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  • Feb 4, 2010, 10:40 AM
    Is kfc mean to chickens
    I have heard that kfc is mean to chickens the way thst they treat them when they are still alive I am worried because I love animals and I love kfc as well
  • Feb 4, 2010, 05:01 PM

    PETA dribble...
    There was a report going around a few years back that kfc killed chickens in a 'mean' way but I have no idea what happened in the end, the report just disappeared and nothing became of it.

    I think it's country specific... I know that here in Australia the chickens are purchased from several local farms, and these farms do kill chickens in a humane way and they are cared for.

    There is no "kfc chicken factory" the chickens come from all different places so you would have to find out who the supplier is for kfc stores near you.
  • Feb 4, 2010, 06:56 PM
    commercial farm
  • Feb 4, 2010, 07:03 PM

    What's your personal definition of "mean"? Some would argue that raising animals just to slaughter them or slaughtering them at all is mean. What do you consider humane? I eat less meat now then I used to, mostly because movies like food inc and fast food nation have come out. And sometimes its hard out get those images out of your mind. But I'm not a vegetarian. If I'm craving bacon or beef or chicken I'll eat it. It's just not as regular in my diet anymore.
  • Feb 4, 2010, 07:06 PM

    There are 1000's of chickens in barns with so little space they can hardly move. They are grown to the right size and men in trucks come, picking 3 or 4 up at a time and thrown them in crates packed solid with chickens.

    They are driven alive to a prcessing plants where they are killed by the 100' at a time.

    It is productive but the chickens are not out pecking in a yard or sitting in a tree
  • Feb 5, 2010, 11:17 AM

    Just to let you know (yes it may sound like PETA dribble) but most chickens unless they are free range, are not treated very well. Chicken that is used for frying like KFC is usually old chickens. Most times they are kept in tiny koops piled on top of each other living in their own waste. They usually have their beaks trimmed so they can not "bite" or peck the farmers and other chickens, and are usually filled with horomones and steriodes so much so that their legs break when they try to walk. KFC actually does buy from specific farmers who are funded solely by KFC.
  • Feb 5, 2010, 11:34 PM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    Just to let you know (yes it may sound like PETA dribble) but most chickens unless they are free range, are not treated very well. Chicken that is used for frying like KFC is usually old chickens. Most times they are kept in tiny koops piled on top of each other living in their own waste. They usually have their beaks trimmed so they can not "bite" or peck the farmers and other chickens, and are usually filled with horomones and steriodes so much so that their legs break when they try to walk. KFC actually does buy from specific farmers who are funded soley by KFC.

    In Australia KFC Chickens are sources from Inghams and Steggles (plus a few others) both of these companies supply supermarkets, small stores and other various food chains.

    I don't doubt that there are farms funded solely by KFC but it is store specific.
    The KFC stores in the north of my state get their chickens from local farmers where possible, the ones to the south of the state do the same. Some stores only get their chickens from the 2 big companies mentioned above.

    As for the chickens being treated horribly, well... that's life... I got blasted by my MIL yesterday because I spent an extra $3 on buying free range eggs instead of caged. :rolleyes:
    I do the same thing with takeaway stores... I find out where they get their products from and if I don't like it I don't buy from there... even if it's going to cost me more at another store, I would rather be buying something where I at least know the animals have been treated half decent.
    I also don't like Halal meat but that's a whole other story :rolleyes:

    Anyway to sum it up... I am very against animal cruelty and I still eat at KFC.

    Australia may be very different to the USA but that's how it's done here.
  • Feb 6, 2010, 06:46 AM

    I try my hardest to buy free range myself.
    Guess What I had for supper the other night?? Yup KFC, fortuanlty here in Canada, we have some of the best farms and best treated animals in North America.I can't say if that goes for the chicken from KFC or not.The States I can not attest for, however, like you Shaz I too am against animal cruelty, so if the OP is concerned, then she should ask her local KFC who supplies their chicken, and then do the research on that specific farm.
    Most of our chicken and eggs, are from lovely farms right here in my community, I know they are free range, your right it is a bit more expensive, but so worth it!
    Sorry Shaz, I wasn't trying to preech. I stopped eating KFC for years, then one night after the bar, I had a moment of weakness. I'm hooked, I just can't stop myself, sometimes I eat it 2-3 times a month. I smell that chickeny greasy smell, my mouth starts watering, my eyes go all blurry, next thing I know, I am digging for change so I can get one of the toonie Tuesday meals! (Toonies, are the canadian two dollar coin) I just can't help my slef. It's really come between me and my political views. I find myself going through the drive through looking around to make sure no one recogizes me...
    No lol just kidding. I am sleep deprived :)
    But you, it's finger lickin good!
  • Feb 6, 2010, 07:03 AM

    Chickens for cooking first are not "old" unless some of the places buy the laying chickens latter but that would be a small number, they are not in small cages either ( that is laying chickens) I have been to dozens and dozens of chicken farms and processing houses, they are in large barns stuff with wall to wall chickens the smell is unbearable. Guess chickens don't have noses
  • Feb 6, 2010, 07:14 AM

    Sorry the only farm I went to was in the states, and they were all in cages, and stacked on top of each other. Also when I worked for a rather large groccery chain, we had a deli, where I would fry chickens, and my boss told me that they were "old" chickens. I guess that's what I get for quoting "something I heard". I live in Canada, and things are a lot different here.
    I do believe that it doesn't matter where they come from, when they are used for frying and those types of restaurants, they are not treated well.
  • Feb 6, 2010, 07:35 AM

    Originally Posted by Aurora_Bell View Post
    I had a moment of weakness. I'm hooked, I just can't stop my self, sometimes I eat it 2-3 times a month. I smell that chickeny greasy smell, my mouth starts watering, my eyes go all blurry, next thing I know, I am digging for change so I can get one of the toonie Tuesday meals! (Toonies, are the canadian two dollar coin) I just can't help my slef. It's really come between me and my political views. I find my self going through the drive through looking around to make sure no one recogizes me....
    no lol just kidding. I am sleep deprived :)
    But ya, it's finger lickin good!

    I'm in tears right now, that was good :D
  • Feb 6, 2010, 01:16 PM

    I would think that anything that is industrial sized for any reason that some of the checks and balances get over looked or forgotten about...

    The slaughter barns are aweful. Animals have been reported gutted and butchered on while still alive... The stun gun didn't fully kill them. There are more horror stories, Im sure.. but Industrial slaughter barns/feed lots and the barns that supply to the larger chains... I can almost bet that those animals are cared for min. by even their standards.

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