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  • Feb 15, 2006, 02:34 PM
    Go to him or make him come to me?
    I met a guy a few weeks ago who asked me out. I thought he was cute and nice so I said yes. We tried to get together a few times but it just never happened. Then we made a date for him to meet up with us to double with my friend and her date. He never showed or called. He finally called the next night to tell me that he had left his phone at home (in another town) and could not call me because my number was in his cell (He had moved two days before our date and was back that weekend of our date to move his things). He apologized and swore that it was not intentional. He is now asking that I come to visit him about an hour away at his new place. My friends think I should make him come to me, but if I do that then who knows when it will be before he can make it back up here because he just started a new job. I want to go on and acutally go out with him so we can see if I want to be spending time on him or if I need to just move on to the next. Any suggestions?
  • Feb 15, 2006, 02:38 PM
    I think you should see if he'll meet you half way. Half hour from both cities. If he refuses, I don't think he wants to see you.
  • Feb 15, 2006, 02:44 PM
    Well the problem with that is that there really isn't much in-between. Where he has moved to is a place that I had told him that my friends and I like to go to clubs at but we don't go as often as we'd like because it's such a long drive back home. So the plan was that we could go and stay with him at his new place so we wouldn't have to drive home. I would be bringing a friend with me if I did go.
  • Feb 15, 2006, 02:49 PM
    Bring a friend and enjoy your time together with him. Do not go alone.
  • Feb 15, 2006, 02:59 PM
    In this situation, go for it... forget the games, meet up with the guy and see if he is even worth your efforts
  • Feb 15, 2006, 04:06 PM
    It looks like everyone else as posted my view too, you have got nothing to lose by going... I think it's a good idear that your taking a friend with you, don't go alone because you only just meet this guy, and HELL if he is a CREEP the only thing you will lose is a 1hr journey home...
  • Apr 18, 2006, 10:58 AM
    Thought I'd let anyone who happened to read this one that my friend and I did go and he ended up being a big fat jerk! He even asked another girl out while we were on our date and my friend busted him! So I was glad I went so I didn't have to waste another week waiting only :D to find out he was an ***.
  • Apr 18, 2006, 11:03 AM
    Good for you that you found out that early

    Good luck next time

    Millie :)
  • Apr 24, 2006, 07:42 PM
    Good thing you found out early on, it would really be bad if you went there several times and fell for him before you found out. Also very good to go with a friend, he could have been anybody.
  • Apr 25, 2006, 05:20 AM
    HI, DoodleBug,
    Hang in there. You will find a person who is just right for you. Life is full of surprises; some aren't so good sometimes! Best of luck.

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