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  • Feb 21, 2006, 01:01 AM
    On probation
    OK I've been placed on probation as of February 1st,2006 until Feb 1st,2009.I'm scheduled for a personal meeting with my student coordinator to set up classes and what not.the problem is it's out of state,I haven't spoken with anyone including my probation officer since January 18th.should I try to contact my probation officer in order to leave the state for 3 days ?:confused:
  • Feb 21, 2006, 04:27 AM
    Absolutely! Be sure to read very carefully the terms of your probation.
  • Feb 21, 2006, 08:36 AM
    Yes, you can't normally leave state unless he says it is OK,

    And you won't be going out of state to school unless the court says it is OK to do it. And be sure to get it in writing.

    Did your attorney not bring up your leaving state to go to school at the last hearing when you got probation?
  • Feb 21, 2006, 09:37 AM
    Hello becca:

    I must echo what my compatriots have said, and let me add, that I am floored by your question.

    I suppose that you have NOT read your terms of probation. I don't know why. Do you play monopoly without knowing the rules? Do you think they don't matter? Do you think the people who are going to catch you breaking the rules are going to be nice? Were they nice when they busted you?

    And, if you DID read the rules, why would you risk YEARS of incarceration by purposely breaking them?

    I've met people like you in the slam. They're probation officer was a jerk and that's why they got violated. Yeah, right.

  • Feb 21, 2006, 01:18 PM
    Yes, as many know I worked with the Prison system for many years, you know almost every person who violated his probation was a choir boy who was sitting in church when the probation officer violated him.

    Really most was for the silliest stuff as for as the person should have known better, in bar if they are not suppose to be in a bar, curfew if they had one.
    The fools with the ankle braclets were the real fun ones, I thought I could get there and back without them knowing,

    And of course something I did not even tell excon before I don't think I used to have the pleasure of working for a bonding company helping to find misplaced and lost people who did not show up for court, off subject but they too always had an excuse, I forgot, I was working, my car broke down.
    So they just never called, did not show up late just did not go and figured heck no one will miss me.

    While excon may not believe it, a few probation officers may actually me nice guys, but most will be looking for a reason to write a report on you, to show their boss they are doing their job.

    So this is seroiuis, if you violate your probation the rest of your probation years will be served back in prison. And I am sure excon and I can tell you good ways to clean uniforms and press them under the matteress, and other needed skills.
  • Feb 23, 2006, 10:16 PM
    I don't know what state you are in, but in many states the probation officers are actually contract workers.

    The company makes money from collecting the fines, penalties, blood/urine screens. If you go to jail, they don't get any money.

    My son-in-law is a county probation officer. He said they are almost stricter with the misdemeanor probationers because the officers know they have a limited time with them. So the officers are perfectly happen to throw them in jail for (a) leaving the state without permission, (b) going to bars, (c) failing urine screens, (d) missed appointments, etc.

    Read your probation contract very, very carefully.
  • Feb 23, 2006, 10:37 PM
    We have city and misdemeano probatoin here also, but they can and will revoke probatoin also. It has to do with the contract with the city or county, if they don't report those that are not following the rules, they are subject to lose their contracts.

    But with them they do the majority of traffic tickets (ifyou don't have money to pay the fine, you go on their probation with high monthly fees to be on probation)
  • Nov 23, 2010, 12:43 PM
    Yeah, it's always safe to read your probation requirements. Otherwise, if the thing that you are about to do is not mentioned as a probable violation, then there is nothing to fear.

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