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  • Nov 24, 2020, 10:21 AM
    Keep that gravy train running
    Quid appoints JFKerry has a special climate change envoy. Wondering how much of that Iranian tarmac money ended up in one of his family accounts ? As you know his son Chris Heinz was jointed at the hip with Hunter Biden in all the deals they made peddling their old man's influence.

    Last week Lurch was at the World Economic Forum where he said that the US would again join the Paris Climate agreement . But he said by itself it was not enough .He and other globalist socialists have been speaking of a " Great Reset "(I wonder if that comes with a red button?) Basically the Great Reset is the World Economic Forum's attempt to never let a crisis go to waste .

    They will seize on the economic crisis resulting from Covid 19 in a Cloward and Piven way to reshape the world economy ;specifically away from capitalism . Lurch said ;“The notion of a reset is more important than ever before,”..... “I personally believe…we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.”
  • Nov 24, 2020, 10:37 AM

    “I personally believe…we’re at the dawn of an extremely exciting time.”
    I'd certainly agree with that. Exciting in the same sense that earthquakes and tsunamis are exciting. We better get ready to develop some backbone.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 10:50 AM
    I hope Kerry will work towards undoing all the damage Trump has done and made plans to set into motion to despoil our beautiful wilderness and forest areas.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 10:56 AM
    You wingers should relax, catch your breath, and come down off the last few years of hyper foolishness. I know you won't since you and the dufus love a ruckus but that horse is dead for now.

    The dems already know they have a huge repub mess to correct, and it's not like they haven't done it before. Yeah Joe was there for that one so not like we aren't in reliable hands.

    Not that that reality will stop loony hollering, but who's listening?
  • Nov 24, 2020, 11:09 AM

    I hope Kerry will work towards undoing all the damage Trump has done and made plans to set into motion to despoil our beautiful wilderness and forest areas.
    Trump gave his support and blessing to one of the largest conservation initiatives in our time. The bill he signed allocates $9.5 billion to fix crumbling national park infrastructure and permanently funds the Land and Water Conservation Fund . (Great American Outdoors Act ) .

    He also last year signed the John D. Dingell Jr. Conservation, Management, and Recreation Act designating 1.3 million acres as wilderness ;expanded several national parks and established 4 new national monuments . That was the first public lands bill passed in a decade ie in the whole reign of the emperor not one pro conservation land management bill was passed .

    He also announced that the United States would join the 'One Trillion Trees Initiative 'to plant, conserve, and restore trees on American soil and around the world.

    In his 4 years the U.S. had the largest absolute decline of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions of any country in the world. That is due to our greater use of clean American natural gas .

    Quid would reverse that gain as well . But he and JFKerry will jet into Davos once a year and pretend they are making a difference.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 11:20 AM
    I doubt any of what you say Tom, but we are seeing the increasing use and development of more clean energy than ever before and not just NG. Oh I forgot, some of you don't have any sun, or wind so all you know is gas.

    Maybe we can speak of the good stuff the dufus does when everybody's ears stop ring from the hollering and we recover from his lying, cheating, stealing...and general chaos destroying the general peace with his big mouth.

    May be a while before the emotional dust settles from his reign of terror.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 11:23 AM

    but we are seeing the increasing use and development of more clean energy than ever before and not just NG
    Thank you for giving Mr. Trump his due credit.


    .like lying, cheating, stealing.
    It never fails to amuse me to listen to a Biden supporter complain about lying, cheating, and stealing.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 11:50 AM
    I'm hearing lefties talking about Quid being a new FDR .I don't see it . The man hasn't the energy . I expect he will try to coast through his 4 years and just pay back his many beneficiaries . But part of his deal to them was that he would appoint radicals like Alejandro Mayorkas who would pretty much leave the border wide open. His Sec State ran cover for Hunter Biden .Records show that Hunter requested a meeting with Anthony Blinken ;serving as Dept Sec State in the emperor's reign during the Burisma deal. But on top of that Blinken is another globalist and an interventionist . He wanted a more active US role in the Syrian civil war .
  • Nov 24, 2020, 11:56 AM
    Energy policies started long before the dufus, and Biden didn't inherit a good economy like the dufus did. I suppose it's your turn to bash the powers that be and that's fair. I enjoyed my turn to bash the powers that be at the time.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 11:59 AM
    I will give him credit He is appointing Janet Yellen as Sec Treasury . I give this credit only because Elizabeth Warren's name was floated for the job.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 12:01 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I'm hearing lefties talking about Quid being a new FDR .I don't see it . The man hasn't the energy . I expect he will try to coast through his 4 years and just pay back his many beneficiaries . But part of his deal to them was that he would appoint radicals like Alejandro Mayorkas who would pretty much leave the border wide open. His Sec State ran cover for Hunter Biden .Records show that Hunter requested a meeting with Anthony Blinken ;serving as Dept Sec State in the emperor's reign during the Burisma deal. But on top of that Blinken is another globalist and an interventionist . He wanted a more active US role in the Syrian civil war .

    I can forgive ideology for competence and hawk or no, they do have experience. Forgive e if I'm still thrilled we made the dufus a one term president and have a shot at making turtle face a minority leader.


    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I will give him credit He is appointing Janet Yellen as Sec Treasury . I give this credit only because Elizabeth Warren's name was floated for the job.

    Yellen is infinitely qualified. Attorney General is who I'm waiting to see.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 12:24 PM

    Yellen is infinitely qualified. Attorney General is who I'm waiting to see.
    I'm betting it will be one of the Russiagate conspirators . Since he is making it a point to checking off the pc boxes it will probably be Sally Yates .

    The thing is also he is keeping his powder dry until after the Jan Georgia Senate run off . So far he has appointed former Obot deep state swamp critters . I think his appeasing the All Out Crazies of the party will happen after then
  • Nov 24, 2020, 01:11 PM
    Favoritism, Cronyism, and Nepotism are a fact of life in politics, never more so than the outgoing administration.
    Now I wonder how many of Biden's cronies will be indicted for crimes and misdemeanors while pretending to run the country...
  • Nov 24, 2020, 01:25 PM

    Favoritism, Cronyism, and Nepotism are a fact of life in politics,
    They are a fact of life because people on message boards and elsewhere accept them as a fact of life, and so we don't insist on better.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 01:29 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    They are a fact of life because people on message boards and elsewhere accept them as a fact of life, and so we don't insist on better.

    What would your ideal government look like?
  • Nov 24, 2020, 01:34 PM
    Now that's a good question. My ideal fed govt. would confine itself to the five purposes outlined in the Preamble. Maintain court systems, domestic peace, national defense, provide for the GENERAL welfare, and preserve the amazing blessings of liberty for our children. We would use at least half of our brain and have balanced budgets. We would have sane tax policies. We would not take money from one American to give to another American who is mentally and physically healthy. Internationally we would largely mind our own business, and we would not waste our money supporting nations who do not spend sufficiently on their own defense.

    I guess that's a start. It's at least the major items, or at least I suppose it is.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 02:32 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I'm betting it will be one of the Russiagate conspirators . Since he is making it a point to checking off the pc boxes it will probably be Sally Yates .

    The thing is also he is keeping his powder dry until after the Jan Georgia Senate run off . So far he has appointed former Obot deep state swamp critters . I think his appeasing the All Out Crazies of the party will happen after then

    Yates is a good pick, but Jeh Johnson would be my choice. Biden appears to go for qualified experienced people and understandable many from The Obama era have his trust and confidence.


    Originally Posted by Curlyben View Post
    Favoritism, Cronyism, and Nepotism are a fact of life in politics, never more so than the outgoing administration.
    Now I wonder how many of Biden's cronies will be indicted for crimes and misdemeanors while pretending to run the country...

    Speaking of which the dufus better hurry and pardon himself before it's too late.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 02:38 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Now that's a good question. My ideal fed govt. would confine itself to the five purposes outlined in the Preamble. Maintain court systems, domestic peace, national defense, provide for the GENERAL welfare, and preserve the amazing blessings of liberty for our children.



    We would use at least half of our brain and have balanced budgets. We would have sane tax policies. We would not take money from one American to give to another American who is mentally and physically healthy. Internationally we would largely mind our own business, and we would not waste our money supporting nations who do not spend sufficiently on their own defense.

    I guess that's a start. It's at least the major items, or at least I suppose it is.
    We booted that guy out! Sorry, but I'll add equality to the list.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 02:58 PM
    I'm all for equality under the law, if that's what you are referring to.
  • Nov 24, 2020, 03:28 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I'm all for equality under the law, if that's what you are referring to.

    But we're all not equal.

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