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  • Jan 3, 2022, 05:07 AM
    January 6 1 year later
    This week is the anniversary of the mostly peaceful protest at the Capitol that turned violent . The compliant press and the Dems will try to portray this as a day of infamy ;a sneak attack to kneecap the peaceful transfer of the Presidency to Clueless Joe ;to install Trump as dictator for life.....the big coup. That narrative of course is nonsense .
    Mostly this anniversary is being ignored .Thus the drum beat to remind people .
    Thinking people asked at the time 'who benefits' by a riot in attempt to over turn the election ? Cui Bono?

    Trump maintained that the election was rigged and stolen by the Dems . Whether that is true or not is not the point . The ONLY way he could've changed the outcome of the election on January 6 was to allow the Constitutional process that was happening in Congress that day to play out . In Congress they were debating challenges to the electoral results of 5 states .(Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan) This is not the 1st time challenges to electors have happened . It is a routine in close elections.

    So who REALLY benefitted from a disruption of the legal process underway ? Trump or the Republicans in Congress who were making the challenge ? No .

    It was the Dems themselves who benefitted. They immediately went to impeachment mode in an attempt to disqualify Trump from ever being President again, They have spent the last year in kangaroo court trying to discredit him and criminalize his belief that the election was stolen . They have been trying to assert that working to prove that a stolen elections had taken place is the equivalent of Trump attempting to steal an election .

    Ask Evita; believing an election is stolen is protected by the Constitution. Just like asking people to march peacefully and patriotically to the capitol to make their voices heard is not the same as giving marching orders to rioters .

    The riot effectively ended Trump's challenges to the election. So how could he have possibly gained by directing the riot from the White House ?

    To the contrary Trump had requested the deployment of 10,000 national guard troops to protect the Capitol. A request rejected by Madam Mim; the Capitol police and the DC mayor. I have yet the hear a good reason for that move. Later had Trump used the power of the Presidency to order in troops then the appearance of a coup would have been evident .

    As mentioned ;the only chance Trump had to reverse the outcome was through the Constitutional process. The next day Congress drove the final nail in his challenge with a whimper from his allies in Congress. His challenge was ended .

    So I ask again,,,,,,, who benefitted from the riot ?
  • Jan 3, 2022, 06:59 AM
    Interesting spin on the events of that day.
    Will the truth ever be fully known is another question entirely.
  • Jan 3, 2022, 09:17 AM
    If the Democrats were intent on finding the truth ;they would've appointed a non-partisan independent commission to investigate the events and not a show trial as is now being conducted by the House of Representatives . The truth will eventually emerge . Except for the Kennedy assassination is inevitably does .

    The Dems tried to prevent the facts of their coup attempt and undermining efforts against the Trump Presidency called the Russia Hoax from coming out . But gradually and painfully slowly we are learning the truth .
  • Jan 3, 2022, 09:43 AM

    If the Democrats were intent on finding the truth ;they would've appointed a non-partisan independent commission to investigate the events and not a show trial as is now being conducted by the House of Representatives
    Better yet, arrest the transgressors and bring them to a speedy trial so the truth could quickly and accurately come out. Of the more than 700 arrested and charged, a few dozen have pleaded guilty to misdemeanors and have been sentenced, most avoiding jailtime. That leaves more than 600 as yet untried about a year later. What's the holdup? Why do I have the sneaking suspicion that the dem DOJ is wanting to time all of this a little closer to this coming November?
  • Jan 3, 2022, 04:39 PM
    The Schmuckster today used the events of Jan 6 to justify an attempt to change the Senate filibuster rules so they can railroad through fundamental change in how Americans vote.
    Schumer calls for 'democracy reforms' to prevent more Jan. 6-style events (

    I ask again . Who did the riot benefit ?
  • Jan 3, 2022, 04:57 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    how Americans vote.

    POC will finally be able to vote??? Wow!
  • Jan 3, 2022, 05:38 PM
    Maybe Trump supporters will be next!!
  • Jan 4, 2022, 03:23 AM

    Better yet, arrest the transgressors and bring them to a speedy trial
    Many arrested .Many languish unconstitutionally in jail un-convicted under inhumane conditions, under the brutal yoke of Deputy Warden Landerkin. Landerkin on social media has demonstrated her absolute hatred and bias against Trump .762 people have been charged with crimes related to the Jan. 6 riot.40 are being held in the DC jail. There are reports of those inmates being mistreated under her direction. She has tweeted that Trump is a "pig," and equated Christians to the Ku Klux Klan .She tweeted Ashli Babbit, a rioter who was killed on Jan. 6, "was responsible for being shot."
    When called out on her tweets ,she deleted them .

    DC jail deputy warden housing 1/6 protesters nukes Twitter account (

    Most of these inmates have no prior criminal history and have yet to be convicted of any crime. It is believed that prosecutors have been holding out trying to get them to give testimony that they were being directed by Trump and to get them to disavow their support for Trump.

    A judge ruled in October that one of the inmate's rights were violated when he was refused medical care .That prompted Reps MTG and Louis Gomert to visit the jail .
    MTG's report of their visit is here .
    Unusually Cruel An Eyewitness Report From The DC Jail.pdf (

    January 6 defendants were treated categorically different from the remainder of the prison population,” “months of solitary confinement, verbal abuse (e.g., called ‘white supremacists’), harassment, beatings from guards, denial of basic medical care, religious services, communion, nutritious diet, and access to attorneys.”

    This was after the US Marshal's office inspected the jail and found conditions acceptable .

    Inspection finds DC jail conditions OK for Jan. 6 defendants | AP News
  • Jan 4, 2022, 03:50 AM
    The events of 1/6 were triggered by the right wing lie of a stolen election and despite the court cases, recounts, and audits no widespread fraud has been found after the decades of allegations, yet red states have used this lie as a pretext for even more laws to affect a better vote count in their favor by controlling the vote. So the dufus and his liars benefit the most so far and have raised big money because of that lie. Don't remember repubs even suggesting a blue ribbon panel to investigate 1/6, just blasting the dems and the so called rinos who do want answers, but do note the shenanigans around who votes as an ongoing effort to deny some voters of their legal right.
  • Jan 4, 2022, 04:19 AM
    The Repubs were given 6 of 13 spots on the investigative committee. They submitted a list of names that Madam Mim summarily rejected before she installed 2 Trump hating RINO stooges to make the false claim that the committee was bi-partisan. Make no mistake .The committee is a kangaroo court who is not only trying to make criminals of the Trump Administration ;but also of their fellow Repub representatives .

    Republicans blocked the original proposal for an independent commission because it was slanted to favor the Dems . Their counter-proposal was rejected by the Dems . So instead of sitting down to negotiate a deal . Madam Mim created the kangaroo court .

    Election reforms have been made at various states both red and blue. The difference is that the red state laws adds protection to the integrity of the franchise while the blue states see advantages in a free for all approach .

    What Shmucky and the Dems propose is to make the chaos of the blue state's laws the national law contrary to the constitution granting the states the power to run elections .
  • Jan 4, 2022, 05:41 AM
    On a separate note, this week will mark one year from the riots at the Capitol. As we have said from the start, the actions of that day were lawless and as wrong as wrong can be. Our Capitol should never be compromised and those who broke the law deserve to face legal repercussions and full accountability.
    Unfortunately, one year later, the majority party seems no closer to answering the central question of how the Capitol was left so unprepared and what must be done to ensure it never happens again. Instead, they are using it as a partisan political weapon to further divide our country.
    By way of an update, House Administration Ranking Member Rodney Davis will be sending a memo to each of your offices outlining meaningful and measurable steps that should be taken to protect our Capitol from all threats — steps that the current majority party is negligent in acting upon.
    A Letter to House Republicans from Leader McCarthy about 2022 - House Republican Leader

  • Jan 4, 2022, 05:51 AM
    Sixth Amendment. "In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence."

    While that part of the Bill of Rights is routinely being ignored, at least the 55th Amendment that guarantees a right to an abortion is being enforced, {sarc}
  • Jan 4, 2022, 06:16 AM
    Liz Cheney the "Repub " on the committee said to Clintoon stooge George Stephanopoulos that Trump “can never be near the Oval Office again.” .
    That is one of the real goals of the kangaroo court.

    A second one is to influence the mid-term elections . They plan to release their "findings " this summer or fall ;perfectly timed for the fall campaign. I can already tell you what they will find; that Trump conspired with Congressional Repubs and white supremist to lead a coup.

    The Dems know that their policies are hated. They know that Clueless Joe has lost the support of the American people. They know that they’re in trouble electorally. The only way they hope to win is to connect every Repub in Congress to the actions of a few out of control rioters. Every Repub running will be asked by the compliant press if they agree with the committee findings . Many will cave to the political pressure. The Trump hating Repubs will of course . But also many Repubs in contested districts will decide it politically prudent to bail. The committee is openly threatening colleagues with criminal referrals and those Repubs do not want to be on the hit list .

    The Dems will also use the findings to take out Repub speech in social media as they have already done in some cases .

    MTG hit with Facebook suspension after Twitter ban - POLITICO

    The pretext for the ban/suspensions of MTG is covid .But it is no accident that this comes in the wake of her independent investigation into the treatment of the Jan 6 arrestees .
  • Jan 4, 2022, 06:43 AM

    A second one is to influence the mid-term elections . They plan to release their "findings " this summer or fall ;perfectly timed for the fall campaign.
    I think that's a pretty good prediction. I wouldn't be surprised to see the same thing happen with many of the trials. Do you suppose they could be holding a number of the accused without bail in bad conditions in order to "encourage" guilty pleas and "confessions"?
  • Jan 4, 2022, 07:02 AM

    Do you suppose they could be holding a number of the accused without bail in bad conditions in order to "encourage" guilty pleas and "confessions"?
    OF that I have no doubt . But that alone is not enough . They have to implicate Trump like this one confessor did ,
    Trump called us. Trump called us to D.C.” “If he’s the commander in chief and the leader of our country, then he’s calling for help. I thought he was calling for help. I thought we were doing the right thing.”
    ‘Trump Called Us to D.C.’: Capitol Rioter Who Tased Cop Blames Trump for Jan. 6 Attack. So Does a Federal Judge (
  • Jan 4, 2022, 07:04 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Liz Cheney the "Repub " on the committee said to Clintoon stooge George Stephanopoulos that Trump “can never be near the Oval Office again.” .
    That is one of the real goals of the kangaroo court.

    How dare a repub express such disloyalty and gather evidence against the dufus and his criminal ilk. Nice spin as usual Tom, selective as it may be and omits the gravity of the events of 1/6.


    A second one is to influence the mid-term elections . They plan to release their "findings " this summer or fall ;perfectly timed for the fall campaign. I can already tell you what they will find; that Trump conspired with Congressional Dems and white supremist to lead a coup.
    Your analysis of the outcome of the 1/6 investigation is loony, and we all know the right wing shenanigans based on lies to influence every election.


    MTG hit with Facebook suspension after Twitter ban - POLITICO

    The pretext for the ban/suspensions of MTG is covid .But it is no accident that this comes in the wake of her independent investigation into the treatment of the Jan 6 arrestees .
    MTG's investigation is laughable and her suspension was done by social media providers not the dems. Stop spinning so hard and you won't be dizzy and confused about simple FACTS.
  • Jan 4, 2022, 07:19 AM
    So twitter and FB are not Dem tools now ? Did you see how much money Zuck spent to ensure a favorable Dem outcome in 2020 ?
  • Jan 4, 2022, 10:51 AM
    It's his money to spend as he pleases and his company to run as he sees fit. What laws has he broken Mr. Capitalist?
  • Jan 4, 2022, 11:17 AM
    None that I know of except perhaps some Sherman Anti-Trust laws . . But it still makes him a tool of the Dems . That is undeniable and bipartisan . Just ask the blond haired blue eyed native American , Warren with Repubs Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley and Colorado Rep. Ken Buck are all over the anti-trust abuse of Big Tech
  • Jan 5, 2022, 04:37 AM
    The Slimes has an article that equates red state reforming election laws as advancing the goals of the rioters.

    Opinion | Every Day Is Jan. 6 Now - The New York Times (

    Tweaking state election law is now a subversion of democracy except when Democrats change state election laws .

    According to the narrative ,it is not good enough to demonize rioters or Trump . The whole GOP is complicit in trying to destroy American democracy. Theirs is a “bloodless, legalized coup that "no police officer can arrest and that no prosecutor can try in court.” Their Orwellian spin is right up there with "mostly peaceful protest".

    They are factually incorrect. State laws are routinely challenged in court. Facts never really did concern the Slimes . The message is clear . Election reforms that don't go along with the progressive agenda are criminal and designed to destroy the American democracy.

    The real purpose of the GOP efforts are to secure the integrity of the vote , and to prevent the rash of last minute free for all changes in election rules that were ;established by the state legislatures and changed by unelected bureaucrats, governors, and Dem friendly courts that we saw in 2020.It was the Dems who staged a “bloodless, legalized” insurrection before the 2020 election even took place.

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