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  • Mar 4, 2008, 03:01 PM
    love is abby
    I need calm nerves!
    Okay, I'm going on a casting call tommarrow for a raymour & flannigan commercial but, I'm EXTREMELY nervous. PLEASE help me calm my nerves! I'm great with everything like knowing my lines, but once I get in front of everyone, I forget. HELP?
  • Mar 5, 2008, 02:27 AM
    You know your lines. Focus on something in the room other than people when you recite your lines. Envision yourself being successful and getting the part. If there is time, you might like to try practicing what you will have to recite in front of some friends before you audition. I do wish you well in your audition!
  • Mar 11, 2008, 05:09 AM
    I am wondering how your casting call went? Thanks!
  • Mar 12, 2008, 12:32 PM
    love is abby
    Well, I didn't get it, but ithink it was a great exsperience!
  • Mar 13, 2008, 12:51 AM
    Yes, I'm sure that it was a great experience, love is abby! Thank you also for having such a positive attitude, even though you didn't get it. "It is better to have tried and failed than to have failed to try."

    Consider it as practice for the next one for which you will try-out. Some people, even though they have secure jobs, apply for jobs and interview for them just to keep in practice.

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