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  • May 10, 2015, 05:21 PM
    Invisible tiny flying insects
    I to have these tiny biting insects.I have tried everything to get them out of my house and off me.I agree you can see them come off me in the sunshine they form a group and start spinning.spinning. Ive had this hell for 4 yrs,and I clean pools daily so you see the problem.I think other bugs land on me as I think there eating these tiny insects I also have them everywhere home clothes car etc.I almost have given up hope till I seen a news report that had people on it that has them to .So I know I'm not crazy at least, after they aired report they received thousands of emails,from people having the same thing ,if you to watch go on you tube and type in "SUPER SCABIES AND BODY BUGS' its about 7min long, someone needs to find the cure for this,as I'm sure some people have committed suicide over this HELP
  • May 10, 2015, 06:13 PM
    Sounds like the poolhouse(s) has some drainage issues. Several species of midge love to habitate around pools.

    Biting Midges | Public Health and Medical Entomology | Purdue | Biology | Entomology | Insects | Ticks | Diseases | Monitoring | Control | Hot Topics | Agriculture | Extension
  • May 10, 2015, 07:49 PM
    I agree with Catsmine. Here's what you need to do.

    Is your home clean? If no. then start a general cleaning, maybe that's all you need to get rid of these invisible tiny flying insects

    Is your drainage system working? If not? Then fix your drainage system, ask local help for this if it's a major drainage you have next to your house.

    Do you have a pet? Dogs and cats are sometimes the carrier of these tiny biting insects and they're very awful. Check your pets regularly if they have these insects under their fur.
  • May 11, 2015, 03:33 AM

    Originally Posted by alannahmvw View Post
    Is your home clean? If no. then start a general cleaning, maybe that's all you need to get rid of these invisible tiny flying insects

    Is your drainage system working? If not? Then fix your drainage system, ask local help for this if it's a major drainage you have next to your house.

    Do you have a pet? Dogs and cats are sometimes the carrier of these tiny biting insects and they're very awful. Check your pets regularly if they have these insects under their fur.

    Good general advice, but I don't see how it applies to flalon's question. Please go a little deeper.

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