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  • Dec 8, 2008, 12:09 AM
    Social Anxiety
    For as long as I can remember I haven't been comfortable around other people. Its almost impossible for me to relax unless Im alone or with one or two other people that I know really well. Im a 17 and in high school, so pretty much around people all the time. I don't really talk to people at school because I am too nervous.
    I have had a couple of friends for a long time but other than that I don't to many people. With my friends, they initiated the relationship. If they hadn't gone out of their way to talk to me, I would never have talked to them for been friends with them.
    I try to relax when Im around people, but it doesn't work and I always get stressed out. Oftentimes I will pick at the skin on my fingers and face when I get in class because I can't relax. I've got got a good appearance from a distance, but not so good when you notice the red marks/scars on my face. I really want to change my habbits, but I think now the only way for me to get rid of them is to deal with my anxiety.
    Any thoughs or suggestions wouild be great
  • Dec 8, 2008, 10:05 PM
    Maggie 3
    Your present character is made up of thoughts, beliefs, habits, entertained and formed by you in the past. There is an effective way to change it.
    You can learn that you have the power to change by changing your state of mind
    By using your imagination to establish a new set of ideas. To bring about reform in
    Our thinking is by the use of a strong affirmation to be repeated many time day and night
    Get it in your mind and believe it. "I AM HEALTHY,STRONG, YOUNG, POWERFUL, LOVING, HArMONIOUS, SUCCSSFUL, AND HAPPY." This is a very good, positive, constructive
    Way to inprove your thinking and life. You can become what you are thinking and
    Affirirming today. Any time a bad thought comes into your mind change it, don't think
    Bad thoughts or fearful thoughts they will defeat you .This is a change that must be
    Made. We choose what we think about and believe. This is the law for the living!

    Maggie 3
  • Dec 10, 2008, 06:48 AM

    What are the 'red spots' on you? Acne? Pimples? From where you pick at yourself?

    At 17 you are not too far from the 'normal' teen jitters I went through,social awkwardness.

    Learning yourself,self confidence,wanting more but not understanding how to get it.

    Are you working? A job make the awkwardness disappear in a positive way,your necessity to make money and peer pressure are great teachers,these two will go hand in hand for the rest of your life.

    What do you think is the most difficult thing for you to do?Dating?meeting new friends/other people?looking others in the eye during conversation?

    Any further discussion is welcome.

  • Dec 10, 2008, 08:16 PM

    You might find working through the 'cognitive therapy' exercises in this helpful for turning around negative thoughts:
    MoodGYM: Welcome

    MoodGYM has been designed with the needs of youth in mind and has won numerous awards.

    You might also consider seeing your doctor for a prescription of anti-depressants to temporarily calm your anxiety and start seeing a counsellor to work through your various concerns. It's difficult to deal with social anxiety issues on your own, so please continue to seek help where you can.

    Anything you want to continue sharing here is also welcome.

    Best wishes for now.
  • Oct 27, 2009, 08:29 AM

    Besides the therapy and medication routes, there isn't much else that can be done. I have social anxiety as well. I just keep forcing myself to be more social. I usually fail miserably, but I keep at it. Just keep putting yourself in situations that make you feel anxious. Get use to feeling anxious, that way it won't have as much of a grip on you as it did before.

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