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  • Aug 10, 2010, 02:18 PM
    I have used the mono cream
    I have used the mono cream which was mixed already and seriouslyyyy It did work and did not leave patches...

    Finally something that worked...

  • Aug 10, 2010, 02:32 PM

    Where you're buying your mono from?
    Its for Vitiligo you know?
    Please read if you do not have vitiligo stop using it
    Skin bleaching with monobenzone
  • Aug 10, 2010, 02:35 PM

    That's the monobenzone powder and some fakers sell it too which they say is mixed with good oils.

    Mine did work!
  • Aug 10, 2010, 02:56 PM

    Im curious to know how long you have been using it? I am also using mono cream but its only been 2 days so I can't really say if its working yet.
  • Aug 11, 2010, 02:42 AM

    I have used it for almost 6 weeks and it did work! You do get a very dry skin, but that goes away after you stop using the cream
  • Aug 11, 2010, 06:16 AM
    What was your before and after colour?

  • Aug 11, 2010, 08:16 AM

    Originally Posted by fairskin_4u View Post
    Thats the monobenzone powder and some fakers sell it too which they say is mixed with good oils.

    Mine did work !!

    Where you're buying your mono from?
    I'm looking for a reliable suplliers. Please share your source.
  • Aug 11, 2010, 08:43 AM

    Yeah, I think that it would take at least a couple of months to start seeing anything. And, you will get very dry skin unless you add some sort of moisturizer into your mix.
  • Aug 11, 2010, 08:48 AM

    My before skin was dark and now I am fair :)

    You can go as far as you want. The longer you will use it, the fairer you will get.

    I am the reliable souce myself. I used it and now want to help all others that are going through what I experienced.
  • Aug 11, 2010, 09:35 AM
    Fair as in which celeb?
    Dark as in which celeb?
  • Aug 11, 2010, 09:44 AM

    Dark as: Will smith, eddy murphy
    Fair as: Rihanna
  • Aug 11, 2010, 11:51 AM

    Fair, mono will not make you as light as you "want to be". It is a depigmentation chemical that completely kills the melanocytes of the skin and you will end up white or pale without any pigment. It will cause patches. So, I wonder if you were really using mono cause if so, you can't just stop without some sort of patch. I feel that you may be misleading people. Mono is very serious and is not some skin lightener.
  • Aug 11, 2010, 11:52 AM

    Also, post pictures for us to see.
  • Aug 11, 2010, 04:33 PM

    Fair, what you are saying is impossible. There is no way that you could become "fair" after 6 weeks from eddy murphy to rihanna skin color.

    Lol I believe you are a seller and a bad one at that.

    Mono is for depigmenting and you can get patches because that is the way that it works. I know this already and am using it anyway. People need to know the truth before using it.

    I would not buy it from you because you are not all that educated about the chemical. I hope everyone else can see that.
  • Aug 12, 2010, 03:38 AM

    Tsk tsk sunlight.. This is not true. I have used it from good supllier and it did not creat patches. I have said it many times... The powder creates the patches and not the mixed cream I have used.

    I am not educated about the cream?? I am a user of the cream not the maker! Jesus!! Do you read my posts?
    My dear your using HQ.. that will make you skin thin and damage your liver... how I not that, because I used that tooo... You should stop fooling yourself and others!!

    Of becoming light as rihanna. Yes I did. The cream was mixed. Yes, It will detroy your melanin forever. I have not disagreed with that. This is true. It will make you fair forever. But that is the persons choice.

    Everybody here is already using lightning products. So what is wrong with guiding someone to the right product?
  • Aug 12, 2010, 05:12 AM

    Fair, what you are saying isn't making sense. I'm sure the "good supplier" that you bought your cream from had to use mono powder to make the mix. Everyone does, even pharmacies. So don't tell us that only powder causes patches. That is not true! So if you are just the "user of the cream not the maker" how do you know what is in it? With mono, you will not go from Eddie Murphy's complexion to Rihanna in just 6wks. So, I think you are a seller and I have an idea you RR. So, please stop misleading people. It's okay if you want to guide people to the right products, but don't lie about results with mono cause it is extremely serious. It will cause patches and some people will have severe ones. You just never know how it will affect the body.
  • Aug 12, 2010, 05:19 AM

    People are using pure mono powder... Off course in the cream I am using is mono powder, but the pharamcy knows how much they have to put in it and how to mix it. We don't sweety!

    They deleted my post in which I said. I don't know how it will react on everybodies skin.. I used and told my experience... thats all!

    I wanted that too, that someone who used it at least told the truth... Now I am telling my experience..

    Rihanna is not white.. but olive... and I got that...

    Its up to everybody themselves.. I was new and don't share my stories normally.. Just wanted to let you know..

    Again don't use HQ and pure Mono.. and don't trust those fake suplliers.. there are many of them
  • Aug 12, 2010, 07:56 AM

    Oh God! The forum has been totally hijacked by Mono users and to be mono users... those of us who are not interested in using Mono are now hanging because there isn't much to read about!
  • Aug 12, 2010, 02:56 PM

    Fair, the bottom line is that monobenzone no matter which way you use it can cause patches. And speak for yourself when you say that "we" don't know how to mix mono. I do! I have done intensive research on monobenzone. I just don't want you coming on this forum giving people who know nothing about it and desperate, wrong information. As far as your experience, pictures are worth a thousand words. By the way, how is sells doing these days?
  • Aug 13, 2010, 04:06 AM

    Honestly, he mono sold by the company is doing very good all over the world!! They don't need me to promote it.. I just wanted to share the my experience with you guyz...

    Even if you have tons of research done.. you isn't a pharmacist.. looks like after research you think you can become a dokter lol

    I don't care about selling.. its not my company. Just started as a side promoter, because I found a good cream.. that did not gave me patches and the dermatologist and the director of the company guide me through the whole process... WHO DOES THAT AFTER SELLING HIS PRODUCT??

    Pic? No way man.. even then can't I make fake pictures, if I am a faker?? Strange things here

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