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  • Oct 4, 2010, 10:01 AM
    Do I have an entity following me?
    I woke up today to the sound of my dogs bark (bloodhound) and atreyu on my iPhone playing (which I left playing to help me sleep). 3secs after the bark my iPhone started making this weird scrambling noise followed my an immense amount of pressure on top of me (felt like someone laid on me), making it hard for me to breathe. I got up to find nothing in sight, so I went to my bathroom... after that I walked around because I was a little creeped out. Went to the laundry room to go pet my cat Boots. While petting her she took her glance from me to right next to me and staired for a good 20s before getting spooked.

    This has happened to me on many occations since I've been a kid to now (23, 24 on the 25th of this month) but I always thought it was a sleep problem waking up to not being able to breathe or the feel of someone next to me or touching me until this year when I was wide awake for two occations and it happened.

    It happened twice 2 days ago once right after another. I just recently moved to TN on the 11th of sept 2010 from CA where it happened to me in 3 different houses.

    I've even had an occation on August of this year in CA where I awoken to pleasure down their, that lasted while I was awake for a very long time.

    I am a male and I have used a oji board (spell check) when I was younger with my mothers best friends children Danny and Jenna nothing happened but my mothers best friend is into the witchcraft stuff.

    I just need some closure on the situation I don't know how to go about dealing with him/her/it. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
  • Oct 4, 2010, 02:04 PM
    Sleep paralysis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Start here at this link.

    I am not saying this covers everything and is the answer, but it is a good place to start.

    Consider also:
    Many things happen that cannot be explained.

    Many more strange things happen that can be explained by logical, rational thought and investigation.

    What appear to be shapes and figures can be reflected lights or dust in the air or any number of things.

    The fields electric currant emit can affect how we feel and make you uneasy.
    Variation in the power supply to your house can cause appliances to do things they normally don't.

    When we get scared we perceive things differently than we do when we are not scared.
    Animals will at times feed off our emotions.

    I believe in the paranormal.

    I have experienced it.

    Check these things out and then get back with your opinion .

    We can go from there.

    I wish you well and will be looking for a reply.
  • Oct 5, 2010, 09:58 AM
    Yes I to have experienced the paranormal besides what I believe is following me. Myself, Jenna and Danny used to play with this little boy when we were younger that lives in my mothers friends house (Vancouver, WA), he had a habit of turning on all the lights. Found out later that he used to live in the house and was outside one day playing on his fathers tractor and well he got squished.

    Other than that I cannot recall having another encounter with a ghost except what I've been feeling since roughly 14yrs old.

    Ill keep you posted on my attempts.
  • Oct 6, 2010, 07:14 PM
    Be aware that sometimes interacting can cause an increase
    In frequency and strength of the events.

    If you just want to try to put an end to it I suggest
    You have your priest, minister , or appropriate clergy
    Bless your house and yourself.
    This will often stop all activity.

    But if you decide to try to learn more about this,
    Yes, please do keep me posted on what is happening
    With the recording and pictures.
    Also when you have those feelings , turn the recorder on
    And ask direct questions like "who are you" "why are you here"

    Only do this if you would like to try to understand what is happening.

    Above all keep an open mind and not assume this is paranormal.

    I will watch for your updates.

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