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  • Mar 6, 2009, 08:37 AM
    Puppy Hiccuping
    She gets the hiccups all the time. She's an 8-week-old Staffordshire Terrier.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 12:26 AM

    Interesting question. My puppy sometimes gets the hiccups when he's excited, but they're fairly mild, and they usually don't last very long. I'd say they'll usually go away on their own after a minute or two. I've also found that calming him, lightly patting his back, or even bouncing him a little bit like a baby can also help, but I might be fooling myself into thinking that those things are doing anything other than keeping him distracted. ;)

    Do your puppy's hiccups last a long time? Have you been able to identify any situations in which they're more likely to arise? Does she look uncomfortable? It's probably as harmless as hiccups are to us, I'd also be curious to find out more.
  • Mar 7, 2009, 01:30 AM
    Aha! Here we go. Bless the internet.

    dog hiccups

    Dog hiccups

    Any canine owner will probably at some stage have heard dog hiccups. It is quite common, particularly puppies, for dog hiccups to occur, they get them just like people. A spasm in the diaphragm pulls air abruptly into the lungs. The sudden rush of air can move the vocal cords creating the familiar sound. Dog hiccups can come in rapid succession or have long delays in between. They can last for a few minutes or even longer. In general, dog hiccups are minor and usually go away on their own.

    The hiccups can be caused by what your dog ate or drank, some minor stomach disorder or stress. If your dog hiccups all day, then it would be wise to contact the local veterinarian. Dog hiccups can be exhausting for the animal and, in rare cases, could be a symptom of a more serious disorder. It has been suggested that hiccups in dogs - and humans for that matter - represent a primitive reflex similar to that of the opening and closing of gills in some lower vertebrate animals.
  • Mar 8, 2009, 10:27 AM

    Its been my experience that most puppies get hiccups. Its one of those cute things that goes along with puppy breath and puppy dreams that they generally grow out of all too soon.
  • Mar 8, 2009, 05:21 PM

    Aw, thanks for the answers guys!!
  • Mar 8, 2009, 05:30 PM

    One of my dogs constantly got the hiccups as a pup, often when he got herself too excited. She mostly outgrew the hiccups, but now when she is excited or annoyed she'll breathe in little puffs with her mouth barely opening and closing and it sounds like a popping sound like if we were to repeat the "pah" sound. It sounds hilarious.
  • Mar 8, 2009, 06:52 PM

    Our Chewy still gets the hiccups and he's 6 months old now. He also still whimpers, whines, howls and barks in his sleep.

    Enjoy it while it lasts, soon you'll be wishing he was still that little. :)
  • Mar 10, 2009, 09:30 AM

    I know!! She's getting SO big. She's gained 5 pounds in two weeks!! I think she mostly gets them when she scarfs her food.
  • Mar 25, 2009, 02:36 PM
    I love all the little quarks that come with the puppy stages. The hiccups, the puppy breath, the whimpering/whining/yellping and even growling in their sleep. I know all to well how fast puppies grow. We have a 14 week old Rottweiler puppy who grown an average or 2.5 lbs every 3 days... he's getting so big so fast... I just want him to stay little:D
  • Mar 25, 2009, 11:49 PM

    I know. I wish she would stay little. She's now 10 weeks and 20 pounds!

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