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  • Jan 12, 2021, 03:47 PM
    FLASH - McConnell Bails on Trump
    Senator Mitch McConnell, the Republican leader, has told associates that he believes President Trump committed impeachable offenses and that he is pleased that Democrats are moving to impeach him.

    The House is voting on Wednesday to formally charge Trump with inciting violence against the country.

    At the same time, Representative Kevin McCarthy of California, the minority leader and one of Trump’s most steadfast allies in Congress, is considering whether he should call on Trump to resign.

    All that's left for McConnell is to reconvene the Senate for the trial. Dem Senator Schumer has already called for that. Both are needed.
  • Jan 12, 2021, 04:08 PM
    Rats deserting a sinking ship, why didn't this happen immediately?
  • Jan 12, 2021, 04:31 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Rats deserting a sinking ship, why didn't this happen immediately?

    You answered your own question - McConnell and McCarthy are rats! Disgraces to the Irish, both.
  • Jan 12, 2021, 06:39 PM
    The turtle is mad that Trump's antics cost the Repubs the Senate . He's also one of those brave airline passengers who fly with their seatbelts on and then bravely removed them when the plane is safely on the tarmac taxiing to the terminal but not yet at a complete stop .

    The turtle did not mind riding Trump's coattails . While Trump ranted against the swamp critters ,he made a calculation to have an alliance with Mitch . Mitch benefitted from it with majorities in 2016 and 2018.
    He sees this as a great excuse not just to get rid of Trump ;but also "Trumpism" from the establishment RINO party . In that he and the other swamp critters from the other side of the aisle are in alliance
  • Jan 12, 2021, 09:17 PM
    That's the way the pendulum swings when pols have used each other up. Now for the tough votes the people can judge and decide who goes, and who stays.
  • Jan 13, 2021, 06:10 AM

    That's the way the pendulum swings when pols have used each other up.
    Just wait until you see the Dem factions devouring each other . The Squad is lurking just waiting for their chance to cancel Madam Mim
  • Jan 13, 2021, 01:59 PM
    remarkably resilient Madame Mim
  • Jan 14, 2021, 08:32 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Just wait until you see the Dem factions devouring each other . The Squad is lurking just waiting for their chance to cancel Madam Mim

    Nice try but repubs are the ones going through the identity crisis. Most are still scared witless of reprisals for bucking the dufus sycophants. 2022 is closer than you think.
  • Jan 14, 2021, 08:54 AM

    Nice try but repubs are the ones going through the identity crisis
    Only because the lefties are united against a common enemy ... Trump. But that ends Jan 20 and then the Squad et al will start demanding returns on their Faustian bargain of backing Quid .
  • Jan 14, 2021, 09:52 AM
    The dufus pushback will go far beyond the inauguration. Aiders and abettors beware.
  • Jan 14, 2021, 10:23 AM
    yeah I know .. that Stalinist purge awaits .
  • Jan 14, 2021, 12:02 PM
    It may be well justified in this case. You at least have to look at it closely and not just dismiss it as Stalinesque.
  • Jan 14, 2021, 12:11 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    But that ends Jan 20 and then the Squad et al will start demanding returns on their Faustian bargain of backing Quid .

    Absolutely amazing that a Republican supporter can talk about a Faustian bargain! Chutzpah personified.
  • Jan 14, 2021, 10:41 PM
    Yes well Joe was a faustian bargain
  • Jan 15, 2021, 06:31 AM

    1. talaniman Posts: 54,297, Reputation: 10853
      #10 Report

      Yesterday, 11:52 AM
      The dufus pushback will go far beyond the inauguration. Aiders and abettors beware. tomder55 Posts: 1,742, Reputation: 342
      Ultra Member
      #11 Report

      Yesterday, 12:23 PM
      yeah I know .. that Stalinist purge awaits . talaniman Posts: 54,297, Reputation: 10853
      #12 Report

      Yesterday, 02:02 PM
      It may be well justified in this case. You at least have to look at it closely and not just dismiss it as Stalinesque.

    nope it has been the left's dream to control thought and to criminalize thought they disagree with . It does not surprise me that it has come down to not only going after Trump ,but also after all involved . What are you planning ? Nuremburg ? Maoist reeducation camps for 72 million ?
  • Jan 15, 2021, 07:54 AM
    A bit over the top there Tom but the plan seems to be investigate the FACTS as has been done after every disaster we have faced and mitigate our losses. A challenge for sure given the right is still hollering foul over masks, money, elections and NO GUNS on the House floor.

    I think the real priority is vaccinate our way out of this covid recession myself, as we figure out what to do about our politics.
  • Jan 15, 2021, 03:05 PM
    you fellows love a good investigation. Investigate Hilliary, investigate Trump, when will the next witchhunt begin?
  • Jan 15, 2021, 04:09 PM
    Plenty of witches and beetches to investigate. We might even get good at it. Then we can teach you guys the fine points.
  • Jan 15, 2021, 04:33 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Plenty of witches and beetches to investigate. We might even get good at it. Then we can teach you guys the fine points.

    We don't need the fine points, we have a simple way of getting rid of unwanted leaders and politicians and our inquiries are to die for. You see you announce an inquiry and the subject has to stand down while it is conducted, a millstone and usually an end to the career
  • Jan 15, 2021, 05:35 PM
    The turtle got Mitch slapped . He was counting on a big wave of RINOs to stand by him. Turns out there were a total of 10 in the House. That is why he changed his mind about fast tracking the trial .Now he is not in any hurry and is punting it to the Schmuckster .

    The leader of the RINO revolt in the House ;Lynn Cheney now is facing being ousted from her prestigious leadership position in the GOP conference . All it would take is 20% of the Repub members signing a petition to bring her ouster to a vote .

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