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  • Apr 4, 2013, 08:36 AM
    Right wing moving FURTHER right 2.0

    Nationally, the GOP is reconsidering how it should approach people who were disaffected by them during the last election. Primarily, that would be women and people of color... Yet, on the STATE level, the GOP is disaffecting them even HARDER.

    Irrespective of the long waiting times for people to vote, 30 state legislatures have enacted laws to make it even HARDER. Those same state legislatures are virtually, and unconstitutionally, ELIMINATING abortion in their state.

    The war on women and people of color (I MEAN the disaffection of people), CONTINUES.

    What's the end game? Will there be abortion? Will there be easy voting?

  • Apr 4, 2013, 08:38 AM
    How about taking a look at your own side... that if they go any further left... they are going to come back around as the far right.
  • Apr 4, 2013, 10:31 AM
    Damn, if only we had taxpayer money that should be used for cancer research to smear liberals we might get somewhere.
  • Apr 4, 2013, 11:27 AM
    Long lines and long waits were the rare exception, and usually occurred in early voting sites, and not on election day. That is because the Dems pumped and promoted early voting .So on the 1st day of early voting there were long lines in urban areas. The President in his SOTU address higlighted Desiline Victor ,an 80+ woman who stood in line for six hours But Zero omitted that she voted on the first day of a seven day early voting period.Had she chose another day ,including election day ,she would not have waited that long. The main reason for this of course is that there are FEWER early voting locations open than on election day. Most communities uses school auditoriums ,libraries that are closed on election day as their polling place. Obviously you can't shut them down for a week or more during the early voting period. To call long lines at early voting locations an attempt at voter repression is a patently absurd notion.
  • Apr 4, 2013, 11:38 AM

    Those same state legislatures are virtually, and unconstitutionally, ELIMINATING abortion in their state.
    There is nothing unconstitutional in their actions .Roe v. Wade found that states have a “compelling” interest in protecting a fetus that “presumably has the capability of meaningful life outside the mother's womb.”
    The problem here is that the science has advanced and we now know that those babies have the capacity of meaningful life outside the womb(aka viability ) at a much earlier age than was imagined in 1973. The flaws of the Roe ruling are catching up with it.
  • Apr 4, 2013, 11:59 AM
    Funny how if the woman kills the fetus... its "her right"

    But if another person does something that results in killing that same fetus... its called murder.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 08:38 AM
    The hypocrisy is eliminating poor women choices, as well to do and upper income woman have the resoures and options that are not affected by this debate at all. Again the issue is not abortion, but poverty. We all share blame in a system that allows poverty to grow when the ecomomy struggles because of poor circulation.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 08:45 AM
    47 million people on food stamps, 20 million people out of work, or working part-time with no benefits, gas and food prices doubling every 3 years since Obama became President, and no jobs to speak of for college graduates. In 2010, 11, and 12, less than half of all college graduates found jobs, many just part-time.
    Democrats gave 6 Trillion dollars, almost, to Big Banks CEO's, and have nothing to show for it. Now, Obama and the Dems want to give mortgages to those who can't afford them, just like what started all the recessions in the first place.
    Over half the people in America now like being "taken care of" by the Big Federal Gov't. with unemployment money being given way past the original 22 weeks.
    Sure, they will vote Democrat, cause they like it... not having to work and still draw money!
    Unless the Republicans can come up with some way to create jobs, without Democrat interference, America is lost.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 08:54 AM
    1 Attachment(s)
    Hello fred:

    George Bush broke economy. It was almost as bad as the great depression.. Some right wingers think we can just bounce back from that. Others know it takes some doing.

    It HELPS if you have a congress willing to participate, but Obama has been met with pure obstructionism. Nonetheless, as the chart shows, he's done pretty good.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 09:00 AM
    1 Attachment(s)

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    The hypocracy is eliminating poor women choices, as well to do and upper income woman have the resoures and options that are not affected by this debate at all. Again the issue is not abortion, but poverty. We all share blame in a system that allows poverty to grow when the ecomomy struggles because of poor circulation.

    Blah, blah, blah, I'm sick of hearing you guys talk about choices, you only defend the choice you agree with.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 09:24 AM
    Generally I defend the your right to your choices.
  • Apr 5, 2013, 09:31 AM
    Perhaps you should teach that principle to others.
  • Apr 6, 2013, 05:22 AM
    The right wing doesn't have to move at all, the federal government is simply declaring it so. The Department of Defense now classifies evangelical Christians and Catholics as "religious extremists" alongside al qaeda. But hey, aren't there more than quite a few liberal evangelicals and Catholics? Didn't know you were akin to al qaeda did you?

    DoD labels Catholics and evangelical protestants 'extreme' | Washington Free Beacon
  • Apr 6, 2013, 06:59 AM

    “Religious extremism is not limited to any single religion, ethnic group, or region of the world,” the slide explains, in language that closely resembles the text of a Wikipedia page on “extremism.”
    You may as well read the whole thing before you take the authors opinion as fact.


    Extremism is a complex phenomenon; it is defined as beliefs, attitudes, feelings, actions, or
    Strategies of a character far removed from the “ordinary.” Because “ordinary” is subjective,
    No religious group would label itself extreme or its doctrine “extremism.” However,
    Religious extremism is not limited to any single religion, ethnic group, or region of the
    World; every religion has some followers that believe that their beliefs, customs and
    Traditions are the only “right way” and that all others are practicing their faith the “wrong
    Way,” seeing and believing that their faith/religion superior to all others.
    Pretty obvious the DOD presentation was specific enough as not to include all protestants, or catholics so why is the author getting his panties in a bunch? Why would you even say the DOD meant ALL you religious types?
  • Apr 6, 2013, 07:20 AM
    Hello Steve:

    Do you think extremists KNOW they're extremists?? I don't think they do. I think THEY think they're patriots. Let's take your side for a minute... In terms of guns, there's a viewpoint among some, that they NEED their guns to FORCE a solution on America that can't be won at the ballot box. That's EXACTLY what Sharron Angle meant, when she spoke of using her second Amendment remedies...

    It's true, she lost.. But, she DID win the Republican nomination, so her views are held by LOTS of right wingers. It may EVEN be held by you. In any case, I promise you that NONE of those people think they're extremists, yet they're UNBELIEVABLY extreme. They're an RCH away from being Tim McVey type extremists..

  • Apr 6, 2013, 07:56 AM
    An Army spokesperson said the presentation “was produced by an individual without anyone in the chain of command's knowledge or permission.” The Army removed the offending slide after receiving complaints.

    The person responsible for the presentation, the spokesperson said, “was not a subject matter expert, and produced the material after conducting Internet research.”

    Huh?? Someone who is not an expert in the subject is preparing slide presentations for Army Reservists about potential domestic terrorists ?
    Why don't I buy that line ?
  • Apr 6, 2013, 08:08 AM
    I don't buy it either. Bad enough that embellishment changes the whole intent, and purpose but even worse when it's a call to action for the nut job crowd.
  • Apr 6, 2013, 08:25 AM
    Tal don't get me wrong.. there is zero justification for the grouping... it was more a Sesame Street exercise in which of these groups do NOT belong... put together by someone that must have had an agenda ( the same types that smear conservatives as potential domestic terrorists ) . I just don't buy that someone responsible in the DOD chain of command had NO knowledge of the presentation ,or it's contents ,until it was called out.
  • Apr 6, 2013, 09:02 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello Steve:

    Do you think extremists KNOW they're extremists??? I don't think they do. I think THEY think they're patriots. Let's take your side for a minute... In terms of guns, there's a viewpoint among some, that they NEED their guns to FORCE a solution on America that can't be won at the ballot box. That's EXACTLY what Sharron Angle meant, when she spoke of using her second Amendment remedies...

    It's true, she lost.. But, she DID win the Republican nomination, so her views are held by LOTS of right wingers. It may EVEN be held by you. In any case, I promise you that NONE of those people think they're extremists, yet they're UNBELIEVABLY extreme. They're an RCH away from being Tim McVey type extremists..


    Yes, by all means we need liberal idiots to label us all. And I thought libs hated profiling. This is stupid and irresponsible, not to mention 'extremely' divisive.
  • Apr 6, 2013, 09:39 AM
    Hello again, Steve:

    Touched a nerve, huh? Does it make it better that I think I'm an extremist too? As quickly as you'd take up arms against tyranny, is as quickly as I would. We just don't agree on what's tyranny.


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