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  • Dec 10, 2017, 07:54 PM
    Tis the Season
    It's a bit early, still 15 days before Christmas, but I want to take the time, while I still have time, to wish everyone on AMHD a very Merry Christmas. I hope this holiday season brings you joy, and time with family and friends.

    We put up our tree tonight, a bit early for us actually but we bought it early because it was on sale so we figured we may as well put it up. A lot smaller than last years tree, but the smell filling the house is still wonderful.

    We opted for a shorter tree so that we could put it on a table this year. We're hoping that this sends a clear message to the dogs that this is not indoor plumbing, and it is not to be peed on. We shall see.

    Did some Christmas shopping yesterday so now I'm not in as big a panic as I was. Still have some shopping to do, but hoping it will be done by the weekend.

    Big plans for Christmas Eve which is when we celebrate and open gifts. This year instead of a frenzy of unwrapping we're going to take things slow. I'm putting together something I found on FB, a seran wrap challenge. You buy dollar store items, maybe put a few dollars in, and start of by wrapping one thing in seran wrap, adding a few things to that ball and covering in a few layers of seran wrap, then more things and more serain wrap, and so on and so on until you have a ball of seran wrap filled with layers of treasures. The first person start unwrapping the seran wrap, while the person next to them rolls dice. When the person rolling the dice gets a pair, the person with the seran balls turn is up, and the ball gets passed over as do the dice. Whatever you uncover while it's your turn, is yours to keep. No ripping or cutting the seran wrap. I think it's going to be great fun. We also always have our ham dinner (turkey dinner is at my Aunt's house on Christmas day), with all the fixings. Then, weather permitting, we take the dogs for a nice long walk around the neighborhood. At night, after the present frenzy we always watch Polar Express, and then we may play a few board or card games. I love Christmas Eve, it's a true family night for us.

    What are your plans this Christmas?
  • Dec 12, 2017, 05:40 AM
    It's never to early to count your blessings, and enjoy sharing with family and friends Alty. I've had many blessings myself, and hope you and yours have a GREAT holiday, and a Very Merry Christmas.

    Let the mistletoe flow as abundantly as the food and games, as the NEW YEAR is sure to bring out the warm fuzzies to get us through until the SPRING thaw! From my family to yours the best that the season can bring and to our AMHD family of which I am grateful to be a part of and even more grateful for such great family members, I wish you all the best. Now can we get this party started?

    Donnie Hathaway "This Christmas".
  • Dec 12, 2017, 03:31 PM
    Thank you Tal. Your post made me smile. It's shaping up to be a great Christmas, and an even better new year. I hope I didn't jinx it by saying that.

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season. Hope it's not too cold where you are. Me, I'm looking forward to that spring thaw. I was not built for winter in Canada. LOL.
  • Dec 24, 2017, 03:29 PM
    Bah Humbug! Stay in the bar where it's warm.

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