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  • Mar 26, 2010, 01:55 PM
    Depression in 2 year old?
    My two year old daughter has changed completely since I brought home her little brother. There is 2 years between them.
    She was never a big eater but now I can't get her to eat anything...
    She gets extremely upset when her brother crys ( who is 5 months now).. leaves the room when I talk to her or to her brother..
    It seems everything that I try doesn't work..
    I really bad because I can't give her all the attention she needs because I am taking care of a baby, cooking meals, cleaning, etc.. But I always try to keep her busy with colouring or giving her a book to look at, etc.
    Any suggestions?
  • Mar 26, 2010, 04:17 PM
    Tandah, Your daughter isn't depressed per se, but most likely jealous. She was the light of your life until this new baby arrived and at two she didn't fully understand that this baby would be a permanent fixture in your lives when you brought him home.

    You need to stop "trying to keep her busy" and find some time to spend mommy daughter time with her with NO interruptions. Most likely she is very angry that you don't have time to spend with her any more. You need to make that time.

    I'm trying not to be harsh, but I was your daughter when I was little and my mother brought home my sister. I have been where your daughter is and my sister and I are not close.

    You also need to understand that she is only two. Her thought processes aren't like ours. Do not punish her for her actions unless she tries to hurt the baby.

    Can you get a sitter for a day so that you and your girl can have a mommy/daughter day? Take her to the park, have a picnic. Does she have a baby doll to "parent" when you are feeding your baby she can feed hers, etc. This is a good way to introduce responsibility as well.
  • Mar 26, 2010, 05:05 PM

    Try involving her in helping you take care of the baby. Even at 2 she can fetch things he needs, gently rock his cradle with supervision, help choose his clothes.

    Make sure you spend some special time with her everyday even if it means the house isn't as clean as usual and you have to cook simpler meals for a while. She needs a lot of reassurance that she is still loved and hasn't been replaced by a newer model.

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