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  • Apr 26, 2009, 06:06 PM
    Boyfriend's Stepmother and her new baby girl
    I am going to my boyfriend's dads house soon, for the weekend.
    This will be the third time meeting them.
    His wife has just had a baby girl a couple of weeks ago and I was wondering what questions would be appropriate to ask?
    I am interested and I want that to show - but usually I freeze up and don't know what to say. I just end up standing there; smiling like an idiot. It's strange, I know.
    I'm not used to children; seeing as I am the youngest in my family and haven't had a real lot of time around children.
    I want to keep in mind questions that would make her happy to answer, and make me seem interested without them thinking that I want one for myself! I am only 18. :)

    Any suggestions would be lovely.
  • Apr 27, 2009, 10:38 AM

    Why not just tell her you are not used to being around young children, and ask if you can hold the baby? Or help feed/change the baby with the mothers help of course. Just be honest with her... tell her you have never been around such a young child, but would like to help/learn what it is like.
  • Apr 27, 2009, 02:18 PM

    You can ask her how she came up with the name for the baby? Who she thinks the baby most looks like. Don't be afraid to tell her that you have not been around a lot of children.
  • Apr 27, 2009, 02:29 PM

    As the others here have suggested,be up front about your lack of knowledge.People appreciate that type of humility.

    Let her know ,you do not want to be treated like a guest and sympathize with the fact that she must be tired.

    Try to pitch in and maybe do some laundry or make some meals.I am sure she would love the help.
  • Apr 27, 2009, 07:06 PM

    Okay, thank you for the suggestions!
    Sounds good. Not only would she be tired, but she has a 2 year old and a 4year old to look after.
    Usually when my boyfriend and I are there, we take them off her hands so she can rest.
    They are a handful, let alone a new born baby!

    I guess it will be fine. No harm in being honest, right?
    It's going to be a new experience spending the weekend with all those children! Hehe.

    Thank you for the help :)

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