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  • Jul 17, 2006, 11:07 AM
    Romantic ideas
    Hey all. OK well my mom and dad are taking a cruise for their 15years togeather. And I was just wondering. Is there any good ideas teens can do for their loved ones that's romantic and within the teenage price range.
  • Jul 17, 2006, 11:20 AM
    Here_To_Help- Jon
    Flowers sent to their cabin is a nice idea. It stays with them the whole cruise and its not thast expensive. Tell me what cruise line they are sailing on and I will get your further info.

    PS - I am cruising next week with wife for our 20th anny - send me something too :)
  • Jul 18, 2006, 02:14 PM
    OK I will try that. Now what about my girlfriend what do you tink I can do for her.
  • Jul 19, 2006, 03:00 AM
    As a birthday gift?
    How old are you both?
  • Jul 20, 2006, 02:01 PM
    I'm 17 she's 16. And its for an annerversy (how ever you spell that lol) I want to get her something nice and romantic she always talks about how I'm a hopeless romantic and I just want to do something that she will actually remember for a couple days lol.
  • Jul 20, 2006, 03:05 PM
    Lavendar sachets for tucking under her pillow, to help make good dreams for her along with a well penned note attached where you tell her of one of your more intimate (but not r rated, okay? LOL) dreams that involves her. Being vulnerable like that always gets us girls in the heart department. SIGH
  • Jul 20, 2006, 05:16 PM
    OK now please don't think I'm stupid but what are lavendar sachets. Lol
  • Jul 20, 2006, 05:18 PM
    They are tiny little things that look like little pillows stuffed with an herb called lavendar that smells wonderful.
  • Jul 20, 2006, 05:42 PM
    They usually come in very attractive packaging so the box often is a nice gift too (collecting pretty boxes is a girl thing! :p ) You'd find this in a department store or a Bed & Bath place or maybe a upscale cosmetic section of a drugstore even? It's the kind of thing lots of us would love to have but to spend actual money on seems frivolous - that's why you buying works so well and it's a good gift! Oh and sachet is pronounced "sass shay" rhymes with okay, in case you need to ask for it, okay?
  • Jul 20, 2006, 05:49 PM
    My advice... make it unique and make it personal.

    You have to pay close attention to things and when you find a small little thing in life that touches her, play off it. Here's an example:

    When I was still dating and I started "seeing" my now girlfriend, I was not interested in getting serious (at least as far as I would tell her... but that's for another topic). Anyway, it got to the point to where she was literally begging me to be her boyfriend. One time when she asked why I didn't want to be her boyfriend I told her it was because she was like a butterfly... Butterflies are beautiful, free-spirited creatures. To capture one is to take away its beauty. (yes, she was totally eating this up BUT it was truly from my heart)

    Anyway, I finally decided to make it official and commit to her. We have now been together for about 1 year and a half and I love her to death.

    So on our 1 year anniversary, I was trying to think of something special for her. I made dinner and when it was ready I had her come out and I had on Donovan Frankenreiter's Butterfly song (an awesome song... Jack Johnson style of music) and I had gotten her this crystal butterfly thing.

    So anyway, she heard the lyrics with the crystal thing and it was good ;)

    Go for something unique and something personal.
  • Jul 20, 2006, 06:04 PM

    Originally Posted by DrJizzle
    So on our 1 year anniversary, I was trying to think of something special for her. I made dinner and when it was ready I had her come out and I had on Donovan Frankenreiter's Butterfly song (an awesome song... Jack Johnson style of music) and I had gotten her this crystal butterfly thing.

    See, another GREAT idea! I liked yours a lot a lot a lot! I can picture how paid attention to your lady felt, nice!

    Jeeze Jizz, you are such a dude, dude! "Crystal butterfly thingy"...
    Poor Timeframe is going to be posting "what is a butterfly thing?" next if we're not careful :eek:.. . Lol ;)
  • Jul 20, 2006, 06:18 PM
    LOL well, c'mon... luckily I am secure enough to post that post in the first place and lay it all out there for the public... but I still got to keep some of my dudeness. :D

    Ok, so it was one of those crystal cubes with a 3-D butterfly etched out in tiny bubbles on the inside. Know what I mean? They are really cool.
  • Jul 20, 2006, 07:20 PM
    All I got to say is Jizz, you are the Dude of all Dudeness!!

    Wow, if all men were like you there would not be enough to go around for single women!!

    Timeframe, take it from this guy!! He knows his stuff!!

    Are you teaching Dudeness 101? I know a few who would pay to take lessons from you!! AND HE COOKED FOR HER TOO!!
  • Jul 20, 2006, 09:05 PM
    This is an idea for something to do for you Mom and Dad. Write them a nice letter thinking them for being your parents, remind them of all the things they have done for you, making sure that you show them that you realize that they have sacreficed in your behave so that you might have a better life. End it by telling them how much you love them... put this into your Mom's luggage under something that you know she will get our on the trip. This note will mean more to them than anything that you can buy with money.
    You have got to be a nice kid to think of something like this, for your girlfriend give herr a small gift and always treat her like a lady, and remember she may someday be the mother of your children.
  • Jul 21, 2006, 12:33 AM

    Originally Posted by timeframe
    im 17 shes 16. and its for an annerversy (how ever you spell that lol) I want to get her something nice and romantic she always talks about how im a hopeless romantic and i just want to do something that she will actually remember for a couple days lol.

    How about a nice romantic pic-nic in a secluded park, or something.
    Prepare a nice packed lunch for both of you. Buy her some flowers and make a anniversary card for her, don't buy it, make 1 up yourself. ;)
    What u think?
  • Jul 21, 2006, 09:19 AM
    Hey Jizz THE DUDES UNITE LOL. Hey thank you all for your ideas. I did the note thing and they loved it. And as for the present I got her a mobile.. you know the things that the babies have above their beds. I got her one that has pics of us on each end and it plays our song. It was very good. She loved it.
  • Jul 21, 2006, 09:21 AM
    Oh, man that is totally Dude-alicious!! What a wonderful original idea!!

    Great one man, you are on your way to the Dude Hall of Fame if you keep that up!
  • Jul 21, 2006, 10:54 AM
    I just want to say.. .

    Happy Anniversary to you both! :p
  • Jul 21, 2006, 11:46 AM

    Originally Posted by timeframe
    hey Jizz THE DUDES UNITE LOL. Hey thank you all for your ideas. i did the note thing and they loved it. And as for the present i got her a mobile.. you know the things that the babies have above their beds. I got her one that has pics of us on each end and it plays our song. It was very good. She loved it.

    **Takes notes*** This is good stuff!

    And yes...

    Happy Anniversary to you both!!

  • Jul 22, 2006, 03:19 PM
    Hey thanks peps umm I hope you all have wonderful lives and THE DUDES ARE FREAKING AWSOME. LOL. YOUR ALL A COUPLE OF AMAZING PEOPLE. I would like to stay in touch with you.

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