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  • Sep 23, 2007, 03:30 PM
    Colorado probation transfer to Texas
    I have a domestic violence case on me, pending if I complete 1 year probation anger management classes and parenting classes.

    I spoke with my probation officer to get a transfer back to Texas, he told me to get a job and not to worry. Well I get in contact with the probation office here in Texas they deny me after a month of dealing with these people I have a job I am taking care of business with my family. Now my probation officer is wanting me to quit my job to go over there while the transfer is started again. I won't have any money or a place to stay or a car. I am here in Texas still therefore breaking my probation,

    What happens once a warrant is issued in Colorado on my name can I get a lawyer here and get bonded so that I won't go to jail and stay here in my home state?

    I don't have a record no history of violence I am worried and scared what should I do?

    Please anyone help
  • Sep 23, 2007, 05:55 PM
    Maybe ? Normally what happens is you will be arrested and taken back to Colorado to be in front of the judge there.
    I think there was some miscommunication between you and the PO, to get a transfer normally takes several months, your state has to OK it, then a request to the other state, You get a job and arrange a place to live before you move, then they run the request and you never move intill it is all aproved.

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