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  • Feb 24, 2006, 09:51 AM
    African American People
    What are you using to lighten your skin?

    ... What has worked for you

    Chemical peels?
    Pills? or aLL three?

    What worked BEST for you? PLEASE let me know
  • Feb 24, 2006, 03:04 PM
    Monica, I am Nigerian with much harsher climate than yours and the sun does not like lightening products.However, since you are American, you can use a cream that contains a citrus ligthening complex like black opal fade gel, it doesn't aggravate menalin too much.If on the other hand you want to maintain a glowing natural complexion, use vitamin E lotion at night and a cream containing svp30 in the morning,like clarins lotion.Stay away from pills girl.
  • Feb 25, 2006, 06:31 PM
    Very informative info Nonso!
  • Feb 26, 2006, 03:08 PM
    Have you tried Makari? Check it out at
  • Feb 26, 2006, 04:17 PM
    Nope. I hear A LOT about that a F&F though. I just wanted to know if there is anything Stronger out there.

    But I guess its either that or Monobenzone..
  • Apr 21, 2006, 07:19 PM
    I have had a chemical peel and it didn't really lighten my skin much. Id say a half a shade. But it did make my skin a smoother texture. I Have used hydroquinone 6% on my body and like 4% on my face. It works really fast but u can only get it from a dermatologist
  • Apr 22, 2006, 11:38 AM
    How fast did you lighten from it? How many shades lighter?
  • Apr 23, 2006, 05:50 PM
    I noticed my body lightened about 1 and a half to 2 shades in a week. My face and neck I think was about the same. My neck use to be very dark compared to my face and when I finished it was all the same color and very smooth.
  • Apr 25, 2006, 03:29 PM
    The 6% you used on your body that you got from your dermatologist, how big was it? Was it enough to last you a couple of weeks? How dark were you at first?
  • Apr 25, 2006, 03:46 PM
    The 6% I got, like I said I don't want to advertise so if you want to know just send me an message or let me know and we can speak in private. Im a dark-skinned african american. Not burnt. But I have a carribean/native american complexion I can't describe my complexion and compare it to a celeb because not a lot of people have my complexion. My face has many different colors on it. Very dark on my forehead and cheeks. When I was done with the 2oz cream for the face and neck were completely even from what I remember. The 6% that I used on my body lightened me really fast I saw a difference in a week. But I just started to use it again today so I have to start over and I look forward to the results. The 6% comes in 2oz and 4oz. I always order the 2oz because as you may imagine they are very expensive. As long as you don't over do the 2oz it prob last a month the 4oz maybe a little longer. I found out you can order there stuff over the phone.. so if you are interested let me know. I also know of a skin spa in los angeles and the facial lightened me about 3 shades immediately. They have other locations in California and I think one in Georgia. When you are ready... contact me
  • Apr 26, 2006, 02:28 PM

    What's the name of this skin spa. How many times did you have to go there for 3 shades lightening,
  • Apr 28, 2006, 09:20 AM
    Hi Nonso,

    I read your reply to Monica. When you say pills, what are you referring to? Whitening pills? Please confirm. I am not about to take those though but I know an aunt of mine who takes them. She's been convincing me to, but I am mindful of the fact that I have not been well informed about the whitening pills.
    Mis candy
  • Apr 28, 2006, 09:27 AM

    Do you happen to know of what ingredients were used or products for the facial? I live in London at the moment even though am from California and the weather here is not agreeing with my skin. I've tried everything I know of... well, maybe there's something I've not tried yet.

    I have thought of trying a japanese spa because I hear they do a great job but London's been very tough as they are not really keen on skin lightening.
    Please advice.
  • Apr 28, 2006, 09:54 AM
    No they just say skin lightening enzymes... I have no idea but what ever it was made my face like 2 to 3 shades lighter instantly
  • Aug 12, 2006, 12:14 AM
    Ok, I hate to give away secrets! I am selfish and I like to keep things to myself. But, I will do this once and for all share my lightening secrets. And, let me tell you my secret works and works big time. It's not a lie, a wish and a dream or painful disaster.

    One of the main keys to skin lightening is not to put a lot of water of your skin which for African American skin it dries it out and darkens it. Also, lotion darkens african american skin vs. creams. Use cream products and never lotions. Trust me on this, even Godiva sent out emails about this to their customers about waters effect on skin lightening. Just wash your main body parts lol and leave your skin alone and give it a break...

    The products I use to lighten blemishes which have riddle my body also lightens my skin severely when I use them that is I don't use them often because I would be much much lighter than I am and besides I have like 3 jobs so I get lazy too. Besides I love my brown skin, I don't want to be light or dark just me. Though, I think light and dark skin is beautiful, too. I am Toni Braxtons comlexion. My regimen works for mainly brown and deeper (really dark skin) AFr. Americans so read this with happiness. Because my regimen works, I promise:

    Products I use:

    Body Lightening

    Godiva Lightening Cream (I use this at night)

    Women of Color Brightening Lotion (folks this is going to shock you available at Walgreens made by the well known rich Dr. Jan Adams Plastic Surgeon) It has built in sunscreen and I use it in the daytime year round

    Carotein Nourishing Fairness Cream (It stinks so bad that I know it hurts it's business and people will probably not want to use it after get the first whiff of it. Plus, I am honestly concerned as to who the real makers of this product is but it works amazingly. It can be found at However, warning other products are junk trust me the rest of them not matter how good they sound don't work... Period! I use this once to twice a week on my skin because it stinks so bad. If it was scentless they would sell like hot cakes. But the smell is so bad you may be turned off by its skin lightening power. Great for scars and stretch marks. It is like a Geenie in a bottle! Recommend that you use this only at night!

    MD Forte Gycolic Acid Body Cream and I use it with C.O. Bigelows Lemon Body Cream on weekends to purify and super sook brightness into my skin first I use the Gycolic Acid then I put the Lemon Body cream on about 4 hours later. Only do this on weekends. Recommend that you use this at home and that you stay out of direct sunlight. Sunlight will effect these products potency.

    Every other week on weekends I may use Physican Formula Collagen cream on my entire body. Comes in a kind of small jar for about 6 or 7 bucks found at most drug stores. Such as It helps to condition and brighten skin. Trust me collagen help lightening products work better and it brings a brightness and glow to AA skin! Makes it as soft as Carmen Jones, honey! LOL You must get this particular product and use it in exchange of the other products I listed occasionally to maintain health moisture. I call it this because AFr. American skin needs this and it helps the lightening products and make skin like velvet! Sometimes, using this after or before the Lemon body cream is good, too!

    For cleaning skin:

    I take a bath everyday, lol, but I don't dry my body skin with water everyday. . I know this sounds crazy but stay fresh where it counts and skip harshness on other areas where you stay fresh most of time anyway... Get it! At least, 2-3 days a week skip skin washing... lol Body washing important areas is another issue! Get it!


    Body Cleansing

    You know the rave in Asia as you may hear is Likas papaya soap it works for me but it is to drying. I have extremely, extremely, extremely, extremely, dry skin! And, I was born with eczema. So, by accident I found the best darn Papaya lightening soap that has a built in moisturizer cold cream! Cold Cream is the best skin softener on the planet. This soap is made in Mexico. It is called Grisi Papaya Soap. Usually, found at Walmart or Mexican Stores. Honey you will think you have found some kind of Magic Lightener it works that darn good! Honey, it works darn good by itself.

    Black opal products usually suck to me. Nothing they have works except for their Black Opal daily fade cleanser. It was made for the face but does not agree w/ my face but honey put that stuff on your body and you'll be singing "Whose Bad?" LOL Get it! CAn be found at various online stores including Walgreens. I hope Black opal doesn't change the ingredients in this product because they have a tendency to keep reinventing their products. This one however needs no help! It works so darn good it moisturizes and lightens you at the same time.

    Last but certainly not least when you have that pigment that just is stuborn use Fair & White AHA 2 soap. Can be found at among tons of other places. Other fair & white products doing nothing at all. Believe except maybe for their Black soap which pretty nice. But I don't use it. But, I might start doing so. It's very exfoliating and it is prickly like a porcupine but worth it folks trust me.

    There it is folks. Watch after 6 weeks of this and you will be saying who am I? Guarantee it!

    An update to my skin lightening diet. Please make sure that you only use the Physicans Formula Collagen cream no more than 2 times a month. Or, in place of that you can use Ponds Dry skin cream all over your body if your skin is really, really, really dry like mine's.

    Plus, it cost less!

    I am going to try 3 other new lightening cream products and tell you how they are soon.

    They are nivea, jioali, and biolink products. I haven't bought because my solution works so there is no need to. However, I am curious as to what they do. Since, I heard green papaya is good for you!

    I have added additional info onto my original post at the bottom that is important. I have received emails privately and unfortunately I am not able to open them so don't think that I am overlooking your emails personally. Try emailing again?? Maybe it will work the second time.

    Also, I forgot to state this:

    In six weeks with this regimen you should be a half to a full shade lighter. Remember avoid water as much as possible. In 3 months you should be 1- 2 shades lighter. Around about 5 to 6 months you should be a total of 1 or 2 1/2 shades lighter.
  • Aug 30, 2006, 12:28 PM
    OK ladies the latest on skin lightening products... check the website of the Federal Drug Administration (FDA)... skin lightening is bad for the skin... site will address your concerns
  • Aug 30, 2006, 01:25 PM
    Hi realsweet I am really intersted in getting the 6% body whitening cream can you help me get. I am a black women I have very dark brown skin. I have used whitening creams such as fair and white it did lighten my face but not my body so my face was light and my body still black I looked awful thank you very much
  • Sep 4, 2006, 12:06 AM
    Women of color body lotion at Walgreens works wonders for me. Made by the Plastic Surgeon.
  • Sep 18, 2006, 08:11 PM
    I am not really clear on something. When people are saying they want to lighten their skin, are you talking about making your entire face lighter? Why would you want to do this?? I just want to get some spots lighter so they blend in more.
  • Oct 27, 2006, 07:11 PM
    No, I just want to even my skin. I had long time ago scars, marks, acne severely on my back and my stomach is darker than the rest of my body. In fact, my whole entire backside from neck to back of my legs is darker than my front. LOL So, yeah, I want to lighten my skin because I tried darkening my front but its not working. It just made my body even more uneven. Dearie believe me if you have my uneveness you would go to such drastic measures too!

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