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  • May 19, 2009, 11:32 AM
    I have had problems with my throat since I was little
    I have had problems with my throat and toncels since I was little. The doctors aleays said I had big toncels. I catch a lot of strep throat. But this time I have been sick for like 4 days and I went to the doctor and I tested negative for strep throat. The doctor says my throat was swollen and really red. When I opened my mouth I can see bits of peanuts I ate earlier while waiting to see the doctor. I have taken motrien and therma flu. But it goes away for a little while and comes back. I have a headache. Slight body hurts and my ears hurt also. My neck is sore and I have a slight cold. I don't know what's wrong but I just want to get better already. It feels like something serious. Someone please help!
  • May 19, 2009, 04:01 PM
    I am 34 yrs old and just had my tonsills removed 1 year ago :) I too had huge tonsills that almost touched. I had repeated sore throats, ear aches, etc... I actually got tired of spending so much money going to the doctors office and decided to take their advice and have a tonsillectomy done. I am glad that I did this as I have not had near the problems that I had before. Now, having said that, reading your post has brought to mind a couple of things... You can still have swollen and irritated tonsills and not have strep throat. Irritated and swollen tonsills is called tonsillitis... The peanuts that you say you ate and could see in the back of your throat do not sound like peanuts. After repeated swollen tonsills, etc... the tonsills can become cryptic, which means that they can have little pockets that trap bits of food in them and the food basically rots there (smells pretty bad). You can gargle with a warm salt water solution OR boil some vinegar and gargle with this once it has cooled down. The vinegar gargle helps with the pain also :)
    Now, since you are running a fever along with other symptoms it may be something else. What did your doctor tell you? Has he tested you for mono also?
    Cindy :)


    Originally Posted by mysweetiechris View Post
    I have had problems with my throat and toncels since I was little. The doctors aleays said I had big toncels. I catch a lot of strep throat. But this time I have been sick for like 4 days and I went to the doctor and I tested negative for strep throat. The doctor says my throat was swollen and really red. When I opened my mouth I can see bits of peanuts I ate ealier while waiting to see the doctor. I have taken motrien and therma flu. But it goes away for a little while and comes back. I have a headache. Slight body hurts and my ears hurt also. My neck is sore and I have a slight cold. I don't know what's wrong but I just want to get better already. It feels like something serious. Someone please help!

  • May 19, 2009, 04:16 PM

    THANKS A BUNCH FOR RESPONDING! And now that you have mention it yeah it does look like there are cuts in their. And food does sometimes get traped there also.. I have went to a bunch of doctors and they said removing my toncils is a no no. the toncils actually prevent infection.. but what's the use of them if they catch infection all the time.. the doctor just checked for strep that's it... what should I do.. should I see a specilist?
    Thank a lot for responding
    God bless
  • May 19, 2009, 04:17 PM

    THANKS A BUNCH FOR RESPONDING! And now that you have mention it yeah it does look like there are cuts in their. And food does sometimes get traped there also.. I have went to a bunch of doctors and they said removing my toncils is a no no. the toncils actually prevent infection.. but what's the use of them if they catch infection all the time.. the doctor just checked for strep that's it... what should I do.. should I see a specilist?
    Thank a lot for responding
    God bless
  • May 19, 2009, 04:20 PM

    I am thinking that you should be referred to a surgeon. I am suggesting that you see about getting your tonsils removed. I had mine removed when I was 7 years old.
  • May 19, 2009, 04:39 PM

    I used to get tonsillitis twice a year when I was a kid -- fun in the fall 'cause I got to stay home to watch the World Series. Finally, the doctor agreed to remove my tonsils WHEN I WAS 17!! I should have had them out when I was 7 and saved myself years of sore throats. I even ended up with ulcerated tonsillitis with pockets of trapped food and pus. That's when the doctor finally caved in for the surgery. I have never regretted it, and have rarely had sore throats since.

    Find a doctor who will do a tonsillectomy! You will not be sorry.
  • May 20, 2009, 05:27 AM
    FUnny thing is I am going to be 17 in a couple of days.. how long will it take if they decide that I need them to get removed. Do they do it right then and there? Or do they make an appointment.. and did it hurt. I hate the hospital but I also hate thiis pain I have been having.. now my whole left side of my face is really swollen.. I appriciate all your help! Thanks a bunch!
    God bless
  • May 22, 2009, 03:54 PM

    Originally Posted by mysweetiechris View Post
    THANKS A BUNCH FOR RESPONDING! and now that you have mention it yeah it does look like there are cuts in their. and food does sometimes get traped there also.. i have went to a bunch of doctors and they said removing my toncils is a no no. the toncils actually prevent infection..but whats the use of them if they catch infection all the time..the doctor just checked for strep thats it...what should i do...? should i see a specilist?
    thank alot for responding
    god bless

    I am not sure why the doctors would tell you not to get your tonsills removed if they are always a problem for you... You should contact your general physician and see if they can give you a referral to an ear, nose and throat surgeon for an evaluation. He can measure & examine your tonsills and tell you whether he feels they need to come out. I waited much too long before I had mine out because I just didn't want to go through surgery but I wish I had it done years ago :) They also do different types of surgery to remove the tonsills now... they used a laser to remove mine and I know it would have been worse if it were done the old fashioned way... However, It is still a painful surgery. Afterwards the pain wasn't too bad but when I got home is when the "good" stuff wore off. They generally send you home with some kind of narcotic pain reliever... for me Lortab liquid worked the best and I slept well through a lot of the healing process. I also had a numbing gel that I squirted onto the back of my throat which helped a lot. My doctor also called in some numbing lollipops that the pharmacist made special for me which helped more than the liquid gel. I do not know your age but the surgery, pain, etc... is sometimes worse the older you are. So, because of my age and the size of my tonsills it was quite painful for me :)
    You generallly can't eat anything other than liquids... it is just too difficult to swollow. I found that switching from icy cold drinks to hot soup worked very well for the pain also. Chewing on ice and letting it dribble to the back of the throat was also very relieving.
    If you and your doctor decide that this is the best route for you I hope this information helps you. Feel free to ask anything if you need to :)
  • May 22, 2009, 10:05 PM


    Jesushelper76 I used up all my sick days, So I called in Dead.
    That's funny, Jesushelper76! :)

    I too, had my tonsils removed when I was about seven years old. It would seem that the sooner the better for having them removed.

  • Sep 3, 2009, 01:03 PM

    Hello All,

    I am 34, and had a big time problem with my tonsils when I was a child. Every now and then, a suggestion would come that I should go for Tonsillectomy.

    Somehow, that decision was never taken my parents, and here I am, hail and hearty with most of the tonsils related problem gone long back. Yes, I do suffer from colds more than anyone else in my family, but it is manageable (may be because I suffered more in the past). Off course, sore throats are less common and less scary also, as the severity and their running time is much less now.

    Now, coming to most cases here, your doctors must have had a valid reason for telling you folks that this surgery is required, but I would like to share a few facts with you, if at all, you are not aware of them.

    Tonsils are four little lymph glands situated in your throat. Actually, tonsils do a very important job of trapping bacteria in their crypts. Then the phagocytes from the blood consume these bacteria, hence the infection is trapped before it reaches the bronchial tubes and lungs. When these warriors are overwhelmed by the striking bacteria, they get infected, inflamed and enlarged and tonsillitis occurs. You then have to nurse them back to health instead of ignoring, and worse still, think about getting them removed. Think about getting rid of them only when they are getting chronically infected, that too, after you have tried all possible treatments including herbal preparations.

    It has been seen that the chances of getting upper respiratory infections increase manifold once these are removed. Some of you feel better after the operation simply because your inflamed tonsils were a bigger pain than the problems you might be facing without them. Had they been taken good care of then, you would probably (yes, Tonsillectomy could become a necessity in few cases) had led a better life without the need of surgery. Now, it is well established that a simple enlargement of them or an infection in them, twice or thrice a year, doesn’t call for their removal.

    There are effective natural remedies that can help to support and maintain throat and tonsil health, boost immune functioning and fight tonsil infection when it occurs. Herbal and homeopathic remedies contain carefully selected ingredients that are gentle on the body’s system, without harsh risks of unwanted side effects or addiction.

    Use Gallium aperine, also known as Cleavers, which is an excellent cleansing tonic with a particularly beneficial effect on all the lymph glands, including the tonsils. Salvia officinalis benefits all conditions of the mouth and throat and has well-known herbal astringent, antibiotic and antiseptic properties.

    There are a number of homeopathic remedies, such as Belladonna and Merc. Sol recommended in the treatment of acute tonsillitis and can help to clear the infection as well as prevent unnecessary tonsillectomies.

    So, I would suggest (pardon me if I am not aware of something about you which renders the whole discussion useless), that you follow the link below for a lot more information and suggestions (slightly different from what you must have been told till now) and see if it helps.

    Hope all this helped

    Good Luck!

    For more info on tonsillitis and inflamed tonsils and natural remedies available, you may visit this link

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