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  • Nov 25, 2016, 06:46 AM
    I need help with finding an equation.
    I am starting with the price of $26.90. There is 40% off this item, which brings the item down to $16.14. I need the price of the item to reflect 50% off the 26.90. Now, the item is listed at $16.14, so if I try to take an additional 10% off the 26.90, the system I work on will automatically take 10% off the 16.14 price, which brings the item total to 14.52. I need the item total to be 13.45. I am trying to figure out the equation for this and I can not figure it out. The only way I can change the price to 13.45 is by somehow changing the 26.90 to a number that will include the 40% to equal 13.45. Please help.
  • Nov 25, 2016, 06:22 PM
    here is what I think
    tying to find Y
    (26.90) Y (.90) = 13.45 Y = .55555
    so take 55.555% of 26.90 = 14.95 (44.45 % instead if the 40% you had above)

    14.95 * .90 = 13.45 I may not understand but if you take 44.45% off the original price then take the auto 10% you should get the 13.45
    sorry if I am way off base.

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