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  • Dec 2, 2006, 07:59 PM
    Silver filling replacements
    I am in process of having all my silver (mercury) fillings removed and replaced. Has anyone had this done and seen an improvement in their health? I have a thyroid condition and hoping this heal the thyroid so I no longer will need to take thyroid medicine. Your thoughts/input would be appreciated. Thank you.
  • Dec 20, 2006, 11:31 PM

    Originally Posted by ladyandjan
    I am in process of having all my silver (mercury) fillings removed and replaced. Has anyone had this done and seen an improvement in their health? I have a thyroid condition and hoping this heal the thyroid so I no longer will need to take thyroid medicine. Your thoughts/input would be appreciated. Thank you.

    My research yielded nothing specific about recovery. Perhaps there are too many unknowns since the term "thyroid condition" is a bit vague. A physician familiar with the intricacies of your condition can best give you a recovery related answer. Here are some articles I found in relation to mercury poisoning.
  • Jan 14, 2007, 01:18 PM
    Be sure your dentist follows the proper protocol for silver/mercury removal. Actually, if they aren't familiar with the protocol, find another dentist. Should put in a rubber dam, give you oxygen (through your nose), and a big vacuum right at your mouth to suck up the mercury fumes. You may want to do a bit of reading, if you haven't already: Some good books: "Its all in your head" by Hal Huggins, "Mercury-Free Dentistry" by Sam Ziff, and "Solving the Puzzle of Mystery Syndromes, are your Amalgam Fillings The Missing Piece?"
    The last book mentioned is basically personal stories of hundreds of people who have been helped by mercury removal. There is a list of phone numbers of real people who wrote the stories in the book. It is published by

    Good Luck.

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