vote because the democratic platform is pro abortion, and I believe that abortion is murder. Do you know for instance that obama voted to block medical assistance to a child born alive during a botched late term abortion? That is murder to me. Since you apparently love America enough to vote, do you realize that your candidate refused to place his hand on his heart during the pledge of alegence? As a VietNam war veteran I find that sort of action equal to spitting in my face. I love my country and will fight again to defend this country if necessary. You believe that the current war we are fighting is "bushs war" When in truth it is clintons war. He just refused to acknowledge it and berried his head in the sand same as I fear obama will. We are fighting an enemy that wants nothing less that out total destruction, has no regard for human life and will kill all people on the earth that do not bow down and pray to their deity regardless of who or where they are. America I am sad to say has bought into the media hype about our next president and I will pray for him that he will see fit to do what is right in Gods eyes.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 01:53 PM

    I am fully aware of that just because since I was 14 (im 30 now) I stopped putting my hand on my heart during the pledge. Simply because the words mean the same thing if your hands are in your pockets, or folded in front of you or on your heart. Are you seriously going to tell me the words mean something more if you hand is over an organ that pumps blood through your body? Or maybe your logic is that since your hand is over your heart the words will enter your heart through your hand and flow through your body and you will become even MORE of an American. So please Donn why does your hand need to be over your heart?

    As for the abortion Obama didn't vote for that because there was already a law in Illinois that required medical attention for a fetus born in a botched abortion. I mean did he really have to make it a law twice?
  • Nov 5, 2008, 02:01 PM

    Don't ask that sort of silly question to a veteran who has placed his life on the line for this country.
    And the bill he voted against was to allow a second doctor to assist the newborn child. Thereby allowing the child to die with no medical attention.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 02:19 PM

    My father, grand father and father in law are vets. I asked them if it offends them that I don't put my hand on my heart during the pledge and they all said basically the same thing to me. Do the words of the pledge mean anything to you and do you stand up for the pledge. I said of course the words mean something to me and yes I do stand up to show respect. All three of them said then don't worry about where your hands are then.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 02:28 PM

    All we can do now is wait a year or two and see if I like him any better than now and if you still like him then. Sadly, I think we are headed for a serious depression.

    The Dems have had 2 years already to head it off and I haven't seen anything so far that indicates they will do any better in the future.
    It's not likely we will see any new refineries, additional drilling, nuclear power plants, nor any additional coal fired plants.

    Enjoy your $5 a gallon gasoline and your cold, dark houses in the rolling black-outs. Maybe you can hug a tree and keep warm.

    (Predictions based on past statements and actions by Obama, Reid and Pelosi. Predictions may be affected by policy CHANGES on the part of Dem leadership.)
  • Nov 5, 2008, 02:43 PM

    I won't hug a tree I'll Hug my Chevy Volt and my Solar panels.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 03:59 PM

    As a McCain supporter, I have to commend both candidates on their final hours.

    President-elect Obama will receive from me the same skeptical support I give to all presidents once they win.
    • Carter got it, and lost it with his actions.
    • Reagan got it and kept it with his actions.
    • Bush Sr. got it and kept it until he screwed everyone at the end of the first Gulf War. Lot of people died when we pulled out of there leaving the job he lost it then.
    • Clinton got it (begrudgingly) and almost immediately lost it sleezing up the place. I mean seriously, people, come on!
    • Bush Jr. got it and kept it most of the way through this fiasco he inherited and the issues he's faced. But in the meantime he's also managed to help spend our country into I can't say in the end he kept it. Not if I'm honest. But at least he's been consistent.
    • Obama gets it for now...and we'll be watching.

    Obama doesn't have to do a good job "for the world" as suggested above. He just needs to do a good job for us. First.

  • Nov 5, 2008, 06:13 PM

    Ok, I don't usually get involved in political discussions; but I have to say something.First of all,Obama won by a landslide.If he was so "unamerican",why did so many people vote for him? The answer is that we wanted change. American has spoken.
  • Nov 5, 2008, 06:19 PM

    Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    But the market is down after the news of the election turn out.

    The market has been an absolute roller coaster for the past month. Why would today be any different?

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